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Rowhammer-like attack on SSDs can provide root privileges to attacker (myce.com)
161 points by el_duderino on Aug 16, 2017 | hide | past | favorite | 72 comments

The full paper is here: https://www.usenix.org/system/files/conference/woot17/woot17...

I am unconvinced. They have not demonstrated an attack on any real-world SSD; instead they have attacked their own FPGA-based design.

The attack assumes that you can control or predict the physical location of data on an SSD, which is unlikely on a system that is doing other I/O.

But worst of all, the "attack" assumes that if you can target the right physical block/pages in flash, you can somehow hit that location with sufficient read-disturb that the result will decode successfully, AND pass ECC checks, meaning the resulting bad data will be returned to the host system.

I am highly skeptical that this could ever work on a real SSD. The combination of BCH/LDPC error-correction codes combined with a final checksum should make "random bit flipping" impossible to leverage.

Oh, and there's one more thing: SSD firmware keeps counters, to ensure that read disturb can't corrupt data. Any read pattern that hammers a particular location will trigger garbage collection or data rewrite to a fresh location.

Author here, I would like to set the record straight.

We do not claim to have an attack on SSDs. The journalist seems to have misunderstood and not read the paper. The attack demonstrated is not on an FPGA or SSD.

The main point this paper makes and demonstrates is that if you can cause corruption of a full block (i.e., completely garble contents of a chosen block), then you can elevate privileges (with some assumptions, like using ext3). Note that this result does not depend on whether you are using an SSD, a disk, or any other storage for your filesystem.

Are you claiming that a random-bit-flipping attack such as targeted read disturb can cause corrupted data to be returned even through data scrambling, a first-level LDPC check and a final CRC check on the output?

From your paper: "We assume that the victim system runs a filesystem on top of MLC NAND flash-based SSD."

It seems very naive to be surprised that people would assume this is an attack on SSDs.

The flash weakness is clearly documented as just being part of their threat model, not part of their research. They say that their contribution is in the filesystem part of the attack, to build on a weakness proposed by a previous flash layer focued paper. So this is completely OK.

If you want to critique the flash paper, or how this paper represents that papers findings, you should turn your attention to:

Yu Cai, Augata Ghose, Yixin Luo, Ken Mai, Onur Mutlu, and Erich Haratsch. “Vulnerabilities in MLC NAND Flash Memory Programming: Experimental Analysis, Exploits, and Mitigation Techniques”. In: 23rd IEEE International Sympo- sium on High Performance Computer Architecture . 2017.

I found a PDF link too: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/b9bc/a3c9f531002854af48de12...

I agree the earlier paper shares the same misconceptions.

I don't agree that the authors of the present paper are exempt from criticism for this reason.

Still in the introduction you write:

Based on a recently published paper by Cai et al. [2] that proposes that rowhammer-like attacks are possible on SSDs but does not present an actual attack, we investigate the feasibility of such attacks on SSDs from the system point of view.

So it might be easy for a non-technical reader to jump to that conclusion.

Academics don't write publications in sloppy-journalist-proof ways, though. And that's fine, they have more important audiences they are writing for.

Not sure if you've ever actually been in academia, but on any type of publication (paper, thesis, etc.) it is very well understood that title, abstract, introduction and conclusion are "for the masses" while the rest is for the interested (and assumed-to-be-"qualified") reader.

However, I agree that we should expect science journalists to be in the latter group.

So I see failures in both sides of the communication.

So how would you have written the quoted bit? It seems pretty masses-friendly to me, any addition of disclaimers or weasel words would just detract from it.

To raise an earlier quote, a central sentence from the abstract: "In this paper, we discuss the requirements for a successful, full-system, lo- cal privilege escalation attack on such media, and show a filesystem based attack vector. " This is also a good description for the masses, and only a very sloppy journalist would read past that and jump to premature conclusions.

(side note: I don't think there's any need to get into credentials about who's been in academia. There are lots of terrible writers, and minority opinions about writing, in academia.)

The quote conveys what the author does. That the average journalist assume that it means they have carried out an attack is on their shoulders, because it clearly states they are only looking at it from the filesystem.

The main point this paper makes and demonstrates is that if you can cause corruption of a full block (i.e., completely garble contents of a chosen block), then you can elevate privileges (with some assumptions, like using ext3).

That's an entirely unsurprising fact, especially if you've ever played around with cracking/patching. A single-bit change in the right place is sufficient to turn an "are you root/registered/privileged/etc.?" check into its negation. This isn't anything novel or unexpected to anyone who knows how software works.

This is not about having control over the changes (flipping a bit in a file, say), but rather about random corruption.

Also this is not a journal paper, this is a workshop (Usenix "Workshop on Offensive Technologies") which is meant as a kind of get together of academics and practical/industry guys. So just demonstrating an "theoretically obvious" exploit would be fine content for that venue, especially if it's not been academically documented before.

If there's anything we've seen, over and over again, it's that theoretical and infeasible attacks eventually become, in order:

1) possible

2) feasible; and

3) reliable to the point of weaponization

It may take 5 years. It may take 20 years. It will invariably require a huge amount of other research, only some of which will appear relevant. Then all of a sudden the intermediate pieces are all understood and the first practical attack becomes possible.

Even if this attack only works against an ideal target, it still shows a new way of thinking about particular attacks.

> Any read pattern that hammers a particular location will trigger garbage collection or data rewrite to a fresh location.

I can't help thinking that you may have inadvertantly outlined how an eventual practical attack will be performed. This wouldn't be the first time a mitigation method is abused to prepare an attack either - what if you had statistical methods at your disposal to predict how the SSD's wear-leveling redirects your writes? Could you arrange for the cells to be rotated in and out in a reliably determinable pattern?

I'm not discounting your doubts, btw. I'm just pointing out that dismissing the attack due to its current sophistication (or lack thereof) feels shortsighted.

> If there's anything we've seen, over and over again, it's that theoretical and infeasible attacks eventually become, in order:

In general, yes it's always good to keep in mind that just as technology progresses exponentially, technological attacks also progress exponentially.

BUT, theoretical attack -> weaponized attack is hardly an axiom. To take a page out of history which I believe is apropos, let us recall the old myth of recovering data from an erased hard drive.

Way back in yonder years it was widely believed that three letter agencies could take any hard drive that had been erased, and recover all the data by carefully analyzing the residual magnetic flux. A single erase, the theory went, wasn't enough to fully wipe the magnetic signal.

The idea was so pervasive that security obsessed peoples would wipe their drives 6, 7, maybe even 8 times just to be sure. That'll stop those three letter agencies!

Well, as time went on it turned out the theoretical attack became less plausible and less feasible! We have no evidence that such a technique was _ever_ used. And while, in theory, it _may_ have been possible when the myth started, the relentless march of platter density rendered it less and less feasible as time went on.

It's hard to know what attacks will follow the exponential curve upward towards weaponization, and which will follow it downward to obscurity. Best to just keep your wits about you, I say.

I don't think we can assume that all impractical attacks will eventually become feasable.

There are some things that are not just hard, but computationally infeasable. Triggering random bit errors and expecting to pass both the LDPC error correction as well as the extra checksum probably falls in this category.

I'm afraid I don't follow your suggestion that triggering SSD GC could somehow result in some other attack. This is simply the firmware automatically repairing the damage you were attempting to inflict. I don't see an additional attack vector here.

Since flash is already an unreliable media, hardware & firmware already works very hard to conceal and silently repair any errors before they accumulate to a data corruption scenario. This is very different from a rowhammer-type attack because there is an active CPU that already works to prevent this type of damage when it occurs naturally (or due to a naive workload that reads hot locations often).

> I'm afraid I don't follow your suggestion that triggering SSD GC could somehow result in some other attack.

I was thinking more of the wear-leveling of the NAND cells. (Sibling comment from wtallis points out that the entire technology is being phased out so that's pretty much covered then.)

What I had in mind was a write-spray to identifiable locations. Wear-leveling cycles cells out from active to inactive, and from inactive back to active. If you could prepare a whole bunch of cells with suitable patterns, AND had a way to get occasional cells cycled in uninitialised - then having predictable control over "where"[ß] a cell is cycled back in could allow to target the reads and writes to perform the attack.

We don't need control over which cells are cycled in if majority of incoming cells already have our data on them from their previous active incarnation.

ß: There is indirection above the physical cells and their addressing. I just don't know how many layers.

That's not how SSDs work. You would never be exposed to uninitialized flash pages; they are unlinked from the logical address space until after the block gets erased and programmed with fresh data. Wear leveling doesn't change that process at all.

> It may take 5 years. It may take 20 years. It will invariably require a huge amount of other research, only some of which will appear relevant. Then all of a sudden the intermediate pieces are all understood and the first practical attack becomes possible.

Except that the NAND flash that's vulnerable to these attacks is being phased out of production as quickly as the fabs can be converted. Coming up with more plausible ways to obtain the oracular knowledge necessary to properly target this attack is of no use if the underlying storage medium no longer has the failure mechanism that's being exploited.

And another thing, you have little or no access to the physical layout of the SSD - you are writing through a complex algorithm that does wear levelling, block remapping and lazy deletions. To write to NAND flash, you need to erase the entire block first.

Perhaps you could corrupt the DRAM cache of the SSD, though?

It should be noted that while the disks do keep counters their space for such counters is small and you can sometimes over it and do some places are forgotten. I've seen it happen on HDDs and had this as a root cause of some repeated failures at some customers due to their specific workloads and their interaction with the system.

I do support you in the general point that this is rather unit to work on SSDs but it may work on HDDs as they have a similar failure mode and physical locality is easier to achieve there on them.

That said they unlikelihood didn't make it impossible. Filesystems should be written and tested against such attacks.

This is idiocy. Modern drives AES encrypt data to provide whitening. You do not have the key nor do you set it or care for it. Without it you'll not be able to pull this off. Their attack will only work on very old SSDs that do not whiten data. All modern MLC/TLC chips REQUIRE whitening and AES is often used since it whitens well and is fast.

This would be a much more productive comment if you took out the first sentence.

Some mention needs to be made of how unreasonably sensationalized the article is.

It doesn't seem sensationalized to me, but I don't know much about the domain. Other ways to phrase a comment are "This isn't very dangerous in practice" or "This won't work on modern hardware" or "The risk in this article is exaggerated".

Trust me, it's sensationalized to the point of being highly irresponsible reporting. This research first made the rounds early this year, and I analyzed it in depth. Properly explaining all the caveats behind this "attack" requires more space than this entire article.

Among other things, making a successful attack would require sufficient privilege level to bypass all layers of read caches (and probably also all write caches), a target SSD that doesn't use modern 3D NAND, and intimate knowledge of the internals of the SSD controller and firmware, potentially up to the internal state of the LFSR or AES used to scramble data before it is written to the flash.

There's interesting stuff in this research; it highlights aspects of the unreliability of flash memory that I haven't previously seen emphasized so clearly. But since everything about SSD design already assumes that the flash memory is thoroughly unreliable and untrustworthy, these corner cases don't rise to the level of a real-world vulnerability.

This is the paper https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/b9bc/a3c9f531002854af48de12... that this is based on. They claim to be able to extract the key using hdparm. Afaik that needs elevated permissions to run.

> They claim to be able to extract the key using hdparm.

No, they claim only to be able to use hdparm to extract the logical block address at which a file is stored. Whether that gives you any useful information is entirely dependent on the internals of the SSD.

I think the meme of "never say anything harsh lest you make someone sad" is counterproductive. It's very important to productive discourse that people are able to express the entire range of intensity with which they may feel an opinion. In particular, if something is stupid you should be able to say so.

You can be as harsh as you need without being a dick. Just address the content and what's wrong with it, not how stupid you think the author is. On the very rare occasion that it's useful to talk about someone's intelligence, you should say more than "you're an idiot".

Maybe you're not aware that in English there is a difference between saying "You're an idiot." and "This is idiocy."

I don't want to get into an argument about definitions or semantics. Those phrases are different, but they come across similarly to me and many others, at least in this context. That's really all that matters in a casual discussion like this.

I understand not everyone will have the same reaction. I don't pretend to speak for everyone, but I suspect I speak for the majority.

Lying in your paper is being a dick

>Author here, I would like to set the record straight.

>We do not claim to have an attack on SSDs.

but in the paper:

>>"We assume that the victim system runs a filesystem on top of MLC NAND flash-based SSD."

You're right. If the author lied, say that. Don't just say "idiocy".

Also, those sentences aren't contradictory. "Note that this result does not depend on whether you are using an SSD, a disk, or any other storage for your filesystem." Meaning the attack might apply to someone using an SSD, but the SSD has nothing to do with the vulnerability. It is useful to precisely define a model case in the paper so your results can be easily reproduced, even if some details are not required to demonstrate the vulnerability.

Why is intensity at all relevant? Are ad-hominem attacks fair-play? The original poster called this 'idiocy' - is that an engineering term? This isn't about trying not to "make someone sad" - the OP has gone much further than "making someone sad".

Because "I disagree with this" is semantically different from "this is stupid". They communicate different ideas. You can disagree with something without thinking it's stupid. A reader can and probably should react differently to a post being intelligent, but wrong, versus being just plain idiotic.

The post on question also didn't call the author an idiot, just said that the paper was idiocy. That's not ad hominem at all.

Good modern SSDs do this. Cheap SSDs use only a non-cryptographic scrambler.

Does flipping a bit in the ciphertext not flip the same bit in the plain text, for naive implementations?

AES and similar algorithms are specifically designed to not do that, because otherwise details of the ciphertext leak details about the plaintext. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Differential_cryptanalysis is about exploiting any unintentional leak of info like that.

AES in CTR mode does work like that. So do most stream ciphers.

Differential cryptanalysis is not about defending against bit-flips. Instead, it is about comparing two cipher texts to learn something about the relation between corresponding plain-text.

This is only possible on AES-CTR if you have to ciphertexts with the same key and nonce/IV. This is why a nonce is supposed to be used only once. Same goes for other xor based stream ciphers.

No because of SubBytes step

Not all cipher modes are immalleable.

AES without a known key doesn't allow modifications of a single output bit by only modifying plaintext and having no way to observe cyphertext.

And which cipher modes are used by SSDs?

Looking at this thread of comments a couple hours later, clearly, no one has an idea (so any security cleams seem unbased).

Not necessarily. Depending on the mode bitflips produce predictable results and a SSD probably does not authenticate blocks.

AES is not linear thanks to the SubBytes step. You don't know the key. Good luck :)

AES being linear or not is wholly irrelevant for this.

I recommend you read this article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Block_cipher_mode_of_operation

Please explain how you'll mutate a single bit of output given only input and no knowledge of key

If you use a mode like CTR you just flip the corresponding ciphertext bit. As for CBC there are padding-oracle attacks.

Do SSDs use CTR mode? How does one perform a padding oracle against an SSD? I feel like we're pretty far away from the relevant context, which is users corrupting data on an SSD.

XTS mode for block storage. Can't be CBC or CTR, where would you Store the IV or counter/nonce?

You could store it in the block metadata, which SSD flash translation layers already use for wear-leveling purposes.

This sounds more like random speculation than informed commentary.

Does the SSD let you read the raw ciphertext to perform that attack? Or does it only expose the decrypted data?

There is no documented way to read cyphertext. I am SURE some manufacturer specific commands exist. But they will likely be undocumented, model-specific, and may be locked away behind a manufacturer key

"Please explain how you'll mutate a single bit of output given only input"

Same way Rowhammer works. Exploiting a physical vulnerability gives zero damns about encryption. Now whether you get VALID or USABLE data from the attack is an entirely different story.

You're right. The AES key used on _all_ drives is 8bytes.


If it's anything else the user would have to enter the key. So in practice, it's not /really/ encrypted.

Nope. The drive's firmware generates the key pseudorandomly when it receives the "securely wipe drive" command, this happens at least once before the drive is shipped from a factory. Thence, the key remains unchanged, unless another "securely wipe drive" command is received. This happens transparently to the user.

Every SSD works that way? Is that a standard?

Bog-standard. As mentioned in sibling thread, you could find really old SSDs without this feature, but they're getting rare.

Drives that lack cryptographic scrambling are not rare. Search a few vendors' sites and you'll find some that don't support "self-encrypting" capabilities.

It's pretty common for drives to have hardware AES support even if they don't implement the full TCG Opal feature set for use as a "self encrypting drive". I think Phison is the only SSD controller vendor that doesn't advertise encryption capability on all of their mainstream SSD controllers.

I'm referencing work by the Drive Trust Alliance


Mods, please change URL to original source: https://www.usenix.org/conference/woot17/workshop-program/pr...

This really needs to be done. The journalist's article has nothing to do with the paper (I do not think the journalist read the paper)

They may have read but they clearly did not understand. Looks like they realized it now:

> Update: Our reporting was incorrect, here is a comment from the author of the report: “Author here, I would like to set the record straight.We do not claim to have an attack on SSDs. The journalist seems to have misunderstood and not read the paper. The attack demonstrated is not on an FPGA or SSD. The main point this paper makes and demonstrates is that if you can cause corruption of a full block (i.e., completely garble contents of a chosen block), then you can elevate privileges (with some assumptions, like using ext3). Note that this result does not depend on whether you are using an SSD, a disk, or any other storage for your filesystem.”

Google cache as it seems to be offline for me: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:LREtpAA...

If such an attack were able to reliably set data in a flash device, could this be defeated by whole disk encryption and block checksums? Whole disk encryption would be to counter the ability to set precise values (checksums would be no use if you could just set a correct one in your attack) and then checksums to detect, well, data corruption?

I couldn't get access to the video. How do they work around the error correction and wear leveling algorithms?

They don't. I was at the presentation. It assumes that the target FS is ext3 and one has bypassed the mitigations you mention and any others that get in the way. Mention is made of previous generation SSD tech that was vulnerable to charge leakage during IO to adjacent cells.

Assuming a spherical SSD...

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