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Fly Postgres, Managed by Supabase (supabase.com)
292 points by samwillis 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 118 comments

hey hn, supabase ceo here

Fly's current Postgres offering is unmanaged, so we're working with them to run their managed offering. This is the same model that they run with the Upstash team for Fly Redis[0]

We're still working with testers to roll out HA features. We don't have firm timelines yet unfortunately, but we'll work with the Fly team to make it happen as soon as possible

I'll stick around for any questions/comments

[0] Redis: https://fly.io/docs/reference/redis/

Two awesome technologies / companies joining forces!

Supabase and Fly.io are awesome - can't wait to see how cool they can get together!

Interesting, why doesn't Fly offer their own managed services and move up-market like DigitalOcean and others (and of course, the big cloud players)? I haven't heard of other companies coming in to collaborate on managing the hosted version of other companies' unhosted service.

They're related but distinct problem spaces. Craig Kerstiens is somewhere else on this thread talking about the work that went into Heroku's Postgres. Paul Copplestone can give you an earful about how hard Supabase was to build. We can talk your ears off about orchestration and Anycast networking. These are all big problems; they're not just features.

I vividly remember hanging out on my back porch with Kurt as we were plotting out attached storage (we didn't even start out with storage!) and him telling me how hard it would be to replicate the kind of work Craig and Paul had done --- he'd know, after doing Compose.io! We had no illusions that we were going to provide that.

Instead, we charted out a halfway point: "automated" but not "managed" Postgres, which is almost (not quite) just an application you deploy on top of Fly.io. You can see from my sibling comment how well that went. A managed database practice monitors and intervenes with database clusters in ways a fire-and-forget automated system doesn't. If you don't do all that work --- a whole (huge) company's worth of work --- you break peoples expectations, and they question your pedigree on message boards. :)

just here to say i love how well you take criticism. increases trust a lot because you are self aware yet provide a lot of competency proof points. you dont need it but thank you for what you do.

Thank you! The team here gives us a lot to work with. Also: people dunking on us aren't wrong! We've made bets that represent particular spots on all sorts of reliability/predictability/performance/complexity axes. They are what they are, and it would be freaky if all of them paid off. We're wrong about some of this stuff. All we can do is be honest about what we're going for, and how that's going.

They lack the institutional DNA and culture for site reliability engineering. They have amazing system engineers and this is rather obvious from their blogposts. However their uptime numbers are frankly horrifying and in their support forums they spend a lot of time making customers do the work for them. They don't have the institutional culture to be running modern cloud infrastructure. Good engineers, terrible operators.

> However their uptime numbers are frankly horrifying and in their support forums they spend a lot of time making customers do the work for them

I really hope this improves. I love what they are doing but there's a reason my company elected to build out a custon deployment on aws. reliability is KING when you have paying customers. Until they bring those numbers up, they are only going to be good for hobby projects

I think you're being unfairly harsh. Looks to me like they're improving.

You used the lowercase, it's cool we're all friends here in your intro. Then reverted to correct casing for the remainder. Disarmed everyone with that sly move.

nice touch!

It is sort of funny that such an innocuous thing was all I could think about while reading it.

ha, I think I probably wrote "Fly" to keep their brand name and then continued in blog-writing mode as a result

Amazing, that was exactly my (only) reaction too.

Oh, this must be genuine, hip CEO who has disabled autocapitalisation (or fought it) and not bothered to capitalise anything anyone else with similar education level would ... Until the next paragraph!

If I am ever in such a position and make such a decision I hereby give anyone and everyone permission to berate me and point me back to this comment and I'll correct myself thenceforth.

you mock my capitalization and and in the same comment use "thenceforth". shame on you

Is there a less 'wordy' way to say that? 'From then on' is longer and worse to type. That matters to me more on (autocapitalising) mobile than it perhaps does otherwise.

I don't even really follow your point. Surely if I am 'too prescriptive' in wanting proper capitalisation, that is .. not exactly inconsistent with a 'wordy' choice of word anyway?

Based on insight I have gained from the deep corporate relationship that has grown between our firms I can say with some confidence that he is fucking with you.

If your goal is simply fewer bytes, I think you can leave out thenceforce and have a pretty similar meaning.

Mathematically speaking, 'henceforth' is shorter

And linguistically speaking, has different meaning.

Hi, what are your thoughts on distributed SQLite? Do you see it's becoming the default choice instead of pgs in future?

ThePrimeagen (dev YouTuber: https://youtube.com/@ThePrimeagen) talks about liking Turso quite a bit, which is built on SQLite. I haven’t tried it, but it sounds fun.


Nice job & congrats!

I looked into Supabase a while back but left confused on how to do a basic REST API. They auto-generate an API to interact with the tables you create which sounds neat, but like, where does the business logic live? I then checked out their edge functions but it wasn't clear if they are meant to be used that way since the examples are more oriented for tasks. Seems like I'm not understanding something simple here.

One thing to keep in mind which I found using Postgrest interface: you will end up having to put logic into stored procedures. The rest APIs are actually very convenient for aggregating data like joins, but I started to get stuck as soon as I wanted things like transactions. I also found that Row Level Security (RLS) for role based access was a chore and the developer experience of it left much to be desired.

If your DB needs are simple then the REST api is very convenient. But if you are planning anything of complexity then you'll have to bone up on your PL/pgsql or go for a regular db connection instead.

I'm really curious about more of your perspective on RLS: I spent most of my career on mobile and rely heavily on Supabase to give me server superpowers. RLS _seems_ really cool to me (just write a one liner to define access rules as simple as complex as you need!), but I'm guessing I'm missing something. Especially because I don't actually have users yet ;)

About the "as complex as you need": RLS can get slow very quickly for aggregate queries, and is hard to debug (since query planner doesn't work smoothly with RLS).

We have a dashboard that displays aggregated stats for our admin users, and we hit serious performance issues with ~600 users with our first implementation. This repo helped us: https://github.com/GaryAustin1/RLS-Performance

Thank you, that was really helpful and actionable: ex. I had stopped writing filters on queries recently if my RLS had it "built-in", easy to see now it's better for performance, and since it's better for safety anyway, why not do it?

Have a look at the supabase-community claims repo [1]. NOTE: this is for ACL type permissions where you want to provide granular access to a wide range of services.

This stuff is "really cool" but just keep in mind that it is pretty advanced. And exactly as another commenter noted in this thread, it is possible to destroy your performance if you need to join on other tables in an extended version of this kind of RLS policy.

In this repo, the logic is simply "if a claim exists on the JWT then grant access". But in a lot of cases you may want to do something like "if this user is an owner of <row in another table> then grant access". That can require a join to that other table. That logic can get even more complex, for example, you might want to say "allow the user access to this row if they are an owner of the project". So you have to do more work to join from a child table, to a project table, to the user table, etc.

These operations are in addition to any work you might be doing in the actual query that is executed. I have no idea if the query planner can recognize you are doing the same joins in the RLS as the main query and optimize that away. But at any rate, every single policy invocation (on every single query) will be executing this logic.

These are all considerations if you are planning more advanced access policies to your data. If all you need is a binary "can access"/"cannot access" then basic RLS policies may be fine. But once you get into even moderately complex scenarios your policies are likely to balloon in complexity and you'll be writing a fair amount of PL/pgsql and fighting with testing and validating.


Aren't these extended queries with joins simply a function of the granular access rules you are trying to enforce? In other words, the downside of RLS that you mention is that it can destroy performance if the rules get complex. But the upside is that those complex rules are available. So there is no "true" downside, since the downside that is mentioned is only a feature of using the upside. One can presumably use RLS in a way that does not make use of all the advanced features it offers, but also does not destroy performance.

Consider you have to do joins in the RLS for policy enforcement and you also have to do the same joins in your query for the business logic. One question is whether or not the query optimizer can recognize that the joins you do in the RLS are the same joins you are doing in your query, or if it will perform the subqueries multiple times.

The bigger downside, IMO, is the dev experience. They are hard to debug and to test their performance. Of course, everyone has a different bar for what they consider "hard", but if I start getting back result sets from the db that don't match my expectations, or if the performance isn't what I expect, I have to track down if the culprit is my query, the RLS or some combination of those. And while I am pretty confident with SQL, I am not so confident in PL/pgsql - which was the point of my original comment. You will have to get confident in that if you go down this route. You'll have to learn what amounts to a complete language but you won't have logging, a debugger, etc. just a rudimentary set of tools.

I'm not telling people not to do it - just warning them that the path passes through some thorny territory and you may get scratched up. It isn't all roses.

The business logic has to live somewhere, and it makes sense to me to start thinking of everything in terms of PL/pgSQL if you're building with Supabase, which I'm thinking of doing.

I suppose I would like to have the problem of having so many users that my app begins to get bogged down, so I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

The RLS stuff seems like a bonus that I can choose to use if I want to, and I was happy not having it before, so I'm planning to be careful about actually activating it in any projects going forward -- it would have to be a use-case that I thoroughly understand.

What about plv8? Write js in postgres! I tried it out once for a project of relatively low complexity for maintainability reasons, nobody else knew pl/pgsql. Worked great.

I'm sure it works fine, its just another thing to add to your stack (in some sense). Just a few days ago I saw a comment where a business owner was bragging about how his entire business was run on SQL stored procedures. He had made the technical decision to move all business logic into the database using triggers and stored procedures. That is certainly an option. Otherwise, you end up with a mix of business logic between your code and your database. This can cause confusion and can lead to hard-to-debug systems.

In that sense, if you are like the business owner who swears by SQL and making the database the core business-logic layer of your system, then you might even appreciate that Postgrest forces you do move that kind of logic into the database. It is just something to be aware of before you make the decision so you that you aren't surprised when it happens.

(supabase team)

you have a few options:

1. connect to Postgres like you do with any other Postgres database. Supabase is just postgres

2. connect to PostgREST, the autogenerated REST API that you mention

3. connect using Edge Functions (Deno)

Most people are fine with 1. You can use 2 & 3 if you want to, they are just another tool in the shed

core element is https://postgrest.org/en/stable/ . I use this in production in large corporate projects on k8s. For a large number of use cases you can put logic into stored procedures SQL. PG can also do JS or Py stored procedures but you get a better developer experience if your logic code is deployed through regular CI/CD containers or functions (we use both extensively together depending on cost trade offs either one.)

Supabase suggests you to use their DENO serverless functions which is cool and all but i think most people would rather deploy node functions on cloudflare for webprojects.

That being said the target customer group are those that want to have 99% of their logic in JS frontend. Backend just does CRUD and Auth.

Interesting, thanks for the info. I thought they were targeting mobile developers since they claim to replace Firebase, but sounds like a mobile app API wouldn't fit their platform very well. That explains why I was very confused trying to use their mobile SDK for iOS lol.

It seems Supabase only supports JS and PL/pgSQL, not Python or the rest of PG languages. But still you could use compile-to-js languages like ClojureScript.

Unfortunately python for Postgres is only available as an untrusted language extension, which can provide avenues for things like privilege escalation[0]

We’ve decided to only bundle trusted language extensions so that there is a balance between flexibility when it comes to users writing their own procedures, all while maintaining security.

[0] https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/plpython.html

Oh, interesting. Is it related related to any inherent property of CPython? As there's also trusted Perl, Tcl, Lua etc: https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PL_Matrix

I've written a fair bit of pl/pgsql for my startup.. not exactly my frst choice of langauge but I've turned to it for certain optomizations in or system. definitly NOT the choice I'd make for most situations. the language is incredibly clumsy and there isn't much material out there to learn it well. a lot of the ps/pgsl i know comes from reading code and guessing how things should work.

AFAIK Supabase serverless is Cloudflare, or at least I thought...

It previously ran on Deno, but now we run our own edge runtime!


What we do is much of the business logic in Postgres (triggers, constraints, etc). But then there’s all the other stuff like external integrations, etc.

We handled that by having an event system built on the Postgres WAL that we use like a callback system.

I put together a little library in Elixir (that originally started out as forked Supabase realtime) for this:


Recently added the ability to configure WalEx to forward events to webhooks or EventRelay (so you don’t need to know Elixir).

You can access the database from anywhere (client and server depending on your config). I use nextjs so many of my database calls are in Next serverless functions. However, I’ll probably explore moving some of that logic to supabase functions to keep them as close as possible to the database, but I haven’t wanted to move to deno. When you access supabase on the server you can either use their PostgREST features (basically an autogenerated REST API on top of your db which the supabase clients use), or just access Postgres directly though a typical pg lib

Got it, thanks. This actually fits one of my side projects really well, will have to try it out with NextJS.

I don’t understand generated API. It’s useless and doesn’t save much typing to begin with

Yeah I’m sticking with RDS and such

I'm excited to switch to this - I've been building Booklet on Fly.io and their Postgres to make the app distributed [1]. The biggest problem for me has been the Fly postgres configuration. Specifically, Fly puts HAProxy in front of Postgres with a 30m connection timeout [2], which keeps killing connections. This should be manageable, but I'm seeing quirks in the connection terminations that don't seem to align with their docs and keep causing instability.

Question for the team members here - will the new PG still have the same HAProxy in front?

[1] https://www.contraption.co/essays/booklet-architecture/

[2] https://community.fly.io/t/postgresql-connection-issues-have...

it will have our own connection pooler[0] for Postgres connections instead of HAProxy, as well as PostgREST[1] for REST

[0] https://supabase.com/blog/supavisor-postgres-connection-pool...

[1] https://postgrest.org/

Ha, this is weird. I noticed this earlier today in Fly docs and was surprised I'd missed it on HN (as surely it would've appeared). I didn't realise it was new.

My second reaction was that it's crazy there's 'Postgres by Fly' and 'Postgres by Supabase' in the sidebar. There isn't even an (obvious, or that I noticed) comparison offered. If I'm deploying an app on Fly and want postgres, what do I use?

(Personally I think if I use Fly and want a dbms I'll use LiteFS distributed SQLite, and if you do want postgres I think the answer is that Fly vs Supabase is basically unmanaged vs. managed.)

Fly.io employee here. Go with Supabase if you want a managed database. Fly.io Postgres is unmanaged. This is the key difference, yes.

Can you ELI5 the difference? Especially any sharp edges + pros/cons. I suspect I'm not alone coming from managed postgres (e.g. heroku or similar) and am open minded to unmanaged but don't want to unknowingly make a poor infra decision.

Managed database offerings give you a Postgres URL and you just go to town. They take care of scaling and monitoring. Fly Postgres is automated, but not managed: our tooling will boot up a Postgres cluster for you, at a specified size, but it's not going to do so much database-level monitoring that you can forget about the database and just assume it's always healthy regardless of your usage.

If your expectations are set from Heroku's Postgres, you want a managed database. You're going to notice that Fly.io people aren't going to push you to Fly Postgres. You want to be reasonably comfortable with clustered Postgres to choose our unmanaged Postgres over Supabase's --- maybe not so comfortable that you'd set it up yourself (it's automated, after all, and does a bunch of cluster orchestration for you) --- but enough to do your own monitoring, sizing, and provisioning.

Lots and lots and lots of people rely on Fly Postgres, and it's a reasonable option. If I was doing a low-level project, like an individual service in a larger ensemble, or an expiriment or side project or a spike, I'd probably use Fly Postgres. But if I was launching a whole product on top of Fly.io, and a Postgres database was my system of record, I'd want Supabase.

Very nice. I've never really liked Supabase's network restrictions setup (https://supabase.com/docs/guides/platform/network-restrictio...), and IIRC when I looked at it there was some weird issue exposing the Fly IP for your app to Supabase, and locking Supabase down to it. Having Supabase actually within the Fly network is great. Congrats to both teams.

The issue here would be that fly.io doesn’t guarantee outgoing IP addresses to be consistent so you can’t allowlist based on originating IP. This is mentioned in fly.io networking documentation.

Oh, wow, I forgot that this (database ingress filtering) was a big motivator for the engineering project we were considering for giving apps persistent outbound IP addresses, a project I loathe and now have another arrow in my quiver with which to shoot it down.

I stand alone athwart all efforts to introduce dynamic routing protocols here.

(I could still lose this argument if there are comparably important use cases).

Why do you loathe it? Coming from someone who kind of wants it.

Infra engineering is the most important, hardest engineering practice in the company. I'm not one, and the people who want to do this are. So leave a lot of space here for me just being wrong.

I've had a bit of experience implementing IGP-style routing --- both as a "user" (a Cisco network engineer doing multi-area OSPF) and a developer (of a custom link-state IGP) --- and it left me pretty terrified of the failure modes here, which feel pretty similar to those of Raft/Paxos consensus, or of the SWIM Gossip consensus we do in our Consul replacement, Corrosion, which has its own challenges. If there are "innovation tokens", there are also "distributed consensus" tokens, and my basic take is I don't think we should spend them for such a marginal feature.

Here I am litigating an internal company discussion on HN (this is simultaneously bad, and an exercise in us just being an open book). I remind you of the initial paragraph here, which lays out plainly that the people in our company who disagree with me are smarter than me. A really good use case could end my reign of static routing reign of terror!

One can try to push Fly.io to implement dynamic routing to get persistent outbound IP addresses. This is full of foot guns and dragons.

Or one can push the other vendor to implement vpn support on their side such that their service can talk to Fly.io-hosted ones in an end-to-end secure channel so the actual services can trust that a lot more. This is the solution often suggested in Fly.io forums.

If the other vendor is sending ostensibly private traffic over the public internet and relying on a combination of “the Postgres protocol is safe and passwords are strong enough” and “oh but they really aren’t so we will limit this service to talk to only one IP address” it seems to me it’s them who should be nudged towards a more secure and versatile solution.

I heard Supabase has known to have scaling issues beyond prototype projects, can anyone comment who has production experience with it?

It’s Postgres running on AWS, so it should scale as well as one would expect with that combination. What issues are you referring to specifically?

yes it has the same scaling parameters as RDS (and soon we'll have a few other ways to scale beyond)

perhaps OP is talking about this[0] post, which is mostly about struggles with local development. we addressed this here[1]

here is an app this week that I imagine is larger than most: https://twitter.com/seif_ghezala/status/1734967554659983418

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36004925

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37059401

Wow Pika runs on Supabase!?! Congrats. 800K!? I can officially tell myself to stop worrying about scaling before launching, probably even for a couple years

Joshua from the Fly.io side here, happy to answer any questions about this integration.

Very excited for this. Aside from general reliability concerns (esp. around deploys - not helped by cryptic failure messages). Lack of managed Postgres has been the main thing keeping me off fly (I use it for a couple of side projects, but nothing big yet). And blob storage would probably be next on my list (basically stateful things are the things I want managed) so also excited to see that's being worked on.

Do you have any details on pricing (for this new postgres offering) yet?

(supabase team jumping in)

this will follow our current pricing: https://supabase.com/pricing

there could be some changes once we get through the testing phase and after Fly have blob storage, but they will probably be more favorable to you, the developer

EDIT: Oh, perhaps it follows this table? https://supabase.com/docs/guides/platform/compute-add-ons


Original comment:

Hmm... this seems to say 8GB storage, 250GB bandwidth and 7 day backups (not point in time) for $25/month? + 7 day point in time backups for an extra $100/month? But it doesn't seem to mention anything about the CPU or RAM specs of the database server? And it also seems to bundle a bunch of other things, so it's hard to know how much of that is for the database server...

Will it be possible to choose different sized servers? And to buy managed Postgres on it's own without running the whole of superbase?

So $25 per month/DB and then usage based?

Is bandwidth also paid considering it will be only used in the internal Fly network?

Very excited about this. We’re currently running a large db on fly and looking for a managed pg. We’re a fully Elixir shop and this couldn’t have come at a better time. Congrats to both teams!

How is this better than just signing up for an account at supabase.com and then giving your Elixir app the DB credentials?

> Fly machines don't have network-attached storage, so we treat any data in Fly volumes as ephemeral.

I've never used AWS, and I'm not too familiar with network-attached storages in general either. Can someone explain what's the exact difference between a Fly volume and a network-attached storage offered by other providers?

IIRC, once you create a Fly volume, you can move it to another server in the same region? So aren't they technically network-attached storages?

No. Fly Volumes are attached NVME storage; they're anchored to the physical host they're created on.

Under the hood, we can migrate a volume from one physical to another (the way we do this is pretty interesting and we'd write it up, except that to date the process has played an outsized role in the work sample testing we use for all of our technical roles). I don't think we've surfaced that, much, yet, but we will this year.

We back Fly Volumes up to off-network block storage at regular intervals (more announcements coming shortly here too).

But a really basic thing to understand about Fly Volumes is that they're not SAN storage, and they're not intrinsically reliable the way, say, S3 is. They appear in Fly Machines as simple ext4 filesystems, and if you need reliability/durability/replication, you need to provide it at the application layer. That's how Fly Postgres works: clusters of read replicas, all of which can take over and assume write leader role if they need to. This makes sense because with Fly Postgres the only purpose to which the underlying volume is put is running a Postgres database, which already provides durability/replication.

This is, for instance, why we print a big red warning on the console if you ask us to create a single-node Postgres cluster.

I think we're going to roll out stuff in the next couple quarters that will offer new options on the reliability/perf spectrum. But I don't think they'll involve us running SAN drives --- servers that just expose block devices over iSCSI or whatever.

Thanks for the detailed reply!

Looking forward to more storage-related announcements and the blog posts.

These two companies have pricing models that I just absolutely hate.

On one end of the spectrum you have Supabase - a very Vercel-esque "developer platform" with tiered offerings that ensure that you're paying more than you're using.

On the other end of the spectrum you have Fly - a very Lambda-esque offering with hyper-specific per-second per-memory per-cpu pricing where you'll probably end up paying too little and getting performance hits.

I really do not understand why people would do either when things like Cloudflare Workers (et al) exist. Why do people still want to worry about scaling?

Cloudflare Workers doesn't offer a Postgres option. At most, there's Hyperdrive to connect to Postgres hosted elsewhere, and even then Hyperdrive is essentially a connection pooler, with all the additional restrictions that places on you.

It's also unlikely that Cloudflare will offer a true Postgres option; their whole ethos is that anything you deploy is deployed globally, whereas relational databases enforce having a single server as a definition of truth. But I'd love to be proven wrong here.

You're right - I should have clarified that I'm talking about new projects - as in "Why would someone choose Postgres over one of these distributed SQLite providers for a new project?"

(I'm sure those use-cases exist, but I'm not sure if they exist inside the use-cases Supabase supports)

Just to take an example from my current project - Postgres has ltree for hierarchical data: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/ltree.html , which has no SQLite equivalent.

Postgres is simply a much more feature-ful option. Going with database-per-tenant with e.g. Cloudflare D1 (besides the fact that D1 is still in beta, technically, but that's important when we're talking about databases) is a specific architectural decision that has its own tradeoffs (like making analytics much more difficult).

Trying running any random Docker container you might need on Cloudflare workers and you’ll see why.

Fly has really straightforward monthly pricing that’s not Lambda like at all, but CF workers pricing model is more similar to Lambda between the two.

It's all about Posgresql ecosystem, DX and other addons.

For those who did not get the SupaFly reference a fun watch: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=joe+cartoon+sup...

What’s the latency like, when hosting your app on Fly, and your db on Supabase?

Is there some coordination happening to make sure they are in the same data centre?

Edit: I should have read the article. All explained in the first paragraphs that the db is hosted on Fly infrastructure.

How is this different from just deploying an application on a Fly.io machine and then giving it the DB credentials to connect to a Supabase instance?

Sounds like better performance (db is in on site) and integrated billing.

What do you mean on-site? Isn’t the whole point of Fly that you run your apps at the edge?

Integrated billing is very nice, though.

Does anyone know if there is a comparison somewhere for the various Postgres offerings (eg heroku, aws, crunchydata, fly, supabase, etc)), both managed and unmanaged, with features and pricing?

I am particularly interested in a comparaison between this new one from Supabase/Fly and the one from Neon.

Main thing I want to know: which of the managed Postgres services allow for logical replication.

I love Heroku, render and neon is promising - but non allow access to the WAL.

Hey, supabase employee here. We allow you to use logical replication - https://supabase.com/docs/guides/database/replication

AFAIK all the others mentioned do not allow logical replication as you noted.

Can I ask what your use-case is for logical replication on something like neon?

So I can run something like Supabase or WalEx which subscribe to WAL changes.

Ah, gothca. I've mostly used triggers and LISTEN/NOTIFY for those things, so haven't tried the WAL methods.

There’s significant limitations with the trigger approach.

Just an FYI: neon just released logical replication.

I understand the neatness of fly.io's distributed VMs. Can someone explain how Fly Postgres is different than a traditional managed Postgres on something like Heroku.

We wrote a blog post about this:


If I'm understanding correctly, Fly Postgres isn't too different from something like Postgres on Heroku? It's a single instance/cluster in a single location.

I don't think that's correct at all. Heroku Postgres has a central control plane that is monitoring availability and orchestrating things. There are continual health checks that go back to Heroku. In the event of unavailability it sets off a page to the on-call engineer to investigate if systems haven't restored availability.

My understanding of Fly Postgres is they put a lot into the tools to orchestrate, but there is not centralized monitoring and in the event of a failure it is up to you to realize and remediate.

Disclaimer: Was part of the team that built Heroku Postgres, and know the Fly team pretty well but don't personally use Fly Postgres so it's my understanding from the team. We've had a number of customers leverage Crunchy Bridge (build by a lot of the original Heroku Postgres team) use us for the managed Postgres connected to fly.io via Tailscale.

I think you're talking mostly about Heroku being a managed service while Fly Postgres is unmanaged. It sounds like the new managed Postgres in partnership with Supabase is managed in a similar way where Supabase would handle health checks and all that?

Management is a huge difference of course, but I was mostly asking about the database from the point of view of a user of the database. It doesn't sounds like Fly Postgres is doing anything like running your database globally - you still have single instance of the database.

Apologies if I'm missing some details. I intentionally try to stay out of the technical devops type stuff. I'm the kind of person who just pays Heroku for a Postgres and doesn't think much about it after that.

For what it's worth, Fly Postgres isn't single-instance or single-location. (But it's also not managed, which is a big deal).

How does that work? Does Fly just give you the logins for all of the Postgres servers you provision and you manage it yourself?

See the blog post linked upthread.

I think a bit of confusion on Fly Postgres vs. the Supabase offering. The earlier was unmanaged on Fly infra.

I'm not sure the full details on supabase as it's more recent.

This is a pretty good breakdown of various database providers and in particular a lot paired with Fly - https://dancroak.com/webstack/

Yeah! One way to think about it that is almost (not perfectly) correct is that you could build and run all of Fly Postgres yourself; it's almost just a Fly App configuration.

Where's the SLA?

There is lots of money to be saved by using hetzner + hetzner-k3s + cloudnativepg or crunchydata postgres operator.

cloudnativepg is great, we're using it as a foundational component to Tembo's OSS and Cloud services (tembo.io).

k3s is hard to manage, it required a bunch of money there.

Say more? Super interested in any backstory or insight here b/c rsns.

It's really not that bad.

Is there any thought towards adopting ParadeDB within supabase? Or atleast using the extensions they develop?

ParadeDB developer here -- we're developing a way for users to no zero-ETL sync between any managed Postgres and ParadeDB, so that you can get a dedicated search node on Postgres without slowing down your production DB. We expect this will be the primary way in which people use ParadeDB in the future.

That being said, we understand that for startups it might be easier to have pg_bm25 directly within their production database, especially if data volume is small. We're actively open to working with other Postgres-as-a-Service providers in the space to make this possible :)

feel free to reach out if you want to explore something for supabase devs - we love collaborating with others in the ecosystem

We're actively working towards adding ParadeDB to Tembo Cloud (cloud.tembo.io) - feel free to message us in app to get alpha access.

i expect supabase will do it too at some point.

how is fly.io reliability these days?

Mostly better from the client project where we run them. Haven't had as many disruptions since shifting from their nomad offering to machines.

I have some reservations about machines but none of them have been actual problems yet :)

I would love to hear your reservations. We've made some choices for simplicity that I expected us to have to engineer around, but a surprising number of them haven't been problems in practice. In short, I have reservations too.

Excellent news

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