You may want to update your understanding of PHP and Go's speed. Both of your estimates are off by a couple orders of magnitude there. There are also numerous ways to make PHP extremely fast (e.g. swoole, ngx_php, or frankenphp).
Luckily most people don’t want to live like that. It’s true that people have lost a lot of their ability to socialize, but the kind of hate you’re promoting takes a lot more work. It’s tiring for everyone.
It is surprising that this still happens, but I’ve had senior engineers (L6-L7 from FAANG) join my teams (multiple examples, different companies) and in the first couple days make extremely superficial arguments on how the architecture of a system should be completely revisited. In virtually all cases the suggestion was extremely naive and coming from a lack of understanding of all the requirements. And let’s not even talk about their first code reviews.
"As an aside, a few hilarious bits in this podcast are Rogan going off about the "Russian collusion hoax"
There may have been people arrested, but it had nothing to do with the people the mainstream media would lead you to believe. I also find it suspect that people like Bernie Sanders (and many people on the left) loved Russia.....until they wanted to somehow use it against Trump.
You never mentioned that the Biden administration colluded with Facebook to suppress US citizens. Zuck also mentioned this. It's one of the main reasons he's going to community notes.
Leaders around the world are using this same tactic to suppress the free speech of their citizens.
"this was after he heralded social media being the real truth"
You can get closer to the truth on social media. The mainstream had a stranglehold on the free flow of information (so did Twitter, until Musk bought it).
During Covid, you couldn't go against big pharma or you would lose your job and get banned on most social media platforms. This sounds more like religion than science.
Skimmed it. The constant switching from bold to not bold for some reason makes the article not feel genuine or some thing like that. Like an ad, my attention is constantly being redirected.
Completely solved? I'd say exacerbated beyond recognition. We have tools to let us get by so much farther without understanding anything, so it probably becomes less of a problem in more cases. But it basically guarantees that all but the most curious will not understand how the system actually works. Everything becomes magical copy/pasting from the most advanced information retrieval system with LLMs.
PHP trivially scales up to multiple nodes behind an LB. You're really only limited by your backend storage connection count and throughput.
Go and friends may make for more efficient resource utilization, but it will be marginal in the grand scheme of things unless there are plans to do massively different things.
As it is this code is very simple. I haven't used PHP in 15 years and I was able to trace through this from front-end to back-end in less than 3 minutes.
To me it look like a really great level of complexity for the problem it solves.
This also happens with tools you have to use but don’t get much payoff from—like internal tooling. At work, we have a shitty in-house feature flag service. It breaks all the time and is super finicky. Learning it properly doesn’t really help me, so I mostly copy and paste my way through it.
Another example is jq. I use it occasionally, and ChatGPT handles the syntax pretty well. For me, learning it properly just isn’t worth the time or effort.
In the U.S. racial discrimination is only prohibited for the State governments (see the 14th Amendment):
| No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; [...]
and then the courts have interpreted this to mean that the Federal government does have the right to "make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States". I.e., the Federal government may discriminate on the basis of race (as one example of that which is forbidden to the States), but only subject to statutory authorization (i.e., a bill passed by Congress which then becomes law).
This is because in the aftermath of the Civil War the Radical Republicans in the North expected they'd have to force some discrimination against {White, Democrat} Southerners / for Black Southerners as part of Reconstruction. But statutory authorization for racial discrimination is still required, and by and large there is not much such statutory authorization left on the books. That means that almost every DEI program in the U.S. that uses racial discrimination is suspect if not outright illegal. With an incoming DoJ that's likely going to be sympathetic to that view, suddenly all these DEI programs have become a major liability.
> the injustice is that the redlined family was denied that opportunity
Right, but the median debate isn't about whether there was in fact past injustice done via discrimination on racial lines. The median person agrees. The debate is whether present discrimination on racial lines is required to "correct" that past injustice, and whether that would be a form of present justice. There's very little agreement on that.
This is mentioned in footnote 1. Concretely, I don’t think this is exactly the same thing as cargo culting, because cargo culting implies a lack of understanding. It’s possible to understand a system well and still largely subsist on copy-pasting, because that’s what the system’s innate complexity incentivizes. That was the underlying point of the post.
FWIW, I've used a stock Windows VM + Chrome a few times for testing things. Of course you don't freeze it solid, you just take a snapshot before installing the browser, and revert to that snapshot whenever you want to update the OS. For the screen real-estate issue, you just get a VM viewer that doesn't insist on showing the full screen. You also don't block cookies every second, you just wipe them regularly.
The Captcha services don't particularly care, since obviously they don't want to punish people on a fresh system. IME, they care far, far more about whether I'm going through a commercial VPN, doubly so if I'm using Tor. But if I'm really worried about IP tracking, I usually run it through my university network.
Of course, a sufficiently-motivated fingerprinting service can surmount any barrier in theory, with typographic analysis and whatnot. But in practice, websites tend not to care to an extraordinary extent.
E.g., I remember one person who was convinced that Google/YouTube used your specific IP address (not just your cookies, or your geo-IP location) as a major part of ad targeting. But lo and behold, the whole VM setup consistently gave me a generic set of ads, as did just wiping my browser cookies. Of course, their explanation was "Of course they're detecting that you're trying to sniff them out, so they're only giving you generic ads to uphold the conspiracy!"
To tweak a PHP deployment to handle hundreds of requests per second which is very very realistic for a basic logging for a mid-sized application you're looking at having a very beefy server setup.
Most PHP deployments barely reach a hundred per server.
And this is an open source project is should be designed to handle basic production workloads which it could but it'll cost you a bunch more than if you used the correct languages.
> I'm not a big fan when folks call out languages as bottlenecks when they have no proof on the actual overhead and how much faster it would be in another language.
Honestly, I thought it was so obvious that an interpreted language is not good for high throughput endpoints that it didn't need to be proven. I also thought it was obvious that a logging system is going to handle lots and lots of data.
It could be easily proven by doing a bunch of work but obviously there is no point in me proving it.
Another factor is frequency of use. I use LaTeX to do big write-ups on the order of once per year or less. LaTeX at the level I use it is not a hard tool, but I generally start a new document by copy-pasting a previous document because there is a lot of detail about how to use it that I'm never going to remember given that I only use it for a few weeks once a year.
> It's about recognizing that some people have potential that they wouldn't be able to realize due to longstanding historical inequalities that are highly correlated with race and working to account for historial injustices that still impact people today.
You can recognize this without accepting that an infrastructure of explicit racial discrimination is a good idea. Many, many people seem to miss this point.
I’ll say that men in general suck in the same way that women in general suck. Both suck.
Being jaded and thinking only shit men exist is a very bad mentality. The women I know who didn’t stay jaded and pursued men who were reasonable and showed real interest back have been rewarded immensely. I’m in nyc right now and I see so many women hating every man because these gals only deal with men who refuse to settle down or commit. So many women I know are trying to get commitment from a man who doesn’t want to commit. They need to go to a different market segment but they refuse because the men who don’t commit have all the superficial things they want.
I can see that we have different interpretations of what acts were central to the progress of civil rights, and which were ancillary or even effects.
I don't think, for example, the "mafia" was a major contributor to equal rights for Italian immigrants. One obvious piece of evidence is that today, the mafia has been weakened thanks to the efforts of the police, but Italians haven't become persecuted as a result.
Membership in the Italian Mafia has turned out to be bad on net for the good of the people the families claim to represent. I think some people can get rich doing it but it is not a beneficial or admirable lifestyle.
If you want another example, where were all the Jewish gangs? I'm not aware of a single one. Some famous gangsters were Jewish (at least if you count the movies, I don't know about real life), and I don't think the cause of equal rights has suffered as a result. You have to read this with a smile even though the topic is very serious because the ideas involved would be at home on Saturday Night Live.
The advancement of the universal recognition of equal rights for all is a much better explanation because unlike the rise of gangs, it hasn't been reversed.
Cryptographers who design these systems do consider the threat of a malicious future iteration of the company and thus try to reduce the trust in a centralized authority.
Apple did fight in court to not have to crack the San Bernardino shooter’s phone, which probably didn’t garner much sympathy with the general public, specifically against government power to compel them to make changes to subvert security.
They also publish a Transparency Report about government requests they’ve received and how many they’ve responded to.
> I also think that Christians specifically should be comfortable with the concept of generational sin and personal sacrifice for social justice rather than a vigorous defense that one's achievement's are solely their own and must be hoarded at all costs.
This is a false choice. They are not the only two options.
This looks an EE‘s approach who hasn’t had a lot of exposure to speaker design. You need to consider Thiele/Small parameters of the chassis, enclosure volume, baffle design and a million other factors to design a proper crossover. You can’t just ltspice your crossover and call it a day. VituixCad would be a more appropriate solution.
And then you actually have to measure!
Replacing and amp and „smart“ crap is easy if there is an analogue crossover you can reverse-engineer, if it was just some DSP things get difficult quickly (unless its just a single broadband chassis, but even then…).
And no, you can’t use pre-built „standard“ crossovers or some calculator on a website either.
But other than that, nice that he saved some hardware.
I always played with the idea that the logs could be viewed as packets of some protocol and use wireshark to filter them and view related logs as a “stream” like view that wireshark provides
You may want to update your understanding of PHP and Go's speed. Both of your estimates are off by a couple orders of magnitude there. There are also numerous ways to make PHP extremely fast (e.g. swoole, ngx_php, or frankenphp).