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1. Is AI Winter coming again?
10 points by gpt4o 2 hours ago | 11 comments
2. Ask HN: Is a Masters in CS/Engineering worth it for a mid-career PM?
69 points by deeptechdreamer 12 hours ago | 90 comments
3. Ask HN: What runs L4-related microkernels/hypervisors these days?
109 points by AlexWandell 1 day ago | 48 comments
4. Ask HN: Does anyone use sound effects in their dev environment?
230 points by jack_riminton 1 day ago | 316 comments
5. Ask HN: Former gifted children with hard lives, how did you turn out?
355 points by askHN2024 2 days ago | 313 comments
6. Ask HN: How can I improve UI dev skills? Looking for real-world examples
6 points by im_lince 8 hours ago | 4 comments
7. Ask HN: What is the reason YC switched to 4 batches?
5 points by mjomaa 9 hours ago | 4 comments
8. Ask HN: How do you manage registration spam?
22 points by kulor 17 hours ago | 25 comments
9. Tell HN: DanBC has died
463 points by in_memoriam 2 days ago | 76 comments
10. What are the best options for Amazon SDEs thinking about leaving over RTO policy
172 points by aws_throwaway 22 hours ago | 179 comments
11. Ask HN: Must-Read Books for Startups?
119 points by dmazin 2 days ago | 72 comments
12. Ask HN: When do you block out time to learn new things?
39 points by AbstractH24 2 days ago | 30 comments
13. Ask HN: New to US, puzzled why tech hasn't simplified health insurance
9 points by ecstaticpirate 1 day ago | 28 comments
14. Ask HN: Recommendations for Eye Tracking Hardware?
7 points by FloatArtifact 1 day ago | 5 comments
15. Ask HN: Why am I struggling to find a job?
15 points by throwaway7676 12 hours ago | 7 comments
16. Ask HN: Dev/Ops/DevOps tools you use and more people should
12 points by zaat 2 days ago | 13 comments
17. Request/Response APIs in JavaScript web frameworks
2 points by begoon 7 hours ago | 2 comments
18. How to clone by commit found via commit referencing to different fork on GitHub?
4 points by sdnews 2 days ago | 2 comments
19. Ask HN: Why does Firefox treat 3rd party cookies from Google differently?
5 points by d-z-m 1 day ago | 3 comments
20. Ask HN: How Are People Designing Apps in the Age of AI?
15 points by hhimanshu 4 days ago | 20 comments
21. Ask HN: Experience with StarRocks?
4 points by harovoy 2 days ago | discuss
22. Ask HN: What are some essays that profoundly changed the way you think
10 points by 3l3ktr4 2 days ago | 12 comments
23. Ask HN: What are some good papers and textbooks about modern filesystems?
22 points by craftsman 4 days ago | 3 comments
24. Ask HN: Are you making money from LLMs? How?
12 points by kordlessagain 1 day ago | 11 comments

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