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True, but do you think that is the point OP was making? "Members of a particular country should have a preference for a word that is associated with an individual from that country" seems like a rather strange linguistic argument to make :-)

> the point OP was making

He makes no point.

Yes, it was a joke that apparently was only funny to myself, which I am fine with.

Your first comment reads like if it was serious though, sorry. I suggest use '/s' for this situations, even though it's a bit lame to have to denote sarcasm. Also, the head of the thread is flagged out, so people who took yours seriously probably thought that you made that comment.

Yea, I should know better than to write comments after midnight when I'm feeling silly, but it does help to get my thoughts down.

I had more silliness in the comment, but I removed it, so the tone is kinda weird right now.

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