> It may take 5 years. It may take 20 years. It will invariably require a huge amount of other research, only some of which will appear relevant. Then all of a sudden the intermediate pieces are all understood and the first practical attack becomes possible.
Except that the NAND flash that's vulnerable to these attacks is being phased out of production as quickly as the fabs can be converted. Coming up with more plausible ways to obtain the oracular knowledge necessary to properly target this attack is of no use if the underlying storage medium no longer has the failure mechanism that's being exploited.
Except that the NAND flash that's vulnerable to these attacks is being phased out of production as quickly as the fabs can be converted. Coming up with more plausible ways to obtain the oracular knowledge necessary to properly target this attack is of no use if the underlying storage medium no longer has the failure mechanism that's being exploited.