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Ask HN: Finally ready to share my personal work, how to manage expectations?
128 points by samh748 on April 16, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 107 comments
After several fruitful exchanges here on HN, I think I'm finally ready to start putting some of my personal work out there into the real-world!

My original "plan" (ie grand scheme) was to have everything figured out and perfected and then publish it all at once, fireworks and all. Needless to say I no longer think that's a good idea...

So with a slow start, I don't expect there to be any audience for probably quite some time, and I'm okay with that (it'll give me time to play around anyway). But then, what else does one do besides regularly posting content? Where does one get quality, honest feedback? With so little feedback, how does one know if the content's any good? And if one upholds to high standards (which I do), how can one present their work to reputable individuals without getting "sympathy" feedback? All of which then makes me wonder: What sets the successful "creators" apart from the rest? Quality? Timing? Luck? Network?

Sorry there's a lot of unknowns as I've never done anything like this before (in fact this was probably why I had avoided sharing personal work for so long).

So for those of you who have been on this path:

What's been your experience? What worked for you and what didn't? How did you manage to get good feedback?

Do you know of any good resources (books, articles, etc) that cover this topic?

Thanks so much in advance! :)

I've been doing this for a very long time.

I have dozens of repos, and very few stars.

I really couldn't care less. I'm writing software for my own use. I use it all the time. It allows me to do things like write entire apps in minutes.

The reason that I "put it out there," is that it forces me to cross my t's, and dot my i's. If I am publishing a supported package, then I do a seriously good job on things like documentation and testing. When all my dependencies are top-shelf, there's a damn good chance the aggregate is also gonna be good.

But I'm actually fairly happy that no one uses it. I'm no longer looking for work, so its value as portfolio material is reduced.

And I already know that it's good. I don't need anyone else to act as a judge. There's stuff I can do better (My stuff has a noticeable improvement, over time), but it's a recipe for misery, expecting fair judgment from other techs. They'll do things like smear your work, because you don't use their favorite buzzword du jour.

The proof is in the using. I eat my own dog food, and often expose issues in my own work. If others use my stuff, I appreciate bug reports, and also use things like the questions they ask to refine my supporting docs.

Good luck!

OP probably means essays, not software (e.g. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30976497). But your answer still stands.

> it forces me to cross my t's, and dot my i's

In open source you are supposed to cross the i's and dot the t's. /s

I don't think the sarcasm is warranted. It has been established that by putting your own work on the Internet, you are opening yourself up to be scrutinised by potential employers, therefore it is essential to present yourself in the best light possible.

Good technical writing structure, alongside grammar and spelling is also is a hallmark of professionalism, a good skill to hone for career progression.

Same goes for my essays (reading comprehension. I’ve heard of it). I have quite a bit of prolix rambling out there.

I like the /s…

That's exactly how I treat publishing my own OSS now (probably on a smaller scale though).

I had started by hoping (almost assuming) people would be amazed at how useful my library was. But mostly they didn't notice it, or (and this was harder to accept): didn't even recognize or understand the issues it was addressing in the first place.

5 years later, the issues are generally much better understood in android world, but still. I know some teams are using it, but it's probably not that many.

So publishing it has just become a hobby, it's something I can be proud of, it works nicely, I often use it (or the knowledge gained while writing it) to speed up whatever I'm doing and make my life easier. I also publish articles about said issues, and they seem to be helpful to the people that read them, and I enjoy explaining things I understand.

I'm not on the engineering manager track, and I hope to be programming until I retire, so I'll probably just keep supporting it.

If I had any advice for the OP I'd say set your expectations at: personal pride in doing a good job

(I'm definitely not the best person to dispense any kind of marketing advice anyway)

Yeah, expecting accolades (especially for things like code Quality and documentation) is invitation to disappointment.

In fact, it has been my experience, that high Quality actually makes the repo "radioactive."

Go figure.

> It allows me to do things like write entire apps in minutes.

Like you have your own framework? Or templates? I'm always curious to see other people's workflows if you have a link

Well, Apple Cocoa Touch can be quickly customized into a simple app, in minutes.

I have a whole bunch of published SPM modules for things like GUI widgets, extensions, and infrastructure, that give me a really good start.

Look at the links in my answer, below (or above)[0], to see many of them.

Here are a few: https://riftvalleysoftware.com/work/open-source-projects/

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31057484

> I have dozens of repos ...

Hmm, I'm seeing only four here:


Am I missing something?

Yes, you are.

I say it on my profile (https://github.com/ChrisMarshallNY#browse-away).

Most of my repos are in the various orgs that I manage.

Back when StackOverflow still had stories, I linked to them all (I have over 40, spread around a bit). I’m no longer interested in finding work, so writing up a “story” page is not a priority for me. I’ll get around to it, sooner or later. The GH profile markdown has links to most of the stuff out there, but not all directly.

Here’s a couple more links for you, but they are not all of them:



…and a few gists, for extra credit…


And I don’t have forks. I’m the original author of all of them.

This is the user docs page for the app I just released to the app store, tonight: https://littlegreenviper.com/portfolio/nacc/

I wrote that app in an afternoon, but have spent a couple of weeks, on and off, polishing it up.

On here, I’d expect that if anything you post does get traction, a fair number of people will question whether it should even exist, whether it’s done well, etc., often in a pretty condescending way. Sometimes it’ll be legitimate feedback, and sometimes it’ll be ignorant.

Plenty of people will be nice and constructive, but I often feel for the people posting their work on here given how harsh the community can be.

Like when dropbox was first presented posted here on HN (before it was called dropbox), and the the top comments were all like “pssch.. no one will ever use that. Just use rsync”. A HN classic

Edit - to op: post it because you find it interesting to work with and ignore all the know-it-alls. Maybe people will care, maybe not, but whatever. Do it because you like it.

Just in case you (or others) haven’t seen it, I’d recommend dang’s comment from around a year ago about the Dropbox comment in question: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27068148

You're right most people are wrong but don't know how wrong they are. It took me 30 years to learn how frequently I am wrong. Just do The Four Agreements from the eponymous book (the book's not worth the read IMO)

1. Be Impeccable With Your Word. 2. Don't Take Anything Personally. (Most people are wrong) 3. Don't Make Assumptions. 4. Always Do Your Best.

I thought the book was good, but I listened to the audiobook narrated by Peter Coyote which was excellent.

This is a tangent but why do you think The Four Agreements is not worth reading. Its been on my reading list for a while.

After you see the four agreements make sense to me, you may not need the mystic nature of the book.

"Hindsight fallacy" seems almost universal. Jerry and I will someday soon be presenting a series of coffee experiments. I told my college roommate one of them, and he said "isn't that the result you'd expect?"

Everyone can say that after the fact. Everyone DOES say that after the fact. It's just barely possible to forget that you know the result and put yourself in the mind of people who don't. I always ask "what things are YOU doing now that will look ridiculous in 40 years?"

In my book I used the novel approach to the Xerox Star, mainly so that the characters would not know how it turns out. I had to be judicious in how I treated Unix, C, and AI, since we really did talk about them back then, but no winking at the reader is allowed.

“No wireless. Less space than a nomad. Lame.”

It's part of timing the market. Dropbox wouldn't have the market fit 5 or 10 years before. As people have become less technical and as devices multiplied and as people became more willing to spend on this category of customer products it became a winner.

Rsync is easy for those who used it. That number (people who knew rsync) declined but less so here. Hn users were not natural customers but even that changed

There were already user-friendly cloud storage services available long before, e.g. integrating as virtual drive on Windows. I believe the only thing Dropbox did differently was marketing.

Yeah, I just posted a short opinion piece from my personal blog on here and was surprised to see someone criticize it first as clickbait and then because I didn't cite any sources or scientific research.

Then again, maybe HN being especially critical helps keep the quality of submissions high.

It seems like low-quality submissions mostly just rot in obscurity, either being flagged or never upvoted. IMO if someone’s going to take the time to comment, I’d prefer to to see it be constructive. I don’t know to what degree critical comments influence HN submissions, though. That’s a good point.

Isn't the harshness you mention precisely why it's worth posting here?

It’s very possible to give constructive, honest feedback without being a jerk. It’s that constructive feedback that makes it worth posting here.

On the other hand, I don’t think the condescension or arrogance that’s fairly common on this site improves it at all, no.

I would agree with that. I've lurked here for a long time and it seems that constructive feedback gets upvoted a lot less than useless posts like "what's the point in this?".

Agreed. Posting something here will almost always force you to up your game, but there is an incredible amount of callousness in the commentariat on HN.

Many people are not yet skilled at giving feedback.

Many will improve, with guidance.

Those that don’t will blunder along, wondering why they can’t make it in the world.

Maybe we need to figure out how to give feedback to people giving feedback. And that feedback will need to be structured such that it doesn't just get dismissed immediately.

"useless posts like "what's the point in this?"."

They are not pointless, those posts tell, that a clear explanation is missing.

Most people simply do not read a lot and in detail. If they don't get it after some seconds looking at things, they will walk away. And look at the next thing.

Summarizing a big novel project in simple words surely is hard, but very important.

I was referring to the many times a project doesn't resonate with the user specifically and they equate that with it being a useless endeavour.

No, adults are usually capable of providing constructive feedback without being harsh. We generally learned that somewhere in our mid teens.

This ‘criticize people to death’ shit should embarrass everyone here. We can be better.


I think he means people who post on hacker news

FWIW I never posted on Show HN because I know what assholes people are here. The app is going strong anyways so nothing of value was lost.

A great developer I used to work with used to push the clients we were consulting for with the line

> If you're not a little bit embarrassed by what you're showing, you waited too long

The idea was to get rid of the "do everything in a big launch"-projects, and instead convert them to a mindset where we iteratively work on the solution and see what people want.

I've been using that line personally for a long time, and think it works fine. Chances are you will get no traction at all in the beginning, so it's better to see if it's something people want to use before you polish it too much. Building stuff openly also often attracts some following over time, compared to a one-off launch.

Seems like it might be based on the quote from Reid Hoffman: "If You're Not Embarrassed By The First Version Of Your Product, You’ve Launched Too Late".

Yes, probably not my coworkers line, but he's the one hammering it into my way of working. :)

(and me translating it from our language back to English probably jumbled it a bit up)

That is a great line. That's exactly the kind of thing that holds me back, so glad to hear this. Thanks!

There are a few things that can happen, irrespective of how “perfect” your work is:

Silence. The world ignores you and your work. It never makes frontpage or gets starred by more than a handful of people. This is not a problem my itself. Unless your work is transient, it’ll help you compound. You’ll build on it, and if something you make later is useful people will still find the early work by association.

Soul crushing criticism. Many people will point out that the work is crap, should not exist, or that you are crap, or that you should not exist. You can ignore the last two, and read and take lessons from the first two. Don’t fall into the trap of “oh the world does not understand my genius!” feelings, sometimes the crowd does know more than you, and sometimes you have an intersection of specialised knowledge and you know more than the crowd. Develop the wisdom to know the difference and the confidence to accept either conclusion.

Being hailed as a genius in your own time. Some people will think you or your work are the best thing since sliced bread. If they think that about your work, thank them, enjoy the compliment, and then forget about it as quickly as possible. Everything you do till you die is a first draft, you and/others will build on it and remix it. If you rest on your laurels or let praise define you, you’ll get stuck. And receiving a different response for later work will be so much more difficult to handle.

All of this easier to handle if you create all of your work for your own satisfaction as an end itself. Criticism and appreciation are simply signals from the outside world, like songs on the radio, you can do with them what you will. But it will all fade to silence. When you yourself finally fade to the void, only the question of whether you stayed true to your potential will matter. But that answer will also pass from this world.

The pithy answer is that honestly, the most likely outcome of posting work online is… nothing happens. It’s a lot of sustained effort over time to grow an audience, and the ‘time’ part is usually crucial here. Dropping 50 blog posts or a repo full of finished projects on day one very probably won’t have the same effect as posting those 50 things over the course of a year, because nobody knows you yet.

Start publishing stuff, try to share it around, keep expectations super low, and try to enjoy the journey :) One concrete book rec is Amy Hoy’s Just Fucking Ship. I feel like it might resonate.

Yeap, I posted a movie review article on medium once and it still has 0 reads. That was a harsh wake up call.

The most likely response is nobody notices.

And those who notice mostly won't care.

Because the world is big and full of lots of things and because people have habits and those mostly fill their days.

On the positive side, nobody dies from bad landing page text, etc.

What sets creators apart is that they create and create and create and when nothing sticks they create some more and when something sticks they create some more.

The reward for work is more work.

Good luck.

I remember hearing years and years ago that the reward for meeting an impossible deadline is that your next assignment has an even more impossible deadline.

Expect to not get much of any response!

I finally bit the bullet and started writing a blog [1] following my experiences in tech, and some tips I picked up along the way.

I was so worried I’d get cancelled or have to deal with trolls or otherwise just have a wave of “constructive” criticism drowning me once I launched.

As it turned out, I got maybe a few hundred views, a few likes, and basically nothing else.

Don’t sweat it, it turns out it’s actually really hard for something you make to go viral.

Just create for the sake of following your passions, and relax knowing that you’ll probably be just fine. :-)

[1] https://medium.com/@TestingInProd

^ My blog for anyone who’s interested

> How to manage expectations?

Simple. Don't make your project public for others but for yourself.

Sure, ask for feedbacks, and be nice to those who offer it. But don't obsess about it. If somebody is justly critical of your work, thank them for the time they took to tell you about it. And honestly tell them you weren't aware of it and will learn and fix it when you get the time (if you are interested in doing so). If somebody asks for a feature, consider whether you really want to create that feature and have the time to do it. If not, don't be afraid to say no.

If you don't get any feedbacks, don't be disheartened. You will get feedbacks only when your product finds an audience and becomes popular. And you have to promote your product for it. But the quality of your product has nothing to do with this second aspect - popularity. TextPattern has / had better code quality than WordPress, but WordPress became more popular. Python has always been better than PHP, but PHP was wildly more popular than it in the beginning. Which brings us to the second part:

> What sets the successful "creators" apart from the rest?

1. They complete their project without letting perfectionism get in their way. 2. They are good at promoting their product. 3. They are good at identifying the need of their users and addressing it. 4. They are good in collaborating with others. 5. They are not afraid to step back and stop working on a project when it stops being fun for them.

All the stuff going on in your head is ego and fear.

I’ve put dozens of things out there over the decades and there is only one metric that you need to care about…

Is anyone using it regularly? (Or are people consuming it - if it’s words)

Anything else and you’re just hyperventilating while wasting time.

So far I've gotten virtually zero views or downloads on my GitHub repo's. I'm ambivalent. On the one hand, I can forget about my 15 minutes of fame. On the other, I've done my duty to society by sharing my work, but don't have to deal with bug reports or feature requests.

The main expectation you need to manage (in my opinion) is your own. Building the project, or product, is the fun part of the work. The other part of the work is promoting the work to your target audiences. Even for a code project on an MIT licence hosted on GitHub, you will need to promote it to people who you believe will find it useful and hope that - at some point - it will gain traction.

One thing I've learned over the past decade is that, when it comes to promoting my own project, I lack the knowledge and creativity to do the work well. The obvious solution for my case is to find someone who IS good at marketing and evangelising work and, somehow, convince them to work with me to raise the profile of the project. But even that seems like too much hard work - especially when I could be doing more fun stuff, like working on my project's code base, building demos for it, etc.

Still, teaming up with others who have marketing skills you may lack could be the right answer for your situation.

The other input into this calculation - that cannot be planned or measured - is pure, blind luck. For instance, successful HN/Reddit post which generates a lot of comment and feedback because the first commenter raised interesting questions about the project or the problem space it sets out to fix. Or a tweet linking to a demo of the project which gets retweeted by a major influencer (with an "interesting" comment). Anything that gets people talking about the project and/or the problem space it lives in.

Best of luck with your endeavours. Please, please, please don't forget to have some fun during the adventure to come!

I have spent years of my life trying to build out open source projects or free/inexpensive startups. The projects with the most effort and time put into them have often received the most indifference or even hostility in reception.

Basically, popularity and merit are not related. For your project to become popular, you need a consistent marketing campaign, luck, and the most important thing -- don't expect anyone to do anything different from what they already planned on doing.

Oftentimes, if something is actually kind of stupid or trite or in some way is a regression, that has a much better chance of becoming popular.

But your question is relevant to me because I have not been able to sleep because I was going over ideas in my head for a new lightweight type of web protocol. Which I plan to write up. But because it A) seems really awesome and well thought out to me, and B) requires people to start doing something differently, I expect to be met with indifference (totally ignored) or hostility. But it's such an awesome idea and I wasted all day thinking about it, I am going to put it in my GitHub and post it somewhere anyway. Although posting is often pointless because things often end up with 0-5 votes.

The source of the most useful feedback is a potential customer with a reputation for rudely telling people "how it is", and a ton of knowledge about the domain, and no reason to be nice to you. The worst source of feedback is your friends and family, especially if they aren't knowledgeable potential customers.

Good feedback: "Why would I pay for your product? I wrote a bash script that does everything you do already. Do you have [feature x]? I'd pay [$y] for that."

Bad feedback: "This is so cool! I could see myself using this if I needed to."

Patience. People do care, but it can take a while to reach them.

My first solo project, "procedural audio" took 5 years research, 3 years writing a book and 10 years to convince the digital entertainments industry it was something worth considering. Many times along that road I just wanted to give up.

> without getting "sympathy" feedback?

  "I listened for an echo and I heard only praise" -- Nietzsche
Sometimes a kind word does help, but you will know genuinely useful feedback when it comes. It's more about connection and recognition.

good luck

I'm not at all religious but good advice is where you find it.

"If you wish to learn and appreciate something worth while, then love to be unknown and considered as nothing. Truly to know and despise self is the best and most perfect counsel. To think of oneself as nothing, and always to think well and highly of others is the best and most perfect wisdom."

-- Thomas `a Kempis

What sets the successful "creators" apart from the rest? Quality? Timing? Luck? Network?

In the world of independent comics, my experience is that it is all of these. Regularly put out decent stuff that you enjoy doing and the followers will slowly climb. Doing fan-art of popular stuff you like can give you boosts, but can also be a trap.

Being there at the right time helps, but you're not gonna be there at the right time with exactly what the moment demands without being there at the wrong time with a lot of okay work beforehand. Luck is the same - the more opportunities you have for long shots, the more likely it is for one of them to finally hit.

Good feedback comes from a mix of your peers and your fans. Share WIPs with both. Good feedback can also come from pros - in the world of comics for instance, you can go to a convention and get in line for a portfolio review, both at "major" publishers[1] and the occasional grizzled pro who just likes to give back to the community by doing this for anyone interested.

Networking comes largely from people who entered the same field at the same time as you and became some kind of friend. The ones you're always delighted to hook up with for a drink/hangout/bitch session with when you're at the same con are the ones who will be most likely to pass on any powerful connections they manage to make[2]. You should be happy to return the favor of course!

1: DC and Marvel and the like, who are actually pretty small fish when you compare their output to the massive amount of books moved in kid's-comics channels - I think my friend Dana recently said she sold more Phoebe and her Unicorn over the past year than Marvel sold across their entire line of comics 2: for instance, you can bet I'm gonna be asking Dana to have a look over the YA SF graphic novel I've been working on when it's done and see if there's anyone at her publisher she'd be willing to pass it on to!

I think the YC mantra applies, even to code: "Build something people want"

If your personal work isn't something that anyone is interested in, if it isn't something they want or can at least envisage someone wanting, then they're unlikely to spend time looking at it and offering genuine feedback.

If all you're doing is scratching your own itch, and nobody else has that itch, then don't expect any feedback at all, even the sympathy variety.

A corollary of that is “you can’t just guess what people want; you have to talk to them, try stuff, and iterate on your ideas to find out what people want.”

Since it seems like your work is about a big shift in thinking, it will require people to spend a lot of time before they start to grok the important ideas. So you need to keep them on board long enough for big ideas to seep in. So you need to work on keeping it engaging and relatable. Sort your ideas by palatability, and start with the most palatable.

Impose on a few friends first to read and comment on drafts. They can help identify the rough edges that will discourage other readers with less commitment.

This is a great point! (Thanks for taking a peak at my work, kinda embarrassed about it, but hey, it was helpful for feedback.)

Thank you :)

You're way over-analyzing this. Just put it out there. If you know anyone who might be interested, DM them on your avenue of choice.

Don't worry about books or articles. It doesn't matter. Get it out there and use it and get others using it. The rest will take care of itself.

Just do it.

If you are driven or held back by what strangers think about your work, or — worse — what you imagine people might think or comment, you aren’t producing honest work. You are performing.

No matter what you do, no matter how relevant or perfect you think it is, someone will find fault. It’s up to you to interpret criticism as constructive or not. You can’t expect other people to know what may offend you or cause you to doubt yourself.

All criticism, and all praise, you get may have value. If someone’s comments make you think about your work then the comments have value. Everything else you can ignore. If you feel defensive or hurt, or flattered, your focus has moved from your work to your ego.

Nabokov, a writer who didn’t give a toss about his critics, wrote something worth keeping in mind:

I don’t think that an artist should bother about his audience. His best audience is the person he sees in his shaving mirror every morning. I think that the audience an artist imagines, when he imagines that kind of a thing, is a room filled with people wearing his own mask.

You asked for books that might help. I’m not sure what your project involves, but I can suggest a few that I have enjoyed.

How to Write a Thesis and Six Walks in the Fictional Woods by Umberto Eco.

Strong Opinions by Vladimir Nabokov.

I find two things helpful:

1. Learn to make judgment calls in the face of uncertainty.

2. Don't mistake attention for success.

People are prone to liking something for reasons that benefit them. Their reasons for being interested may be actively hostile to your goals and welfare. So don't let crowd reaction be overly important to you.

It's information. But it's also incomplete information and you need to think about things like "Is this really serving my goals and interests?"

Expect no one will care.

This, unfortunately.

The more work you put into something, especially if it was very difficult and you were uniquely qualified, the less likely it is that anyone cares. It just becomes more niche.

Most of the times when I put effort into something, nobody cares. That's okay, it just puts an upper bound on how much effort I do before it's not worth the chance of reward. Other times I slap together a page in 2 minutes and thousands of actual people click through, more people than I could ever really get to know.

Good stuff does get higher quality attention than low effort stuff, but that doesn't mean good stuff necessarily resonates with more people. Being prepared for little traction, especially if you put a lot of work into something, is unfortunately the best expectation to have, until you get a feeling for how likely something is to succeed and you also get some intuition for what works (though, even then, it fails most of the time). The trick is to keep putting things out there anyway and not give up.

Unfortunately this is probably the most likely scenario. And in turn also the hardest to handle.

You're way overthinking this all. Publish and get feedback, don't be surprised if you won't get any at all.

"My original "plan" (ie grand scheme) was to have everything figured out and perfected and then publish it all at once, fireworks and all. Needless to say I no longer think that's a good idea..."

I am struggeling with that, too, since years.

I have given up on the "perfect" long ago and am happy with "good enough". But still, there is no way to update a first impression.

If the first impression is bad, they might walk away and never come back. Even if the reason was some stupid technical glitch, that could have been easily fixed. So I would argue in some cases it is indeed better to wait some more time and fix the showstoppers.

Which is why I probably also won't publish today, even though I figured, easter might be a good time strategically.

But I will show it some more people in person today and judge by their reaction what of the issues are really critical.

> But then, what else does one do besides regularly posting content?

That's the most effective approach. But there's a frame of mind that goes with it. And that mental frame isn't in it for the upvotes or likes, but quality. You can't control reception or even commercial success of your work. But you can control the quality of what you create.

This is hard, though, because it's easy to use quality as an excuse to never publish anything. So a key element of success is knowing what's "good enough." And there's no way to figure that out without publishing something because it's the first step in getting responses to what you've created.

> What sets the successful "creators" apart from the rest?

The successful creators have defined success in a way that they are capable of achieving. How would you define it?

I run a blog with 200k clicks [1]. For me, so far it's been two things:

1. Working on yourself and actively trying to figure out why you're doing this. Inevitable, you'll land a viral hit and it'll feel great. But once it's gone, you'll be left with the same old feeling. So to sustain, I think it's necessary to understand why you're creating.

2. It's practicing in the arena. As a perfectionist myself, I love to be prepared and I hate being assessed by others. But the more you hit publish, the more you're learning and growing. You'll understand what content you can pull off, what people like and what you prefer.


- 1: https://plausible.io/timdaub.github.io?period=all

When you're starting out, you won't really get a lot of feedback. You first need to develop your own taste, so at least you know if you like what you wrote.

Anyway, this might help you out: https://www.benkuhn.net/outliers/

I think if you're looking for success, you just have to do a large body of work.

Ira Glass says the same thing in different words. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ira+glass+the+c...

I always say, behind every masterpiece are a thousand sketches.

>quality, honest feedback

Friends, but not in general. Friends can be a source of feedback aside from just publishing it. Full disclosure: I'm on team just-publish-it.

>how does one know if the content's any good?

Just publish it!

>What's been your experience?

Comfortable obscurity so far.

>Do you know of any good resources

The War of Art

Personally, I share my work to see how it is received (including here), any reaction, including silence is useful and allows for a better perspective.

However, never let it get to you though when you don't see the reaction you potentially imagine. I think it's important to set that mindset from get go.

Starting slow is likely a better idea since you would not run out of material from the start when most people will pass by without taking much interest, just the way of the world.

Lastly and most importantly, keep doing what you love, people come and go (especially the online variety), your passion is with you for life. Keep at it!

Beware that HN posts are very sensitive to timing: the same post may get 200 comments or 0, depending on when you post it.

Yes I've noticed!

Try to broaden your audience from yourself, to you and 1-3 people who would be really interested in what you're doing.

Are you able to explain what it is? Why it's necessary? Are you able to spike any interest?

Creating isn't just building. It's sharing and telling. Without a reason why others should be interested, they probably won't care.

I've found Marty Cagan's work helpful. The role that would be answering/exploring many of these questions would be a Product Manager in a product team, and there's literature for product management and product discovery.

As fortune cookie as this sounds, and as someone with many successful repos on GitHub, it really doesn’t matter. What matters is whether or not you enjoyed what you did. Don’t let the validation of others, or lack thereof, define you. Love your craft, and keep loving it. Even if you change the world by building something as well received as Redis, just take pride in completion. Completing a project with self verifying tests is not easy. What sets a good programmer aside from an outstanding programmer is completing something in full.

Good for you and good luck. Here's my thinking on an approach:

What can happen? a) No one responds b) you get harshed on c) people communicate interest. You can't control b) so ignoreit, a) is the same result as not publishing anything but at least now you have a story. Put the effort into to making it easy for c).

In terms of interest, what specifically are you looking for in response to putting the project forward? A response to the idea, or a response to the effort?

In terms of the idea, tell your audience: - Who is "it" for, what's it for? If it's for you, generalize to people like you, eg "developers who are trying to keep track of their ideas" - What's the bet you are making? eg "it uses clustering to group ideas that you can then label as themes" - What would you like to know? eg "would this help you?, or how do you organize your notes and ideas now?"

In terms of the storytelling, lead with a demo or example that shows it doing something. If the code's not all there yet, mock that up. Above all, show what it does.

In terms of the effort, it's telling us the idea plus: - How does it work? eg "I used X Y and Z. It does A B and C". - How I solved it: eg" The hard part was designing A, where I first tried this, and then that, and what worked was this other thing". - What I don't know how to solve yet. This last thing the may be what gets you the most feedback, so don't bury that.

You know if your content is good because over time you are able to build an audience that engages through whatever mechanisms you provide, and they pay you if you ask for money. Feedback can be one proxy for your heading, speed, and mass... but it's often inaccurate and always incomplete. Good luck and enjoy the journey - no one cares as much as you so you will need a base load of internally sourced motivation to stay committed for any meaningful duration.

You're already screwed, because you've put so many eggs in this one basket, and seem extremely emotionally tied to this one piece of work.

That was a huge mistake.

To clarify, that was my plan, but thankfully I no longer think of doing that. Yes, there is still something big that I want to do, but now I have many other aspects that I want to add and share as well, so it's more of a relief now.

Lot of talk, not a lot of action. I avoid people who talk big and don't execute.

Just do whatever it is you want to do, stop talking about it.

Gotcha, will start doing. :)

So first of all, good on you for publishing your work - the thing more important than anything else is that you do - the rest of the conversation about feedback, outcomes etc is interesting but only matters once you have actually published / shipped. So get that done first, don't overthink it beforehand.

A few other comments have mentioned that you really shouldn't expect anyone to care, and from those that do you should expect the majority of feedback to be negative - disagreements and nitpicks, etc.

This is absolutely true and you should embrace it! I wrote a blogpost [0] about that which you might enjoy. That's one of my blogposts that did actually 'hit' and got to the front page of HN. You'll see in my blog that I've written a few that have. You'll also notice that my most recent post has not and if you review my submission history you'll see that I've really really tried to get it to! Including title changes, etc. I like it just as much as any other post I've written, but have concluded at this point that HN, or at least the people who review posts on the new page, just don't care about it or find it interesting. That's fine!

If you review my submission history you'll also notice that my open source library react-frontload is a similar story. It's got about 450 github stars and a reasonable amount of people use it in their projects, but it's never, ever 'hit' on HN or anywhere else. Again, that is fine! I post it anyway every so often just to get it out there (I genuinely think it's a good tool and want people to find it!) but never really expect a different outcome to be honest. And I am sure even if it did hit, a majority of the feedback would be negative (and some of that quite useful).

That's all to say, keep the expectation of nobody caring and negative feedback for most of everything you publish because that's mostly what you'll get. Occasionally, you'll be pleasantly surprised by something hitting, but I don't think that there is any particular strategy to it other than the obvious thing of trying to publish only things you think are genuinely useful and of course, just actually publishing!

[0] https://davnicwil.com/negative-feedback-is-positive/

Submit and forget. Just don't think about it.

Joe Rogan talked about how he deals with the sheer size of his audience, he just doesn't pay attention.

HN is a safe place, kind of. It doesn't matter what feedback you get, but what you do after.

Paul Graham and Sam Altman rarely comment here. Nor does Garry Tan or the other most famous folks. you will find a response from PC if an article references stripe directly..

So you have nothing to fear here, nothing to lose but potentially, potentially something to gain. So fear not. You are among friends.

I find it interesting that you don't mention what kind of thing your personal work is. Nor what you want to get out of sharing it. Money? Collaborators? Recognition?

Have you considered not sharing it with a bunch of strangers? I've regretted every contribution I've ever made to the internet in retrospect.

If creating your thing gave you joy, maybe that's enough.

I'm mainly writing essays, but didn't want the specificity of that to limit the possible responses I get.

But re what I want to get out of it, that is a great question. Took it for granted, but I can now see that figuring that out would change a lot.


Managing expectations is key as you suspect. It's important to remember that hundreds of talented people are putting out very high quality stuff every day, most of it is noticed by someone, but very little of it makes it into popular culture.

When you've prepared a good home for your material (I have no idea what it is, writing? Music? Software? Something else?) then the work of getting people to it begins. For me, that means tweeting, chatting, "forumming" and generally being annoyingly plugging my stuff whenever I get the chance (and sometimes when I don't). You will likely receive very limited feedback from doing this, but it does help, and people will pick up your stuff eventually.

I expect very little, the things I make are also not very good, so that's probably part of it. I get "feedback" by searching for my stuff online, and I'm pleased when I find it popping up in linux distros or discussion fora, or youtube videos. But that's about it.

Learn marketing from oldschool fundamental resources, like books from Kotler, and also learn some sort of mind bending, like "The Artist's Way" book, to train your brain to see breadcrumbs of information in obvious things, and to free your mind from abstract limitations.

And just now begin classic business circle - try something - gather information on what you achieve - make conclusions - try again.

And accept fail - humans are not computers, we constantly make errors.

Sure, you need strong support to withstand all these things - find good girl, find some community with strong life values, and establish balance between your work/business and life.

I understand, all these parts of life puzzle are not easy to achieve, you may need to cut much from your old life; you may seen once, that you must to move to other district or even to other city or even to other country, but this is real way, it worth it.

For context I have been programming for 40 years, professionally for 30.

In my experience programmers have to travel through 3 stages (not all get to stage 3).

1. You code to prove to yourself that you can

2. You code to prove to others that you can

3. You don't need to prove anything anymore, so now you code for utility (ie earning a living etc.) At this point the code is not the goal, the goal is something else -the code is a way to achieve that goal.

It's important to work through these steps - it's hard to jump to step 3 without "earning your chops" along the way. Those foundations are what make step 3 effective.

I say this for you to set the context of where you are at. You are not your code. your code is not perfect. You will always look back on "old" code (like from 6 months ago) and feel you can do better. That's called growth and it's a good thing. If you look back and your code from 5 years ago is "perfect" then either you're not growing, or you've peaked :)

Interestingly I also say this so you can understand what "level 3" feedback you'll get. Mostly people don't care about your code, they care about utility. So in that sense you can expect utility-based feedback, not code-based feedback. It may be hard to hear about something you've worked so hard on, but for most of us the "code" is not the goal - utility is. It's like looking at the Mona Lisa, the painting is great, but I really don't care how many nights you spent painting it. Which can be tough to hear based on your doubtless effort and hard work.

So skipping over the code part, you've presumably got some project that's offering some utility. You want to build an audience for that utility. Welcome to your next job. Turns out "build it and they will come" is a myth. "Selling" something to an audience is staggeringly hard. Ironically even more so when said offering is free. Ideally you have the audience before the product, but that's not how experience works.

So, hopefully you can determine what kind of person would use your project. then you hang out where they hang out. You help them as much as you can. You build a reputation for helping them. You point to your project when it's truly the best fit. It takes time, and effort, to build reputation in this way. And along the way you try and keep the product itself as something people want to use, something they latch onto.

So yeah, keep your expectations low, then drop them some more. It's a tough place to get started in, and I can predict that you'll almost certainly fail. But in failure you can learn, and that's important. The thing I'd say you might learn is that you need to build an audience before you build the tool. That's what I learned. But your experience will be your experience.

I say all this not to discourage you, but to encourage you. You are on a journey, and you are seeing others already at their destination. That didn't happen overnight, and they likely walked a very hard road to get to where they are. Try and get satisfaction along the road - figure out what worked, and where you went wrong. Learn as much as you can from failure. Then do it all again :)

Good Luck!

On what basis did you form that theory? I picked up programming as a child and have never wondered if I can do it, or cared if others knew I could do it, I have always been in step 3 programming to solve problems. There must be a lot of other people like me.

If anything I've regressed to step 1 20 years later after burnout, but that's another story :P

Tentative thought experiment / question: similarly to how some people absolutely fly through curricular study and then crumble once they enter the non-perfectly-spherical non-vacuum-based real world, maybe you simply never had any significant/blocking issues with learning and integrating programming into practical settings (perhaps due to chance opportunity, IQ or other factors) until recently? Maybe it was a breeze until now, and everything's caught up after burnout...?

Thanks for your insight. I think I've always enjoyed programming until I didn't. So pushing through work even when I'm highly unmotivated has been pretty tough and definitely a new skillset to learn!

>> On what basis did you form that theory?

I've had the pleasure to work with a large number of programmers from different companies, backgrounds and training over a long period of time. I've seen this pattern repeated over and over, although as I say some people seem trapped in stage 1 or 2.

This is especially true for those who would rather spend a month coding something than spend $99 on a library to do the job. Conversely I saw a _lot_ of developers who saw only the end-goal (which typically meant getting paid) and would happily use whatever code they could get to get them to that goal quicker. I noticed that the ones who lived better, got paid more, were the ones that shipped, not the ones with "perfect code". [1]

>> I picked up programming as a child and have never wondered if I can do it, or cared if others knew I could do it, I have always been in step 3 programming to solve problems.

I too started young, and was self taught. I got through stage 1 pretty quickly, long before I'd even considered a career in this space. but certainly in the early days I was recreating things (games mostly) that were available at the time.

During University days I was lucky to rub shoulders with some very skilled others, and we constantly pushed each other to get better, be better, show something off, and so on. I went in there "knowing everything" and only by interacting with others did I find out that "all I could do was program." I didn't necessarily see it at the time, but the formal education part (the "science" part) really helped me along my career.

In my early work days I needed to prove my worth, demonstrate skills and so on. Once I was past that I became more productive - getting tasks done, not obsessing over every little naming detail. Build, release, iterate, perfect. Not build, perfect, perfect, iterate, never-release...

I would suggest (with no data obviously) that you went through stages 1 and 2 early, and perhaps quickly.

>> If anything I've regressed to step 1 20 years later after burnout, but that's another story

Perhaps it's burnout, or perhaps it's reflective of the limits you reached. As I learned new languages or moved into new spaces, I tended to repeat the stages, so perhaps you're just regrouping. I think we're always learning sometime new (hopefully) so sometimes it can feel like regression.

[1] Please don't read what I'm not saying here. Of course code matters, and like many I strive to produce the best code I can. But there's a balance. I use OpenSSL because despite the "ugliness" of some of that code, it's solid and it works, and I don't have time or energy to write something like that myself. I'm not advocating for using any old rubbish, I'm saying that quality libraries exist, and using them can often move a project quickly forward.

The answer to your question is "don't expect anything at all". If you want to start thinking about building something people really want, then the audience comes before the product -- I recommend reading The Mom Test to get started on this journey.

Just release what ever your working on, if you have good intentions, then people will be more forgiving.

Restrict thy ego, and take all feedback with a grain of salt as everyone has bias even you!

You have some really responses to your question. There may be more coming, but with what you have here, it is a goldmine of great anecdotes,stratgies,tactics and facts. Good luck.

it depends on what the work is. if it is something interesting for the hackernews crowd you'll get some initial feedback here. use that and take it from there.

if you can't attract the readers here, then you'll have to search where communities are that might be interested in your work. research that and then seek feedback in the places you find.

What expectations?

Find people you trust in your network to get feedback on before releasing

Put some tracker on so you can see traffic growth over time, and who is linking to you. I suspect putting ads on helps your search ranking but who knows.

> Put some tracker on

Ah yes, HN loves that and nobody here blocks those to skew the results.

> I suspect putting ads on

Really, you recommend that in a thread about managing expectations? If you want to lower your expectations then this is surely a good idea.

Why, what are you looking to achieve by sharing your own work?

I expect nothing from you

I've struggled tremendously with this for years and many ideas I had either have ended up not being published or just forgotten. By now I'm the co-author of ~16 (peer-reviewed or in review...) papers, with varying time investment, contributions and success. I still haven't published any informal writing under my own name, but co-lead the development of a moderately successful software package.

My recommendation would be to focus on one idea or one project and figure out whether you understand the problem space and the existing solutions well enough that you are sure that what you are doing meaningfully improves or goes beyond the current way of doing things. If it does, people with the same problem will take notice, give feedback etc. Some of the research papers I was involved in even lead to several job offers, invitations to give talks, interviews and quotes in popsci literature etc. (and briefly were on the front-page of this site). Twitter is surprisingly useful for this purpose as well, although of course this sort of already implies you have an existing network of people that know you or know what you are working on.

Of course peer-reviewed scientific contributions might be on the extreme end of content production. But at least to some degree my guess would be a similar logic applies to the creation of other content as well. Beginning with an idea, the idea has to pass through several filters for it to be considered worthy of a research effort and ultimate publication. Ideally you should be able to scrutinise an idea yourself, maybe do a prototype or begin writing a few paragraphs based on the premise of a piece. I regard ideas as separate from the actual manifestation in writing or code, however it can be extremely difficult or impossible to get an idea into a concrete instantiation. Ultimately you should be able to trust your own aesthetic or scientific judgement first, otherwise any kind of negative feedback can deter you.

I also strongly believe that quality is really the first thing to focus on, producing high quality content quickly should be a secondary optimisation goal, because as you gain experience, you will (hopefully) be able to naturally produce high quality writing / content with less effort and time investment. People will be able notice attention to detail and especially in the case of software you have to assume that for every issue that is raised a larger number of people encountered the same issue and never returned.

If you are primarily intending to write, there obviously is no better way to get better at writing than to actually write. Even if most of what you write you do not intent to publish.

There is more to be said, but in any case I can only encourage you to start. Since I have had a moderate amount of success in some instances, it has given me confidence to more freely share other work.

fULL BRAIN DUMP, DISREgard any formatting or anything ; this is a thought stream ;

So I have just come upon an epiphany and a revelation to the product we have just built.

This product is both an (data) weapon for and a cure from (to ailing technologies) ;


The thing is, that to get here took DECADES of trying, iteration, design, mtgs, discussions, rejections, hurts (other YCs going with aspects of what we achieved, but profiting off it years after we applied)... etc...



I have LITERALLY just this HOUR realized how our prduct is going to either:

1. Disrupt

2. Piss off

3. Profit

4. Get assassinated for.



It takes more than timing... timing is LAST.

You need all the supportive network in hand FIRST

(So youre telling me timing is first?)

No, but yes.

Timing is a few thing.

First you need to recognize the problem, devise a soolution...


You need to DETERMINE the best TIME for launch... (and that weighs in all the other bullshit)

(When to seek patents, funding, VC, Viral Interest, Traction etc...

All of these factors matter --- but Never stop striving to deliver.

This reads like a manic episode.

was funny to read tbh

I'll bite, what's the thing?

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