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It seems like all the hash implementations I've seen have an insertion rate of ~Million/sec. I wonder if it's possible to get at least an order of magnitude faster (single threaded). Are we close to the input string parsing at this rate? Would sorting/caching help a lot?

I found this set of lectures to be really nice: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLT_GI2oINs-CRuwMGDa5_... Wish I had time to get through them all...

Despite the title, I found the details regarding rodent brains and the kiss and spit mechanism much more engaging and convincing than the discussion of effects on humans.

I didn't get much from the linked blurb, but the title made me think: if you sample training data exhaustively and then run a learning process, could you then take the training data maximizing algorithm performance to then better train humans at the same task?

Check out this recent discussion on machine teaching: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9114053

That's what struck me about it as well. I think things like this along with body/health tracking will be the true IoT killer apps

sounds like Cython. Are any such optimizations planned for 3.5 (or beyond)?

Not that I'm aware of. This type hinting is currently planned for analysis, not for efficiency.

This was discussed two weeks ago (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8779532). The title was changed at the source since it was originally too bombastic.

I was also thinking along these lines as I read, and there have been plenty of articles posted on HN on the diminishing returns of working too long. Basically it boils down to people getting tired, and especially in creative pursuits, it helping to get away from your project and let your mind wander sometimes.

What I expected the author might say is that with many accumulated hours you become more efficient such that over time your output per hour grows, but his view seems quite different.

Nice development for trivial patents, but it makes me wonder if this could lead to people having to defend their (e.g., algorithm) patents by appeal to computational complexity or the physical constraints of human vs. computer memory, etc.

if they did, there would have been 3 comments already labeling this a "puff piece." Still could be - who knows...

Why, exactly? I wondered the same thing--what are these so-called startups that are achieving this, how big a trend is this, is it just a local Silicon Valley thing or is it widespread, etc.? Seems like the author dropped the ball here.

I've read articles about at least two, but sadly can't find them now. They use unlicensed spectrum to deliver low data rates, which is enough for IoT devices.

You reminded me of this: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7771877. (Earlier post of mine, but on topic...)

Thanks, that was one of them :)

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