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core element is https://postgrest.org/en/stable/ . I use this in production in large corporate projects on k8s. For a large number of use cases you can put logic into stored procedures SQL. PG can also do JS or Py stored procedures but you get a better developer experience if your logic code is deployed through regular CI/CD containers or functions (we use both extensively together depending on cost trade offs either one.)

Supabase suggests you to use their DENO serverless functions which is cool and all but i think most people would rather deploy node functions on cloudflare for webprojects.

That being said the target customer group are those that want to have 99% of their logic in JS frontend. Backend just does CRUD and Auth.

Interesting, thanks for the info. I thought they were targeting mobile developers since they claim to replace Firebase, but sounds like a mobile app API wouldn't fit their platform very well. That explains why I was very confused trying to use their mobile SDK for iOS lol.

It seems Supabase only supports JS and PL/pgSQL, not Python or the rest of PG languages. But still you could use compile-to-js languages like ClojureScript.

Unfortunately python for Postgres is only available as an untrusted language extension, which can provide avenues for things like privilege escalation[0]

We’ve decided to only bundle trusted language extensions so that there is a balance between flexibility when it comes to users writing their own procedures, all while maintaining security.

[0] https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/plpython.html

Oh, interesting. Is it related related to any inherent property of CPython? As there's also trusted Perl, Tcl, Lua etc: https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PL_Matrix

I've written a fair bit of pl/pgsql for my startup.. not exactly my frst choice of langauge but I've turned to it for certain optomizations in or system. definitly NOT the choice I'd make for most situations. the language is incredibly clumsy and there isn't much material out there to learn it well. a lot of the ps/pgsl i know comes from reading code and guessing how things should work.

AFAIK Supabase serverless is Cloudflare, or at least I thought...

It previously ran on Deno, but now we run our own edge runtime!


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