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created:January 31, 2009
about:CURRENTLY OPEN TO WORK -- predominantly consulting / part-time/retainer devops work would be perfect, though the "perfect" full time job might be considered.

Engineering management/leadership; devops; software development, architecture; Ruby, C, JavaScript, C++, PHP, Java, Go, Python (roughly in descending order of commercial experience)

E-mail: vidar@hokstad.com (job opportunities, contracts, and questions about my comments or projects are all good, but please be to the point and I can be slow to reply to unsolicited e-mail)

Mastodon: @vidar@galaxybound.com / https://m.galaxybound.com/@vidar

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vhokstad/

Personal site: http://www.hokstad.com and http://www.hokstad.com/blog

My (not regularly updated) Ruby compiler project: http://www.hokstad.com/compiler

Github: https://github.com/vidarh

One of my favourite recent projects is this ~500 line TrueType font renderer in Ruby: https://github.com/vidarh/skrift

Site for my science fiction book series: https://galaxybound.com
