Maker here. I’ve went against the grain[1] and maintained this journaling app for the third year now. This is V3 that I just pushed few months ago that added photo logs (iOS only for now unlike V2). It may help people reflect now we are entering the holidays with a new start soon.
Why make another journaling app when there are so many other Day One look-alikes? Because it’s unique in the following ways:
- Offline only, no cloud, no tracking
- Easy to export to JSON (you own your data)
- Minimalism design taken to it’s logical conclusion
- Open and type, no step 2
- Type “?” to search, no step 2
- Type “#” to use hashtag to organize
- Double-tap timeline to hide and keep logging in discreet
- Pull up the timeline to see a 100 day GitHub like heatmap
Also it tries to avoid the following anti-features:
- journal titles (my pet peeves, way too much info up front)
- Sparse timeline with main/detail layout that forces you to drill down to see your full journal entry
Love the design. Lowest possible friction is important.
I personally a) dislike writing _anything_ on touch screens b) live in the terminal anyway. So I wrote a script called "n" that appends a timestamp to a text file, then: If there are command line arguments, it appends them to the file verbatim and exits. Else it opens vim, in edit mode just under the timestamp. For example:
# n 'Hello, world!' # Writes a quick timestamped note and exits.
# n # Adds timestamp, opens vim. For bigger notes.
Since the text file is on my NAS I can view it from all the devices I care about. Yes, I know it's not a system everyone would want (curlftpfs anyone?), but it works for me, and is guaranteed to remain readable for decades. It's just a text file on disk. I search it using the text editor.
Here's my scripts. I think I got the idea on HN somewhere, if it was you, feel free to set the record straight. Also I'm bad at shell scripts, so any suggestions welcome.
~/bin/n (add note):
#! /usr/bin/env bash
cd ~
echo >> notes.txt
echo -n '# ' >> notes.txt
date '+%a %d %b %Y %T %Z' | tr -d "\n" >> notes.txt
echo ' #' >> notes.txt
if [[ $# -ne 0 ]]; then
echo $@ >> notes.txt
tail notes.txt
vim "+normal Go" +startinsert notes.txt
~/bin/nt (review notes):
#! /usr/bin/env bash
less +G ~/notes.txt
~/bin/ne (open vim at the last line for revisions):
#! /usr/bin/env bash
vim "+normal G" ~/notes.txt
I plan on setting up an old laptop with a proper full travel keyboard on my nightstand that boots straight to this, no graphical environment, nothing else.
I created my own, more complicated script called npad which automatically creates a note in the `~/Npad` directory when you run it. I created it because I kept on writing text files in random places and couldn't find them later.
Aha! Yes, I remember now, I must have seen jrnl here on HN. I certainly imitated its interface. Looking at the project again I'd recommend using jrnl instead of my one-off scripts, it's seen a lot of recent activity!
Now that my memory is jogged (amusing, for a journaling discussion), I opted for my solution because I wanted as few dependencies as possible for workflow reasons. Journaling is very personal, and I wanted the ability to quickly change the tool if it didn't suit me. Now that I better understand what I want, I may switch to jrnl. I also built a rudimentary task tracking system on top of my system as a separate tool, but that part really isn't worth sharing.
jrnl interop sounds useful, especially if bidirectional and automated (and for me personally, available on Android).
Love the idea! I am installing it right now and will get the pro to support you. I have a question about backup/restore. What is the backup format? A markdown/plain text would be best for archival purposes, especially for a journal that might be read far into the future. I get that it is offline, but having a journal on one device only without is a double edged sword. If I lose my phone, I lose my journal. Would it be possible to sync it to iCloud? Then it would be easier to have it on multiple devices as well. Thanks for making this!
Edit: After playing around with the app, I see that the backup is a zip with a json file and images. That is great for archival.
The backup format is a simple zip with a folder `assets/` that contains all the images, and a `logs.json` file that contains all the logs, which itself is a simple array with `createdAt, text, image` as keys.
Yes, the offline thing is kinda a hurdle to many. The way I'm convincing myself: if I log from multiple devices and backup often, I get some sort of offline partial replication? :D iCloud is great in its partition of user data so the devs don't have access to it, so yes if I were to support auto sync, iCloud would be top of the list. NextCloud is also on the table.
This is excellent! I've discovered that I value very similar features as I have tried other journaling apps.
I found that my personal favorite solution so far is actually a chatroom with just myself in KakaoTalk. It also has the extremely simple input, which is critical to make sure capture and journaling actually happens, and fast search using substrings and tags, which make recall simple.
EDIT: Also, automatically timestamped input! Which puts both your app and my solution a step above a plaintext file
It's not without its warts, which your app does away with. However, I personally find the ability to post photos, videos, and audio recordings very useful, and for that reason will likely stick to my existing solution for now. Regardless, it's really great to find others share similar values in journaling, and I'll be following closely! Thank you!
Thank you for the kind words! Yes I've also tried a private twitter account, private slack/telegram channel, those would also work wonders if you desire something cross platform. I just realized I need something with minimum distraction, thus a dedicated UI for journal logs, which means no cloud or other people's servers, no profile images, no retweet button etc. :D
Feel free to follow the journey via our Twitter handler @thezenjournal or sign up for the newsletter if interested in following.
whoa, the design of this web page threw me off at first. Interesting apple vibe but it's all over I don't know where to look, it's just all over/in my face. (on desktop)
I agree.
Took me a minute to figure out where to get the software. I'd recommend something like a colored header bar along the top with the store page links.
Face palm moment indeed. I was actually kinda proud of the redesigned landing page, but yes, the image needs to be separated from the copy, maybe with a clear border.
I'd like to differentiate between journaling and note-taking. And I do enjoy software that's designed for a specific purpose. e.g.: VS Code for code, Typora for Markdown, Roam for outlines. Markdown file is a great way for persistence, I find the formatting although great for expressing complex and structured thoughts and ideas, a bit redundant for my casual journaling needs (plus no timestamps per log, which I find useful to preserve the context). I do recommend Logseq or Obsidian for longer form note-taking. I also find ZenJournal could be a decent gateway to your other workflows: you log on the go from the phone and transfer the logs back to your other workflows. :)
if i could have a suggestion, rethink the home page design again. I was stunned because I couldn't focus on anything, I didn't understand what I was looking at for a good 5 seconds. My main complaint: the images are too big and the text too small. The information that you can lock using your fingerprint is unreasonably more prominent than the information about what the product is and where you can get it.
Haha thanks for the feedback. I definitely am hearing some echos. I was inspired by apples keynote grid design but then realized maybe for a landing page it’s a bit too chaotic? And your eyes don’t have a linear place to start and have to do some extra work. Definitely thinking ways to mitigate this.
There are a few different issues. I think part of the problem is that it looks a bit busy but ok when the window is narrow. But at full width on my screen I get 5 columns, and nothing to signify what is important. You'd improve it massively by just setting a max width so it's never more than maybe two columns, maybe three at a stretch.
But secondly I think it's a "brand" issue even with two or three columns. You're selling a minimalist app, but the homepage one of the most cluttered I've seen (at my window width, anyway). To give you an idea of how busy it feels, take a look at this page [1] (yes, I'm exaggerating for effect).
I get that you want to showcase everything, but I think you need to really consider that the people to whom the simplicity appeals are not likely to respond to a cluttered homepage.
1920 pixels on a 27" external monitor. And yes, usually full width. I did test your site with narrower windows and it becomes a lot easier to read then, hence why I think a quick and dirty first step you could make it just reducing the maximum number of columns.
Seconded. It took way more than a minute to understand what is going on. I kept coming back to thread and the homepage trying to figure what this note app is even for. I am still not sure if it can be used on the browser or the desktop.
One small thing that got me confused. Typing ? in my SO's Android (MS SwiftKey) automatically adds a space after it: "? ". No idea why it does that, but it stops search from working. Maybe skip leading whitespace?
Thanks for the added context! It's been almost 2 years of idleness from me. Although I've released the android version and few small changes in between, I wish one day I'm updating the app frequently enough that I need to post every year. :D
I think it would be fun to have Whatsapp integration, and I can easily send pictures, notes, voice notes etc to the journal. The other part could be to have a simple chat bot that provides prompts throughout the day, like "what are you doing right now?" or "take a selfie with whoever you're with."
Interesting. I've seen people using telegram to post messages to their Roam graph, it will require some significant work considering this is an offline-only app. But then again, if I do support all these log types, why not just go to the app directly? I do like your auto prompt feature and have thought about it as well (or even support different scripted prompts as plugins), some people do like the prompt and structure, maybe someday when there is enough user interests...
Thanks! Editing will be coming, at some point, due to overwhelming demand. :) Hesitant about threads at the moment, as don't want to complicate existing interface. Some also suggested using horizontal scroll for different streams to separate work and life for example.
For threads you could implement something like Telegram's "Reply" feature. E.g. long press or swipe on a prior entry when typing a message, then when it's sent it has a clickable link to the prior message embedded above it.
Either way I'm definitely going to be checking this out as it's very similar to how I already use the Notes app for journaling type entries.
Would be great to see the thread of "replies" functionality also. I use that feature in Telegram and WhatsApp for chaining related stuff. I have long lists like that.
And separate streams for work and personal is definitely one use for me. And I create temporary streams for a project or a trip. Horizontal scroll could work great!
I found I installed this a long time ago and didn't use it.
Today however it seems like something I can definitely use.
I've been thinking in the same direction a few times (I.e. a personal Twitter) but never came around to it and always fell back to saved messages on Telegram.
Now however this seems to have become what I want.
We'll see, I might still fall back to Telegram but I have at least signed up for the trial without immediately unsubscribing like I usually do; the service is that promising and the price is that good.
Thank you for the shoutout. Yeah most of the features are free but with subscription you are supporting me and also unlocking the photo logs and fonts and hopefully more in the future.
Feedback: your website on desktop seems way too complex for me to figure out. Kinda goes against the "minimalist" app. I would suggest re-designing the site.
What do people use journal apps for?
One thing I want to do is to log nature observations when I am out and about in nature. Preferably through voice recording (not neccessarily transcribed) and geotagged. Bonus points if the phone can stay in my pocket and I can do it through a PTT microphone.
I use journaling to take notes when I am doing undirected research. I also use it to log my thoughts on topics that I later need to write reports about.
My spouse is in journalism. She keeps voice recordings of everything instead of a journal. There aren’t really any good apps for this, but a transcription service and dedication to writing summaries can go a long way I hear. The transcription makes the voice recording searchable, and the summary ensures that you’ve gone back over everting at least once and pulled out the important information.
Any chance you have plans on making this usable by groups instead of individuals? I've been looking to find, adapt, or make something like this for collaborative fiction.
downloaded, i like it. the rolling chat feel is just awesome for journaling. im craving this on my computer now and love the #hashtags, could do like #todo thoughts.
Why make another journaling app when there are so many other Day One look-alikes? Because it’s unique in the following ways:
- Offline only, no cloud, no tracking
- Easy to export to JSON (you own your data)
- Minimalism design taken to it’s logical conclusion
- Open and type, no step 2
- Type “?” to search, no step 2
- Type “#” to use hashtag to organize
- Double-tap timeline to hide and keep logging in discreet
- Pull up the timeline to see a 100 day GitHub like heatmap
Also it tries to avoid the following anti-features:
- journal titles (my pet peeves, way too much info up front)
- Sparse timeline with main/detail layout that forces you to drill down to see your full journal entry
- Notifications/reminders
I try to expand the answer in this post too:
Feedback and suggestions welcomed. Thank you!