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Show HN: Pact, a simple utility that kills all procs given to it if one dies (github.com/nickodell)
94 points by nickodell on Jan 22, 2016 | hide | past | favorite | 75 comments

I did something similar some time ago, but in far simpler form. I called it "process race" - prace for short.

Basically you write simple shell script to start your processes and at the and you exec prace so it takes over children of shell:

  proc1 &
  proc2 &
  proc3 &
  exec prace
You could also do this as a part of shell script in this way:

  (proc1 & proc2 & proc3 & exec prace)
Then prace has simple job. It wait(2)s and then kills all children.

I have it somewhere if someone is interested, but I can access it in few hours. But everything is written in at most 2/3 terminal screens worth of C.

This is the service supervision approach, which is indeed the best, avoiding race conditions and nasty polling. If you really must monitor processes which you cannot parent, at least under Linux you can do this using ptrace to sort-of-reparent the processes (as long as you have CAP_SYS_PTRACE or your ptrace scope is set to 0 in Yama), with waitpid to monitor all of them.

I for one would like to have it at hand, if you could. Just paste it here if you don't mind publishing it, thanks in advance.

For the time being I can't access original implementation, but quick and dirty version looks like this: https://gist.github.com/hadrianw/8e6f9c1007953b37f768

Props for this. Just last week, I was searching for a similar solution and ended up coding this - https://github.com/code-mancers/invoker/blob/master/lib/invo...

It doesn't kill the shell, when one of the process dies but kills the processes if shell dies. There is some trick involved in the way trap gets called though when shell dies and without waiting on the processes twice - shell exits without killing child processes.

If you happen to target Windows platform (I know article does not), don't reinvent the wheel. There are NT Job Objects [1] for this. The 'target' process creates the job with `JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_KILL_ON_JOB_CLOSE` set and keeps the job handle open. 'dependend' processes (by default all children spawned by 'target', but you can add more) will all be killed when the 'target' process terminates, no matter how is terminated. Jobs can do more, like cap CPU/IO/Memory for the job.

[1] https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms6...

Does it make sense to optionally pass the signal you want to send as an argument?

    pact --signal SIGINT $PID1 $PID2
    pact -s SIGKILL $PID1 $PID2
    pact $PID1 $PID2 # uses SIGTERM by default

I wrote this to scratch an itch. Is this a feature that would make pact useful to you? If so, I can add it.

I debated about making it send SIGKILL shortly after sending SIGTERM, but I was having troubling thinking of an unsurprising way to implement it.

I can't think of a current itch, but think about sending SIGHUP (refresh config) instead of killing processes.

I wonder if you could create a system that gives a file-lock to the last surviving (child?) process... Call it Tontine.

Pact... heh heh... I like the name :)

Sometimes I wonder if people come up with the name first and write something to match.

I fucking love the name =)

I'm just sitting here - popcorn-in-the-microwave - waiting for those people to start a fuss about it.

I might be totally wrong, but isn't this a good way to get orphaned processes? Kill the parent arbitrarily with SIGTERM (I don't think this automatically cleans up the children/forked processes) and viola, you've got an orphaned process.

Using this would require whatever process you start to handle SIGTERM properly. Most processes spawning children do this, but it's no guarantee and one needs to be aware of this.

In my experience, processes doing IPC with parent gets notified of parental death by EOF on the socketpair/pipe it's using to communicate with the parent. This is easy to reason about and most people check return values from I/O functions. Parents spawning children and only caring about SIGCHLD are more prone to not have the correct signal handlers set up by its dev(s).

IMO, any process spawning children w/o proper signal handlers are not good citizens.

This is great, and if you can - you should probably submit it as a request to systemd and supervisor.

I can see how I would use it in supervisord within a group.

This is a neat hack, but pids are reused - there is a reason "proper" supervisors take care to be the parent of the supervised process.

(A process monitoring system will mostly trigger under odd conditions... such as fork bombs.)

You're right, but I think it's an acceptable risk.

pact wakes up every second to check that every process is still there. If the process is gone, it sets the procChanged field in the struct, and it won't kill it later.

Still, what you are doing is inherently racy. The very moment you pass the PIDs to your program, they can already be gone and reused. You can end up kill()ing a different PID. I don't think you can use this for anything serious. In what situation do you think it might be acceptable? EDIT: You are trying to implement process groups in user space.

I'd call this "atomic bomb".

If allusions to suicide pacts are fair game, so is mass killing; and atomic means "all or nothing" in CS.

Over at MongoDB, Inc. atomic means nothing at all.

MongoDB is quite decent these days. Their WiredTiger backbend is written by the Berkeley DB guys.

We can also call it hitler as it does a 'process genocide'. Or maybe we can use a proper name like 'killtogether' or 'killpg' for kill process group. The name should correlate to the function of the thing.

more like a "fuse" that cuts off power to X and Y when Z fails

Maybe this is a silly question, but what's a situation where you would want to use this?

I wonder what happens if you give it its own process ID.

I don't get it.. The name that is.

I assume it's Pact as in "death pact".

The combination of the ghoulish name and correspondingly succinct description brings to mind the style of a Magic: The Gathering card.

Because of this post and these comments I'm now wondering if M:tG is Turing complete. <heads off to google>

Spoiler: yes.

I wonder if there's anything in the rules to deal with the fact that a game might never complete.

Tournaments run with a time limit. After the time limit, the game ends in a set number of turns. There are also rules for "slow play" that generally keep a single turn from lasting too long—and inadvertently prevent certain weird combinations of cards from working.

Online play has what is effectively a chess clock. This doesn't work in person because the game involves "priority" passing between players after every single action, which would be difficult to do manually. Additionally, play in person relies on a whole bunch of "shortcuts" that skip steps if both players don't want to do anything, which would make timekeeping even more difficult.

But if you left out these tournament-specific rules and just played the game rules, you could have games going on arbitrarily long. Since you can create "tokens" you can have arbitrary amounts of state, so a game could even loop without ever hitting the same game state twice. (Think "puffer trains" from the John Conway's Game of Life.)

If there is a truly unstoppable loop (considering usage of the word "may" or such optional ability to continue or break a loop) then the game is considered a tie. There are tournament rules regarding players intentionally drawing out the game (it's against the rules), but I don't think there's any rule against a deck that simply runs long (or really long).

Some cards have been banned for causing tournament rounds to run too long, or for being central in decks that regularly do this (I believe Sensei's Divining Top and the "eggs" deck were the major offenders).

This is like the Erlang / OTP "One for All" strategy.


I was actually thinking of process linking. Any groups of processes can be linked. Processes that are linked together -- die together.


Insensitive to whom? all the dead people?

What about 'killing a process'?

What about 'master / slave' relationships?

Terms get used for purposes other than offending people

Insensitive to survivors. I don't find it disgustingly insensitive, rather potentially troublesome.

Also, yes, master / slave is outdated. If you are developing a new product, do not use master / slave terminology. It is not appropriate for professional work product.

Daemon is troublesome in many households for young hackers, which I don't advocate changing; this just makes me a little sad.

Killing, I have no problem with, but I'm an American. If I were, say Austrian, I might prefer terminating processes.


The whole point of PC (political correctness) is to take power away from racists, sexists and other -ists by demonizing words and concepts. I think this has obviously gone too far in many areas. For instance, people should be able to discuss slavery, racism, violence, etc in a grown-up environment without fear of undue reprisal. If someone is still an actual racist shithead then they deserve the consequences of their free speech.

Speech and names should be respectful, especially in the professional arena. Being witty is fun, but causing real pain is not. Some people are killjoys who pounce on every troublesome or ambiguous potential "trigger" word. Some people are assholes who don't believe words can cause real pain - or worse - enjoy negging, controlling, and demeaning.

Personally, I tell horrible jokes and say mean things about people pretty often, but only verbally, and only to small audiences who take them in the manner intended. I'm sure I say hurtful things in amongst the jokes sometimes, but I also try to show respect in most of my dealings as well.

> Killing, I have no problem with, but I'm an American. If I were, say Austrian, I might prefer terminating processes.

Why do you feel that Austrians have a special sensitivity to the term "killing"?

Arnold Schwarzenegger is Austrian. He played the Terminator.

True, but do you think that is the point OP was making? "Members of a particular country should have a preference for a word that is associated with an individual from that country" seems like a rather strange linguistic argument to make :-)

> the point OP was making

He makes no point.

Yes, it was a joke that apparently was only funny to myself, which I am fine with.

Your first comment reads like if it was serious though, sorry. I suggest use '/s' for this situations, even though it's a bit lame to have to denote sarcasm. Also, the head of the thread is flagged out, so people who took yours seriously probably thought that you made that comment.

Yea, I should know better than to write comments after midnight when I'm feeling silly, but it does help to get my thoughts down.

I had more silliness in the comment, but I removed it, so the tone is kinda weird right now.

You take away what your bring to the party, I guess. I read it as "we all succeed or fail together", and it wasn't until I read hackernews outrage it occurred to me someone would deliver another interpretation.

"together" seems to be a neutral name, semantically fits, and is not used.

I'm sorry, but I disagree with this current trend of making language "safe" for everyone. Yes, I know about triggers and some good reasons for changing words (there's no real reason to be using master/slave in a new piece of software).

Eventually you end up with bland, uninteresting language. Pact, while a little confronting if you follow the connotations far enough, is an excellent and succinct name.

I would have also accepted "contract".

How do you not reel in horror at the kill command itself?

That's actually a pretty good question. I would guess that killing is so generic from the News, games, movies, etc that killing doesn't usually strike a personal chord - whereas family and friends of suicide victims[1] tend to take suicide personally.

1. Typing that out reinforces how weird it is to think about suicide terminology - a subject one would be advised to not spend too much time pondering.

Why would this be insensitive? 'Pact' just means a formal agreement.

perhaps it conjures up "suicide pact"?

Ah, I hadn't considered that. Still, not sure if I buy that the term 'pact' automatically has a negative connotation due that one usage..

well, we never know what situations words may be linked with for some people.

"pact with the devil" is another negative twist.

Someone want fill me in on the piece of popular culture I apparently missed? All I've got is either "an agreement" or compilers for ancient IBM mainframes (704s, I think it was?).

I assume the OP assumed it was a reference to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_pact

... why?

A pact, from Latin pactum ("something agreed upon"), is a formal agreement.

The OP is not upset about the name alone, but against the twinge of realization that dawns after reading the accompanying description.

I'm not exactly sure it's possible to describe killing processes much differently.. I mean the Linux command to kill a process is 'kill'..

the kill command just sends the signal of the user's choice, not necessarily SIGTERM (the default) or SIGKILL or whatever.

This lets you change behavior in a running process from the shell by triggering a desired handled signal.

Hopefully they never come across parents reaping children....

Orphaned processes are probably very offensive too, right?

Don't forget about the zombie processes.

I disagree. It is very succinct though.

I'm not married to it. Would you like to suggest an alternate name? (Aside from "atomic bomb," as was suggested elsewhere in the thread.)

spitballing here - some of these may be more offensive than pact, included to get mental juices flowing. Also, not looking these up for dupes in current use.

mad - mutually assured destruction

mat - mut. ass. termination


atdi - atomic disintegrator

dms - dead mans switch

psd - process safety device

vigil - alert watching

turret - are you still there

ff - fail fast

faro - the pharoah gets buried with his servants

tact - terminal action

pact - positive action (same name, different story)

fact - final action

rapture - it's time

raptor - they hunt in packs

coterm - coterminous https://www.google.com/search?q=coterminous

I see why you were downvoted for the initial comment, but I don't see why you are being downvoted for this one. This seems like a creative list of alternatives to back your complaint. Personally I don't think the name should change at all. Although, I do like ff for the alternative name you could give it in your head that describes the exclamations of the processes involved. Upvoted for creativity and constructivity.

Edit: also, dms? o_O ...


I did say some of them were worse...


Odysseius... or more seriously killpg, for 'kill process group' sounds fine.

I suggested a name below in this thread: "together"

How about "unchain" ?

If any link is severed, no more chain.

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