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Perhaps it was in airplane mode.

I have no real complaints about systemd as an init system. I have plenty to say about systemd not staying in its lane.

systemd's developers have formed a habit of deciding to implement something like an NTP client or DNS resolver, bringing a healthy dose of ignorance of how those services actually work, and then doubling down on their poor design decisions when problems are brought to their attention.

A 10 year old girl died too. They took no precautions to limit damage bystanders even assuming every person with one was a BadGuy™ which makes it terrorism and reprehensible.

I’ve been meaning to do this for years, and just played around with rust a bit (liked it, but the wrappers around some c++ stuff i wanted to use were half baked). Learning rust, there was this “rustlings” thing [0] that was a set of guided exercises to go alongside the rust book. Fastest I’ve ever picked up a language, thanks to that. Do you or anyone know anything similar for c++?

[0] https://rustlings.cool/

Yes, but the CEO was trying to take those profits for herself by biding to take the company private, which the Board of Directors refused to put up with

The interactive component was just there so you didn't have to compute the buffer yourself, but I see your point--thanks!

Thanks for sharing! I'd never thought to click through and see

Well actually, that submission is a duplicate of this one and was posted 5 hours later.

Of course they do. But "lower taxes on ordinary people by defunding corruption" is a very different proposal than "sustain funding for corruption by raising taxes".

Nice! Thank you. I really enjoyed this. Gave me those Douglas Adams flashbacks.

I'm not so sure about the packaging/pacing though: the first episode took 29 minutes but it actually had 4 episodes glued together. That made it feel repetitive and like dragging on. I think I'd enjoy it much more if I was presented with individual ~7 minute episodes. Easier to consume and to give it a daily spin.

Ill say that for me and my team, implementing SCRUM has worked well and overall reduced stress.

We have a lot of control about what we pull in and the issues in out backlog, and if we need to designate prep work, we put it in as a spike.

The only time i really have work stress is when we have to many interrupts, but SCRUM has a process for buffering for that and I find that very effective for telling the story when that happens.

So it sounds like I am a SCRUM fan, and I am, but i would def be open to hear about other systems that teams use who have tried SCRUM and prefer their new solution.

open letter to all font people: You have a skill, design, which is a skill I don't have, so I am glad you are working on fonts and not me. A beautiful font is a thing to behold, it decreases stress and leaves us muy tranquilo-OOOOMMMM

however: when I am in a spreadsheet, trying to choose a typeface & font, my goal is NEVER to suddenly expand either the width or the height or the amount of hover over the baseline, or fabulous quantities of descender or ascender or linespacing or i-don't-know-you-tell-me-the-terminology, I don't want your typeface to shockingly change its alignment to all the other text I have, and that includes "oh, just select a different pointsize"; if things are the same pointsize, then they should be able to sit next to one another; I know it's not your fault, but you know whose fault it really really isn't? MINE

I really want to use your typefaces; don't make it so hard

I Am Legend is probably closer.

IT services is a very broad term. You need to be more specific about what you are able to do and deliver. Once you can clearly express what you do and what value you deliver, then just go and door knock local small businesses.

I'm not surprised online adverts don't work. My inbox gets a couple of unsolicited offers to do IT work every week. If I needed IT work done, which I don't, I would reach out to my professional network and not take chances with random strangers on the internet.

To complete the data, the company is trading at $0.34/share, so while $0.40 is a bit lower than the typical 20% premium (~$0.41), I'm not sure it counts as "lowball". It's a typical premium over market cap.

Is there any reason to think the company is worth $4.7B or whatever ($9.30/share)? If so the stock is a steal at its current price and we should all buy lots. But can the market be THAT wrong?

Honestly? No.

I've had the chance to work with world class people in three different fields now. Inevitably, the people who were at the very top (World Champions, folk who literally invented (parts of) the Internet, people creating products for a massive fanbase) didn't "want to be the very best". And they were extremely comfortable with other people being smarter, if it happened.

They inevitably got to the top because every day, they wanted to be a bit better than the last day. "The best" never mattered. "Better than yesterday" did. And when they were at the top, they were the most kind and helpful people you can imagine - uplifting others whenever they could.

And they certainly didn't want to be "like no one ever was" - they invariably had a deep appreciation for the ones who came before them, and they copied everything that seemed worth copying.

The people who don't heed that advice, who don't give that advice, who relentlessly claw? Perpetual second tier, without exception.

Shout outs to Shiva who has appeared in some videos but is often behind the camera so doesn't get enough recognition as being the other half of their duo :)

Sure, except Moses and the Jewish people were on the land around 1500 BC, and the Islamic religion didn't start until after 500 CE. So the Jewish people got there at least 2000 years earlier, so if we are doing the "who ethnically cleansed who" game, I think the Jewish people appear to be at most, reversing the previous ethnic cleansing? Or is there some kind of moral "expiry date" on ethnic cleansing?

Marry a Brit, stick around for 3 years, apply for naturalization (however long that takes), then get an appointment at a US embassy (wait times can be >1 year), tell them you want out, pony up $2,300, and Bob's your uncle!

This is a process that could take over a decade, but yes, that would avoid taxes.

More to the point, it isn't the politicians of only one party who are getting rich this way.

> Just like 'Ivy League' or "D1 sport".

Just for the record, Ivy League is D1 sport ;)

I get that people want to make fun of management. But the complaints were that Amazon was stagnating and frugal. The idea that they're spending extravagantly on programming language fads is amusing, but isn't really consistent with what others were saying or with what we know about Amazon generally.

Rewrites to save compute resources are done pretty frequently at huge companies. It's a relatively easy source of projects for high level engineers because they can see the fleet-wide metrics and have figured out how to choose projects that have clear dollar value in their performance write-ups.

Could an L7 have wasted a bunch of time on a fruitless project? Of course. Could an L7 have wasted a bunch of time on a fruitless project at a notoriously cutthroat and frugal company AND be super proud of it? That seems much less likely since they have to show some numeric impact at that level, but I obvious still possible. Would their manager then also be proud of it? That seems even less likely.

So when the only description of the project also accurately describes a large class of valuable projects (i.e. decrease fleet-wide cost of a ubiquitous tool) I was genuinely curious if there was more to the story.

You are referring to ignorance: not knowing what you don't know thus resulting in a possible false confidence.

The article is about "feeling stupid" in hindsight. Because you cannot unsee it anymore. Which makes you wonder about other myriad obvious things you don't get.

"Feeling stupid" can also mean that you get the impression that everyone around you gets it but you don't.

The irony in maths - it seems - is that you can feel stupid because you don't get it and then quit but also keep feeling stupid if you finally got it because in hindsight everything falls so neatly into place that you can't imagine that you had so much trouble to get it in the first place!

> This is false. Many innocents are killed including children

That article - just like all other sources - mentions one 8-year-old girl, not "many innocents" and not several children either. Hence, this is deliberate misinformation.

> You can't determine where the device is when the bomb is activated.

You absolutely can. It's highly likely to be in the targeted person's pocket. Where else would it be?

After all, people usually don't hand their phones to random strangers or leave them lying around - and those pagers aren't even mere personal devices used for private purposes. Why would any of those devices end up anywhere else but the pocket of the person using it?

> This is an indiscriminate attack.

Launching rockets at civilians is. Blowing up pagers explicitly used for terrorist activities isn't.

They’re pretty clear on both. UIKit, AppKit, and Objective-C(++) aren’t getting new features except in rare cases.

This is the way forward. And they’re dogfooding it. Even in some of their embedded processors.

They were lucky someone wasn't carrying one on a plane

Likewise I've used Fantasque Sans Mono (related to Comic Sans) for a long time as a coding font.

I'm not sure what happened there, but I used the same link as you, and this was the intended functionality:


  a fair shake
Benno's entire argument is that Linux is the only operating system that matters and whatever problems systemd has are irrelevant. Everything else is obsolete. Especially when couched as "look at what this BSD guy thinks of systemd" it's a disingenuous argument. That talk is no more a fair shake than anything to come from Lennart's mouth.

Israel's economy is already in the toilet due to them becoming an International pariah because of the ongoing genocide - this will just make it worse

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