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The best journaling app is anything that opens a markdown file. You can always build the workflow that suits you best.

I'd like to differentiate between journaling and note-taking. And I do enjoy software that's designed for a specific purpose. e.g.: VS Code for code, Typora for Markdown, Roam for outlines. Markdown file is a great way for persistence, I find the formatting although great for expressing complex and structured thoughts and ideas, a bit redundant for my casual journaling needs (plus no timestamps per log, which I find useful to preserve the context). I do recommend Logseq or Obsidian for longer form note-taking. I also find ZenJournal could be a decent gateway to your other workflows: you log on the go from the phone and transfer the logs back to your other workflows. :)

hard disagree, WYSIWYG is the way to go.

Edit: unless you mean literally, in which case, sure.

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