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MonolithFirst (martinfowler.com)
539 points by r4um on June 3, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 188 comments

For me the big takeaway is this:

Refactoring across the call stack is orders of magnitude easier than refactoring across a socket.

Sacrificial or not, you can still write the Monolith as "Service Oriented", just that boundary is the call stack. Especially if you're comfortable with IoC and DI.

Building on the latter I've had success with that. Stubbing out hardcoded concepts that I know will come from a as-yet-unwritten service in the future. Then you start pushing those hardcoded things "down and out"; e.g. it was hardcoded in App A, but now App A requests it from App B, but App B just has the hardcoded thing.

> Refactoring across the call stack is orders of magnitude easier than refactoring across a socket.


> Sacrificial or not, you can still write the Monolith as "Service Oriented", just that boundary is the call stack.

Or just "modular". Obviously you should always make things as modular as you can, but at some point there are irreducible logical dependencies where increased modularity decreases cohesion more than it helps anything else.

Certainly it's a good to strive for the ideal, but at the end of the day a "service-oriented" monolith is not going to enforce the architecture the way a true SoA will. It's sort of like Haskell's purity guarantee—you can write functional code in a lot of languages, but the benefits you reap from having a compiler's guarantee of a certain code's purity is an order of magnitude more useful than browbeating a team of cats to always follow the style guide, because no matter how good your training your "guarantee" is always subject to human error.

> at the end of the day a "service-oriented" monolith is not going to enforce the architecture the way a true SoA will

This is true.

However, even with that enforcement, those guarantees don't prevent you from implementing a bad architecture. And unless you're a domain expert on the project and a general SoA expert, you will most likely get it wrong on the first attempt.

You must know what your boundaries are before separating functionality into services. Practicing SoA may guarantee that you do SoA correctly, but it introduces significant overhead if you get those initial boundaries wrong.

It's more like how Haskell will guarantee you write pure functions, but won't guarantee good functional design. SoA guarantees your services look like services, but won't guarantee good multi-service architecture. The difference is that fixing a handful of incorrect functions and fixing a handful of incorrect services is the orders of magnitude in difficulty. So yeah, still start with the call stack. At least until the boundaries become stable and clear. Dealing with SoA impurities after you've identified the boundaries is way easier than coordinating multi-service refactoring or working within a broken SoA.

> Refactoring across the call stack is orders of magnitude easier than refactoring across a socket.

That's assuming that things haven't become deeply coupled within the "call stack". Separating things across a socket often forces a separation of concerns, which does tend to make refactoring easier.

In my experience communications across a socket does not force a separation of concerns. It doesn't even encourage it.

Heck, because asynchronous communication in a non-deterministic environment is so hard to deal with, my experience is that such communications encourage shortcuts to be taken, so yes, I think it encourages tight coupling.

The only thing that somewhat encourages a separation is having different people responsible for different modules and because people are selfish, they'll fight for their components to have less responsibilities, not more. So it becomes a territorial thing. But this happens only if you have seniors that know what they are doing, otherwise rookies or less competent folks end up cooperating to "get things done".

Weird reasoning, that. I hardly see how a selfish, "territorial" and noncooperative approach could benefit anybody. Sure people might cooperate, but that doesn't mean they will take shortcuts and mess things up.

>Separating things across a socket often forces a separation of concerns

It doesn't really force it. It just makes life really difficult for you if you don't.

That doesn't mean it happens, though.

> That's assuming that things haven't become deeply coupled within the "call stack".

Yep; Monolith or SOA you still have to write SOLID code :)

> Separating things across a socket often forces a separation of concerns, which does tend to make refactoring easier.

It /should/, and if it does now your changing more than the one variable of "invoked across stacks -> invoked across socket", and are more likely to introduce a regression :)

This is why AppEngine modules are so awesome. Have a route that takes on the majority of your traffic? Slice it off the main app declaritavely to its own cluster of machines.

I had rather nice experiences with JavaScript. Much of it is asynchronous and these asynchronous parts are easy to refactor into services. Synchronous code wasn't that refactor friendly.

The companies/stacks Fowler encounters are generally in a problematic state. Thoughtworks, like other consulting companies, is generally hired when things are already going wrong. If they are hired to assess a broken monolith stack, the refactoring to microservices is naturally going to yield positive results, and it's easy to come to the conclusion that microservices are an improvement when refactoring from a monolith stack. When they are hired to assess a broken microservices stack, it's easy to come to the conclusion that starting with microservices is broken. What they don't usually see is the hundreds of instances of microservices (and monoliths) working as intended, as there is typically no need to call in a very expensive consultant in those cases. How many times in the case of badly-organized Microservices was the solution to migrate to a single monolith? I imagine the solution is more often to re-organize the services. If that's true, then one cannot say that microservices-first fails -- just that badly-organized microservices-first fails.

Starting with microservices first, especially in a small team of developers (but more than 1), helps things move much quicker than it did with everyone sharing responsibility for the same codebase. Organizational structure tends to reflect its products' structure. Microservices requires that the splitting of responsibilities between teams or developers roughly matches the split of responsibilities among services. Otherwise, you're just working on micro-monoliths.

An actual study needs to be performed before deciding on a "Right Approach" as this piece does.

FWIW, my experience matches Fowler's claims perfectly. Designing a microservices architecture is harder than a monolithic one because it is much harder to refactor when you find that you've made mistakes. And you always make mistakes. Therefore there is real value in prototyping a monolithic system, no matter what you plan on winding up with.

Furthermore services versus monolithic is hardly a new debate. I would suggest reading and understanding Linus' comments on microkernels versus monolithic kernels at http://yarchive.net/comp/microkernels.html. Pretty much everything he says applies to microservices versus a monolithic stack. With the exception that microservices allows one to parallelize complex stuff across multiple machines for better scalability. So it is the only real option for some use cases.

This. The key thing missing from Fowler's blog post is context. If you are a small team/company then microservices is probably not sensible unless you are highly skilled - the overhead is too high and the benefits less too.

If you are a bigger organisation though, with lots of teams, microservices are required to decouple teams and enable agility/exploration in products and services.

Lastly, it's easy to advocate the monolith ('only to start') when you're a consultant, as you've left by the time it becomes a problem. Or, you get called in down the line when it's all gone pete tong because the monolith 'prototype' has become a monster.

Note, I've spent the last two years working on microservices (which has involved a big learning curve but now yielding benefits) and also old monoliths (that have sucked up so much time it's unbelievable).

Fowler does admit to having little data on successful microservice-first companies. If anyone disagrees here, why not post some examples of it actually working out?

OT: what does "it's all gone pete tong" mean?

"It's all gone a bit wrong", but normally in a dramatic way.


Rhyming slang - "it's all gone wrong"

rhyming slang for "wrong"

To me it sounded like he was writing to the people who are trying microservices because it's the hot new thing they read about on some popular blog.

I think that starting with a microservice architecure in a small team will incur high initial costs, especially if the team follows modern development approaches like continuous integration/deployment. Moving a monolith through a testing pipeline can be challenging, but moving a microservice architecture is even more challenging, especially in the beginning, until you learn how to manage a distributed system. Thats not to say its wrong to do so, but the initial costs should be taken into account.

I think you touched on something that really has recently (last few years) made micro services possible for everyone - tooling. All of the CI/CD tools have matured to a point where they are somewhat easy to use and setup. They are also improving everyday. Docker, Ansible, Kubernetes, cloud servers etc... all are very accessible and possible for regular dev to setup and use.

>> How many times in the case of badly-organized Microservices was the solution to migrate to a single monolith?

All the time. Except it's usually not a migration or refactoring. Instead it's a quick rewrite on a different stack. Or an outright product acquisition where the acquired IP is a monolith.

>Organizational structure tends to reflect its products' structure.

This seems to me to be the real reason why you can achieve some measure of success with this pattern: you can align your architecture with your corporate political set up.

If there is dysfunction across team boundaries where trust and cooperation is low, you can help deal with that by creating a 'contract' across that organizational layer in the form of an API end point.

Nonetheless, there's no reason why that contract must be in the form of a networked API end point.

> An actual study needs to be performed before deciding on a "Right Approach" as this piece does.

I wouldn't say this piece decides on a "Right Approach" at all, especially if you read the last two paragraphs, in which he says he doesn't feel like he has enough information to make a decision about it. Which is essentially the point you made.

Though it's fair to say the title and intro _feel_ like they're leaning toward making the point that you reacted to.

I had great success converting a "microservices" architecture to a monolith at the BBC back in 2003/2004. The result was ~100-1000 times faster (speed was an issue with the original), had a fraction of the code, used 1 machine instead of a dozen, was more maintainable, had effectively zero failures over several years versus several a day, was trivial to install (copy this jar over here) etc.

Wasn't Plenty of Fish run on two machines? And Github Pages?

If you're building a MVP, you're probably going better with the monolithic approach. It's easier to develop and 99% of businesses can probably scale enough with bigger boxes.

Plenty of Fish ran for the first 8 months on the guys home computer.

Also impressively in 2008 they were serving '30+ million hits per day, 500-600 per second' on 5 machines with one engineer. They were the '#13 website in the United States' for hits at the time. I think their machine / engineer situation has expanded substantially since - fancier matching algorithms and instant messaging complicated things.


And having a Monolith doesn't preclude you from scaling horizontally when the bigger boxes run out. At GitLab the application servers are stateless and you can run a large number of them.

I once worked for a company that was sunk by a microservice-first architecture. The "architect" in charge was a big Fowler fan who would quote him to justify every decision. Every developer knew the architecture was wrong (and many said so - but the architect had the authority to overrule them, which is maybe the real problem).

I guess it's good to finally see some acknowledgement, but this is too late for that particular organization. Beware of hyped architecture bandwagons?

Any specifics you can share about why the architecture was so obviously wrong? This is a really interesting topic for me!

It really slowed down development because it made the feedback loops really long - you might have to start up five different JVMs, which would each take a while to register itself with Hazelcast before you could start the next that depended on it, before you could test your change. The service boundaries we had initially come up with weren't always correct (as you'd expect really), but it was a massive effort to refactor something across a service boundary, because each component was released and versioned separately.

Maybe there are ways to work in such an environment, but if so we didn't find them and no-one had the experience to know them.

> because each component was released and versioned separately.

For SOA a mono-repo with synchronized releases is a huge help.

In one commit you can refactor a shared module and update all apps that depend on it. And you know when you deploy to staging or prod that all machines got the latest code

At what scale? At Google we had to version everything within a commit, i.e. files that were pushed to different binaries had to make sure they were backwards- and forwards-compatible with the previous version. Your code had to work even if it was talking to another server that was stuck on the previous commit, or even several releases back.

The reason is that when you have 1000s of machines, the push will fail for some. Either the machine will be offline and out of service when the new version is released, or its network connection may be down, or a cosmic ray may flip a bit and make the process crash when installing, triggering a rollback. Particularly when handling user data, you need to code defensively around these and not assume that the server you're talking to has the same code you just wrote in your commit.

Obviously these problems don't manifest when you're pushing to 1-3 machines, but if your deployment is that small, why not run it all in-process with a monolithic app anyway?

Great point. Different scale needs different things for sure. Even at the scale that I've found this successful in you still have to consider that backward/forward compatibility, albeit at a much coarser grain.

Agreed. Keeping things in the same source tree is an advantage that a lot of people don't consider. It's worked very well for Linux and other large projects that have many separate components that benefit from being maintained in a single place.

My company has had similar issues with code modules. The full app was rarely in a working state because the various modules were in a constant state of flux (module A requires module B from branch X, not master, and module C needs to be attached with this temporary script until the API migration is completed, etc).

We ended up merging some of the modules together just to get our agility back.

None of that sounds unsurmountable or inherent to microservice architectures. What's hard about starting five JVMs? Why did it take "a while" to register with Hazelcast? Why would you expect to initially come up with bad service boundaries, and why is switching two services you've refactored at once difficult?

I think that none of these are problems inherent to microservice architecture, but to someone learning by designing such a system for the first time.

If you want a classic case study on this. Just look into the history of linux.

I was thinking exactly the same!

Was what Fowler said before really pro-microservice first or was your architect just misinterpreting him?

(honest question)

From an article Fowler wrote on March 25th 2014 - Microservices [http://martinfowler.com/articles/microservices.html]

"Despite these positive experiences, however, we aren't arguing that we are certain that microservices are the future direction for software architectures. While our experiences so far are positive compared to monolithic applications, we're conscious of the fact that not enough time has passed for us to make a full judgement."

It is pretty clear the architect in question appears to have misinterpreted how proven Fowler believed microservices architectures were at the time.

Thank you.

I think this how most major religions start.

> a big Fowler fan

Martin or Chad?

I am wondering the same thing. Interestingly enough, Martin Fowler wrote the article.

Thanks. Someone downvoted me because presumably they thought I was being snarky or something, but it's a legitimate question, they both talk a lot about microservices in a very compelling way.

I'm guessing he/she meant Chad Fowler. Chad's way of thinking about microservices is more radical, and more likely to cause havok if someone who doesn't know what the tradeoffs are blindly follows everything he says.

Alternately: design your application as a bunch of Service objects with clear APIs that make (the moral equivalent of) RPC requests to one-another. Do this all in the same process. Whenever a Service turns out to need separate scaling, hoist the code for it out (no need to change it) and replace the "null modem" RPC layer between it and the rest of your code with a real socket-based gateway.

Hey! You've just invented Erlang!

That "with clear APIs" is where you are going to fall on your face. Hard. And is the point. At the beginning, you often don't know where the actual useful boundaries will be. You probably know where you want them, but ultimately that is just an aspirational point.

Yes, but discovering and refactoring to those clear APIs is easier across the in-process call stack. Have to delay the "hoist and introduce a socket" until you're /reasonably/ confident you have the API more-or-less settled

This is where types come in handy. With types you are constantly declaring APIs, publicly and with confidence, so it's easier when one starts to bear real load.

Oddly, this is just another place this same problem can hit you. Sometimes, cleanly defining your types is not easy at the outset.

"Oddly, this is just another place this same problem can hit you. Sometimes, cleanly defining your types is not easy at the outset."

The problem ("you don't entirely understand the space your solution will inhabit; some of what you build will be wrong") will hit you regardless of how coupled or decoupled, typed or untyped. The question is, "do your tools help you adapt", and having defined your interfaces with types your tooling will quickly tell you - when you change the interface - everything you broke. Without types, this is tremendously more painful (feeling this in Python presently).

This only applies if the only tool you have is your type system. It is not inconceivable to have a system that verifies you do not pass anything to a function that can not satisfy the methods that you call on it. For all functions you have in your system.

Is this close to 100% inferred types. Yeah. But that is ultimately the point. Explicitly typing your code can be error prone. And, yes. So can leaving out all types. Far as I am aware, nobody has found a silver bullet, yet.

Your comment is incoherent.

First, it applies so long as a type system is an effective tool at telling you this, and so long as that tool is not completely (or at least substantially) supplanted by other tools. In no way does it have to be "the only tool" - there are lots of tools I find useful to tell me when things are going wrong in my code: types, tests, assertions, linting. Even with the other three, types cover meaningful territory.

Second, as you half note, the system you describe would be a type system (and sounds somewhat similar to core.typed in clojure, though my understanding thereof is tremendously superficial).

The rest of your comment just seems not to follow.

Type systems aren't silver bullets for keeping agility in the face of changes, in the same way that hammers aren't silver bullets for driving nails. You can use them wrong, you can hurt yourself, but you sure want one (... but probably not the weird shaped one with a loose head over there labeled "Java"...).

I was specifically referring to where you said "having defined your interfaces with types your tooling..." The implication being that types are required for this to work. I question that implication.

People are pounding nails with rocks. You say "hammers are just another thing to smash your fingers." I point out that hammers help you smash your fingers less often, and you question my implication that hammers are the only way of reducing finger smashing.

This is idiotic; I'm done with this thread.

Why is why it's nice to start with things more coupled together, so that when you need to change the interface, it's only a difference in how you call your interface, and this is much easier when everything is in the same service.

Yes, you're right. This is what kept me from pursuing CQRS+Event Sourcing+DDD. It's not very flexible if you don't get it right the first time.

Chris Stucchio advocates exactly this approach here: https://www.chrisstucchio.com/blog/2014/microservices_for_th...

tl;dr: "When building reliable software, the network is your enemy. Distributed systems are simply hard."

Hey! Suddenly code that ran quickly serially will have tons of network latency blocking in places where it shouldn't.

Code that should communicate over network must be written with that in mind from the start, i'm not saying doing this locally can't be done but designing this api correctly will be just as hard as making a distributed one from the start. People with the monolith mindset will not be able to do it.

> People with the monolith mindset will not be able to do it.

That's like saying "people with the phlostigon mindset will not be able to electrically insulate your house." Of course they won't, but why are you letting them touch your house in the first place? Designing components for the possibility that they'll be used in a distributed context is just proper software engineering—it's just thinking quantitatively about cohesion and coupling, really—and is to be expected of a proper software engineer.

...but that sounds crazy, right? I mean, we both know how hard it is to hire a proper distributed systems engineer. That's the implicit complaint you're making here.

Well, but wait—why is it hard? I don't think it's an intrinsic thing. Distributed systems aren't any more complicated than calculus or graph theory. It's not like we couldn't make the proper design of them a required course in colleges.

Thus, I would say it's hard precisely because people (including curriculum planners) think that there are only the two alternatives: either up-front-designing a monolith with low operational costs and fast iteration, or up-front-designing a formation of distributed components with high operational costs and slow iteration. The second alternative is obviously bad anywhere but at scale, and we need very few engineers that can operate "at scale", so it ends up not being seen as a required skill.

But, obviously, those aren't the only two options! If you have the engineers with the skill to design distributed systems, and then have them start off your software design as a "distributed system all in one process", then you get the best of both worlds: low operational overhead, fast iteration from the start (redrawing the service boundaries when you're still at the experimentation phase will be painless as long as you use a framework/language/platform that abstracts away inter-service RPC), and a design that organically "anneals into" a proper set of services, instead of a big ball of circularly-dependent mud.

But, again, you need actually-competent engineers.

...but that sounds crazy, right? I mean, we both know how hard it is to hire a proper distributed systems engineer. That's the implicit complaint you're making here.

Well, but wait—why is it hard? I don't think it's an intrinsic thing. Distributed systems aren't any more complicated than calculus or graph theory. It's not like we couldn't make the proper design of them a required course in colleges.

Distributed systems have more possible failure modes, far broader latency spectra, and a greater degree of simultaniety / nondeterminism, as compared to non-distributed systems.

Distributed systems are fundamentally more complex than purely local systems, in all of correctness, fault-tolerance, and performance.


I can build distributed systems, but that doesn't mean I do build them if not absolutely necessary. Because it's a pain in the ass, and I can get far more useful work done if I don't bother with it.


Remember: Network transparency is a lie.

Chris Stucchio advocates exactly this approach here: https://www.chrisstucchio.com/blog/2014/microservices_for_th...

tl;dr: "When building reliable software, the network is your enemy. Distributed systems are simply hard."

Experience Report: We just went through the decision to build as a monolith or via microservices. The original decision was to go with microservices as the rest of our systems are designed that way.

As the time pressure mounted the microservices that communicated naturally combined. The driving force was just the cycle time. Testing and deploying microservices took longer. Mind you, not minutes vs hours. Just a few extra minutes makes a difference if you do it often enough.

One decision that give us confidence we will be able to split the system back out again was to use the stuartsierra/component library. By using DI we can be fairly confident we don't build dependencies we aren't aware of. We simply substitute a client that talks over the network in for the one that does the calculation locally.

We are still in the stabilization zone but have already started to split out services. Code velocity is the driving force for the splitting. Certain components are well understood and fairly robust other still young and poorly understood. We want to limit our ability to accidentally screw up something we have already gotten right. So the components that haven't changed in a while get spun out.

It must be a sign that I am getting old, but your story of considered pragmatic compromise warms my heart. :)

You may want to check KONG as open-source solution to manage microservices so you don't re-build common functionalities across the stack.

Repo: http://github.com/mashape/kong

I've wondered about how to grow a rails app. Really, you can get pretty far on one server. I think people go SOA too soon, instead of just trying to throw more resources at it (which is easier). I mean, basecamp isn't SOA and they handle plenty of traffic. Not that everyone is them of course; but most aren't amazon, either.

Really, I have no qualms with a monolith, but having 100 models to look at / understand is not easy. Chunking them up in some way, even if only by name (like product_sku, product_image) can really go a long way in understanding how an app works; thats really what I found attractive about SOA; but I could certainly do without the socket inbetween.

I'm in the same situation. About to try the 'component based architecture' approach: http://teotti.com/component-based-rails-architecture-primer/

That looks interesting - it does look like it takes some effort, and does lead to additional maintenance, but that tradeoff might be worth it for the right app.

Still, that's a stack extraction; which would work for something like an admin section, but maybe not so much for things more entwined? But then you have to adjust the component antytime you want to make a change...

I could see it working out. I Would be interested to hear of your results once you have an assessment of it as an approach.

There are two orthogonal concerns with microservices. First is the scaling aspect. A microservice architecture has many potential scale point as each independent service can be horizontally scaled independently. Unfortunately, while achieving this is possible in a microservice architecture it's an enormous added layer of complexity today.

The second aspect is, I think, more obviously compelling in that microservices force large scale modularity boundaries into your application. These are at some level entirely semantic boundaries, but the nature of microservice isolation forces them to be complete boundaries involving isolation, serialization, dirty checking, published APIs/interfaces, etc.

This, I feel, is unambiguously fantastic.

The trick is of course that this can be achieved in a "monolith" just the same. It's merely often not because people take advantage off too many features of monolithic development. Shared memory and shared effect space, guaranteed communication causing you to weaken interfaces, fast response time causing you to never be public about the interfaces to a particular submodule. These together lead toward spaghetti code and the interlocking danger of monolithic design.

So, avoid them and make a monolith. Breaking it apart later will be easy if there are already logical cuts in your design. Don't rely on shared effects, shared state, or "hidden" API layers. You can use REST even within a single system.

I think a lot of people tend to over-estimate how "scalable" they need their platform to be. Or worse, they spend so much effort on what they think will be a bottleneck, only to find they spent optimizing something which could have run on a single core.

I tend to think monolith first makes sense, unless you thoroughly understand the problem-space.. even then, monolithic POC might be worth it just to confirm things.

Conway's Law comes into play a little here. Microservices provide organization level flexibility at the cost of operational and development complexity. For small teams and especially at the start of a project, organizational flexibility is usually not needed. Paying the extra ops and dev cost is unnecessary and even dangerous.

In the above, when I say microservices incur ops and dev cost here's what I'm talking about

* Debugging tools need to function across machine boundaries

* Deployments potentially need to be scheduled in multiple stages based on the service dependency graph

* Developer and test environments become more complex.

* The number of failure modes increases due to the network.

All this means we need more code, tools and processes. This investment is worth it and even required for large organizations. They usually have the infrastructure in place and the financial resources to invest. When I was at Google building a microservices based system was so much easier with Borg, Dapper, etc. This kind of tooling is only now emerging in a useable form in the open source world.

EDIT: formatting, grammar

I think one of the essential reasons to start with a monolith is cultural. When you have an existing project/product and you are making incremental improvements to that project, there's a lot of shared understanding (everyone knows what the product already does), and so a small group can go off and work in isolation and get some efficiency from that.

When the product doesn't even exist, there is not shared understanding. It takes constant communication to prioritize correctly, and to understand the purpose of all the pieces, and to detect cases where an implementation is diverging from the purpose. In a kind of inverted Conway's Law, the architecture of the application will affect the communication structures of the team. You don't want the team to communication like microservices communicate. You want the team to communicate like a monolith, where everyone is always in everyone else's business, where conflict is frequent, but conflict resolution cannot be avoided.

I'm in the middle of a greenfield project where there's lots of little pieces communicating to each other over message channels. It's not an architectural preference, it's just how the environment works. Every single-page-app-style website has at least two services with a message channel. It's interesting to look at how this can be technically reminiscent of microservices, but culturally completely different. Those message channels don't make my project any less of a monolith (just a kind of annoying to debug monolith). But that's because they are deployed together, developed together, no individual has a responsibility that ends at one of those boundaries, there's no contract across those boundaries, there's few principles applied to the design of those communication channels (experiential and intuitive principles I suppose). That team structure, and that shared relation to the code, feels absolutely right for a new project.

Seems like reality is settling in.

I mean, it makes sense to me: a team should keep its code well-factored but in a single codebase that's integrated and ready to deploy (as one or more deployable units) for as long as is tolerable/possible.

I think a trigger for splitting a module off from a monolithic codebase would be when its value or resource utilization has become disparate enough from the rest that it deserves its own infrastructure and/or its own maintenance crew.

The deciding factor probably isn't technological but rather human. If you want to keep your teams to 5-10 people and you want to maintain autonomy for teams as you scale, you'll need to split up your monolith.

That seems reasonable. I can think of many human/organizational/rule reasons that would force the breakup of a monolith representing many separate-but-related concerns.

As the other poster said, micro/mono is probably more of a company culture than technical issue. When a monolith gets so big that it takes large team to maintain it, it is probably time to start thinking about splitting. At that point it is close to impossible for any person on the team to reason about the entirety of the app, and it leads to very slow changes.

Something that is also often missed is what does micro mean? To some people it means a service to getDate() to others it is an authentication service. I've likened splitting off micro services like an amoeba splits. A pieces gets bigger off on it's own and eventually splits off. In that respect I agree with Fowler that micro services should be emergent.

The article misses an important aspect of microservices: They're reusable!

Almost all of the swathe of microservices we've developed internally are general-purpose. We've built a dozen or more user-facing apps on top of them. If I wanted to build a new app today, I would typically sit down and write a Node + React app with no backend code needed because I can just call our existing services.

For example, we have a microservice dedicated to storing documents. With this I can create a todo list, a blog app, a Reddit-type link aggregator with comments, etc. If I need login, there's a microservices that mediates between an identity data model and an OAuth account registry. If I need an upvote/downvote system, we have a microservices optimized just for that. We have services for sending notifications across different transports (email, SMS); "followings" and sending digests about updates to things you're following; organization trees; verifying email addresses and mobile phone numbers and other verification sources; processing photos, audio and video; collecting events for aggregating in an analytics store; etc.

This ability to "pick and mix" functionality you need is the real beauty of microservices, in my opinion. It's a huge time saver. We just whipped up a new site recently where 95% of the work was purely on the UI, since all the backend parts already existed; the remaining 5% was just code to get data I to the system from a third-party source.

This does require that you plan every microservices to be flexible and multitenant from day one. It's a challenge, but not a big one.

Out of curiosity, what management tool do you use to orchestrate all these microservices?

Right now, a combination of Puppet and a simple custom-built tool written in Ruby. The tool inspects the metadata from Puppet about which nodes should run what apps, and the tool uses SSH connections to clone from Git, write config files, restart daemons, etc.

At the same time, developers run a local Vagrant VM that is configured identically to the production/staging clusters, and can run every single app (controlled using the same deployment tool). We also made it simple to mount an app you're working on, with code hotloading automatically taken care of. If you want to work on a microservice or an app, you just modify the code on your local machine and reload the page (or do an API request).

It works really well. It's not perfect, though. Since we're deploying directly to the servers, every node has to install packages, compile modules, package assets, etc., and everything has to wait on the slowest node; we'd like to transition to a system where we build a "release tarball" (or even a Docker image) once, and then push it to the cluster. Also, we're looking into using something like Mesos to better orchestrate apps and move away from role-based nodes; Puppet is way too rigid and too "opsy"; we'd like to use Puppet for controlling the base OS, and let the microservice/apps world be more dynamic.

Makes sense! Have you considered Ansible?

Ansible doesn't give us any benefits over our current system. (Salt would be a better choice. Not a fan of YAML templating, to be honest, nor the tight integration with Python.)

Configuration management systems like Ansible and Salt and Puppet are fairly rigid; they are basically modular recipes for placing files and starting services on remote servers. What you get from Mesos (combined with its frameworks) is something that can run your services, keep them running, and handle the several state transitions that affect any running application: Transitioning from one version to another, for example, or restarting a failing app.

We've tried using supervisord as a stopgap solution, but it, frankly, sucks. Doesn't follow forks (no cgroups), isn't capable of cleaning reloading its config, can't do master/worker replacement, doesn't support syslog in any meaningful way.

all those help with the infrastructure part, take a look at http://github.com/mashape/kong for helping with the code.

I don't know Kong very well, but having look at the documentation, feels a little too much like a framework to me.

The nice thing about Mesos etc. is that it makes almost no assumptions about what your system is. You pick and mix the functionality you need. For example, Marathon is basically just a process manager. You wire it up the way you want; the application can be anything, from a web server to a one-off script.

Kong seems to be "Rails for microservices". Which is probably useful to someone, of course.

I'm curious, what does your document storage microservice look like?

It's a very simple layer on top of PostgreSQL that stores basic JSON documents. Documents are organized into paths, which can be queried, and it supports things like tags and putting documents into timelines, and it does path/document-level permissions.

It does a great job for basic document-oriented content storage, and we use it for many things, but it admittedly falls down for anything requiring inter-relationships between documents (ie., graphs), and it has some other issues. It doesn't support querying on arbitrary fields, so we rely on indexing all documents in ElasticSearch, which introduces a lag problem where the UI needs to explicitly wait until ES has been populated after a change. Also, it's written in Ruby and uses HTTP, so it's not fast.

We're working on a "2.0" that changes it completely. It implements operational transforms/fine-grained revisions, supports multiple backends (such as Redis), fast synchronous updates to other data stores such as ElasticSearch, and uses a faster RPC protocol. Currently writing it in Node.js/ES6, but might rewrite in Go once we see that the design works. It will be open source, if you're interested.

Thanks for the explanation. Sounds like a really cool project.

I do agree with this article. We are working on a project based on a micro-services architecture and my experience matches.

First of all splinting functionality in multiple services is really hard and the first version of your architecture is probably flawed. It's also really hard to establish the responsibilities of each component, the boundaries, whereas it is really easy to take shortcuts that invalidate the modularity or the re-usability of those components.

Of course, these wouldn't be such big of a deal, except that refactoring becomes really difficult, because refactoring now often involves changes in how these services communicate and moving responsibilities around. Also, we are often talking about teams of more than two or three people, since two or three people will almost always choose to execute a monolith first - so in such teams the responsibilities are often divided between people, with people having an incomplete view of the whole system, so refactoring across the whole stack becomes a real bitch - next to impossible actually if the management or the clients are not acquainted with how software development works, as the development of new features is always preferred over dealing with technical debt (non-software folks do not understand technical debt).

Therefore I agree wholeheartedly with what is being said. It's not that micro-services don't work, however you need very senior people that know how to design such systems and you still have to throw away the first version of the entire system. And if you think you're one of those people that think they get it, but never had a failure, then have some patience, as you'll get there :-)

Micro services Architecture seems to be the new hotness. I feel it to be yet another case of premature optimisation. :(. For me the best way has been writing a monolithic rails app and then writing rack/Sinatra apps to break them apart depending upon production bottlenecks. This has helped manage performance as well as code.

I don't understand why this is considered new; Roger Sessions described something extremely similar in his "Software Fortresses" book back in 2003 - http://smile.amazon.com/Software-Fortresses-Modeling-Enterpr...

Clothing fashions are almost never truly "new" either.

Premature optimization is the root of all evil.

If you were able to accurately predict the future so you could know what your pain points would be as you grew, you would be wasting your talent writing software. You should be playing the lottery.

If you were utterly unable to predict any of the potential pain points in the things you build, I would seriously question your expertise. The fact that you cannot predict the future perfectly does not mean that the future is wholly unknowable.

It's not that pain points are impossible to predict. It's that you'll get some predictions wrong. False positives will cost you from the start and false negatives will bring you problems when they surprise you.

Instead of planning for future predicted problems, plan for change. Embrace the fact you know little about the future and that both the problems and the way you tackle them will always be mutating.

What you're saying is basically "the only constant is change", which is fine and dandy, but also kind of a useless truism. You are attempting to predict the future by building a product/project. You are assuming that the thing you build will continue to be useful and valuable into the future. By the very act of building, you are asserting some knowledge about the future.

Sure, you shouldn't go crazy and build a complex and expensive solution you don't need today and may never need, but it's disingenuous to claim that a lack of perfect clarity into the future justifies a complete lack of planning for the future.

Well let's see, which JavaScript framework is popular this week?

If you're picking your frameworks based on popularity this week, I can probably predict your future pretty accurately: You'll encounter a bunch of growing pain as you find that your chosen framework is not as mature as you'd hoped. You'll also find increased friction as your developers jump between projects and need to remember multiple frameworks that were chosen for popularity when each project was started. And you'll probably end up repeating this cycle on the next project.

Evolutionary design doesn't just work, it's the only kind of design there is. Design is not done in a vacuum. We fool ourselves when we write software, thinking that we're creating something ex-nihilo, plopping it down in Eden and declaring that it is good.

You're getting at the difference between top-down and bottom-up. Evolution is bottom up, starting with what exists and looking to improve. Top-down is starting with what you want to exist and moving things in that direction.

You need both. If all you do is evolutionary, then you lose the sense of why you're even there in the first place. If all you do is top-down, then you'll get deep into yak-shaving territory before you know it.

This is so true in our case. We started building Mashape, the marketplace for APIs in 2011. Two years later it become +100k loc of spaghetti Java code. We started a big re-write/de-coupling phase in 2014 which also opened new business opportunities since we were able to spin off some features as single products.. and this was not expected but definitely created advantages not only from the code/productivity side but from a business side too.

We have embraced Nginx and built KONG[1] as the main API Gateway for managing our microservices. It made our transition much faster and easier since we were able to orchestrate common functionalities across services, such as logging and authentication, in a few lines of code.

[1] A month ago we've released Kong open source: https://github.com/Mashape/kong

Do whatever feels best for your company at the moment.

Monolith - Easier and straightforward, less thought on architecting the puzzle, and more about solving the issue at hand. Later down the line, this will cause pain points, should you be able to justify that pain with momentary momentum then this is the option for you.

Multi-tier - Decoupled monolithic application, generally happens after second iteration of a monolithic application.

Microservices - Modular, and requires more thought behind the interactions and architecture of the system. More thought should be put into also the deploy, and scaling of the system as well. Eventually you will have to do this. It is very obvious this is the natural progression of things as something grows.

There was an interesting discussion on a recent Bikeshed Podcast episode about Monolith vs Microservices, featuring DHH: http://bikeshed.fm/14 - worth a listen (you can skip the bits about ActionCable if you aren't a Rails user!)

Great listen!

This fits in very neatly with Casey Muratori's "Compression Oriented Programming" which is essentially Write your usage code first, keep YAGNI in mind, then Refactor.

I was once asked in an interview whether, on a new project, I would start with a monolithic app or some sort of SOA. ("Microservices Architecture" is the new SOA)

I answered that I would start with a monolith because usually you're trying to find product/market fit as quickly as possible, and having an SOA would likely slow you down due to its upfront cost. (How many services? Any redundancy? What do they do? How many databases? How do you keep them up? How do you diagnose when they're failing? etc)

They responded that they always do SOA, that the benefits are clear, that monolithic apps are idiotic, etc.

I didn't want the job... but I was confused about our differing opinions.

What I've learned since then is basically: are you constructing a building, or making an art installation?

Construction is thousands of years old. Contractors have huge tables of how long each part of the process takes, in what order, down to the quarter-hour (in some cases) and are fairly accurate in their estimations. (They're still hilariously wrong on occasion either in time or budget, building anything is pretty difficult)

In this case, architecting SOA would work out since you've done it before. You know about how long it takes, what the pitfalls are, what support infrastructure you need, etc.

When you're making art, making something new, with new materials, without a manual, with only some best practices in mind, time becomes essentially unbounded.

Upfront architecture in this case would be poorly suited to the situation - you'll probably end up changing it a lot, and each time you introduce a bit of "rigor" to the system it becomes a bit more difficult to change. Especially over socket boundaries and different API versions.

I also feel like bad code has a survivorship bias - you only hear about it because the company took off. To get the company to take off, the code perhaps was necessarily rushed just so the company could stay around long enough to make money.

"Ah, but if we could have done it right in the first place!"

You don't hear about the companies who die, no matter the quality of their code.

As someone who is starting a new project and thinking about microservice first (and first time in general), this is interesting. Im wondering if there are any success stories so far for this case? I like the idea of having just a few coarse services (e.g. users, content, gateway, message queue, web/client)

Another interesting thing is how to handle microservices orchestration, development, deployment early on without significant investment of time. We've been looking at docker/docker-compose and it seems like it should handle it but also seems more geared towards multi-container single-service apps. I'm wondering if anyone else is using same technology and has input? Maybe as things develop it will handle build/mananage/orchestrate multi-decoupled services

I really hate people advocating micro services/libraries because they just migrated and "everything got much better". No, everything got much better because the known/actual problem domain changed and system is re-adjusted accordingly. When you start with very little knowledge of the problem domain, any fine-grained architecture is premature optimization, and what you really want is to rapidly expand your understanding of the problem.

Projects can fail in many ways, not trying to understand the problem better and not trying to re-adjust after are typical pitfalls. Migrating from monolith to micros is just a natural transition between SOME stages, and it shouldn't happen until you hit those stages. You may hit those stages very early, or sometimes never.

I think there's an economic angle here.

"Bad" code (like a monolithic system - allow me to beg the question a little) can be cheaper to write, in many cases, than good code. But it is more expensive to scale, maintain, extend and debug.

But it means there's a lower investment of time to get a product out.

So I'd expect monolithic systems to have a higher success rate being converted post-hoc, because the systems that get that far have proven their worth.

Investing more to build a system 'right' isn't necessarily a good move, if you're not sure of the return.

Or, put another way, investing 5X in 5 cheap-hacky products, and then spending Y >> X to make the one that works un-hacky is often a better strategy than spending that Y up front.

This is pretty much in line with my philosophy of functionality first then infrastructure. The problems that inevitably sprout while building the functionality will influence future infrastructure / plumbing decisions. Of course, some care has to be taken to not entangle everything, but this shouldn't be too hard if you take a simple services-oriented architecture or even forego services and just store all your functionality in model classes. Regardless of the approach, the first thing that should be written are the tests that validate the functionality. Getting those passing is the highest priority; how they pass comes after.

I sometimes wonder if cloud computing would exist as it exists today without relatively inefficient monoliths that had to scale. Once they'd scaled, the developers could afford to start peeling off the layers, thus only scaling pieces that needed to, leaving them with spare hardware.

"Hey, let's rent this crap," said some guy. And cloud computing was born.

Obviously I have no evidence of this at all, but I do still wonder, since at least two of the common vendors (Amazon and Google) were tech companies before they offered hosting.

It would be a cool story if it were true, but in fact AWS existed before Amazon was using it internally. They were selling their ability to run large datacenters, not their existing spare capacity.

Source? I'd also heard the "AWS was Amazon's extra capacity since they only use it all on black Friday" story.

It's a common misconception. Chris Pinkham and Ben Black created it, and it never had anything to do with excess capacity. http://blog.b3k.us/2009/01/25/ec2-origins.html

We experienced similar to this at our company. When my coworker and I first arrived, the prior engineers had built the system as a set of microservices but it was completely overarchitected. Our first act was to pull all the parts together into one application.

Now that it's grown, we're starting to look at the microservice approach again, but it's been almost four years since we pulled everything together so it makes much more sense given the load/functionality we have now relative to then.

ModularFirst, defer the decision to create a monolith or a microservice architecture. Start with a single application and focus on your software design being modular. One way dependencies, single responsibility, and simple interfaces make a big difference here. Breaking out microservices will be simple if you need to, and if you stick with a single app you'll have an app that will grow as a monolith well.

I've been part of three teams who attempted monolith->microsystem transitions. Two succeeded (though at wildly different costs in terms of engineering time and delay) and the other was abandoned after person-years of effort.

The common aspect of the successful migrations was their incremental nature: rather than "killing" the monolith all at once, there was a careful and gradual migration of performance-critical sections into services running atop dedicated machines/storage/etc.

Neither of the successful moves happened all at once, or indeed ever 100% replaced the monolith.

It wasn't just a question of planning, either. The failed migration had a team of three engineers spend ~six months writing detailed component specs, migration plans, etc. The business simply couldn't stop (or even maintain the status quo) to let them build the shiny new V2, so it kept getting pushed out and restarted long enough that the plans and specs bit-rotted and the whole thing got scrapped.

Indeed, the mistake that gets made (and I've made enough times) is to think that any kind of restructuring of code is required to be done in a gigantic monolith.

Refactoring a system built of microservices is slow and costly, according to the article; the recommendation follows from this. Why can't it be fast and easy? Is it essence or accident? (Like, do skilled Erlang programmers agree?) How does refactoring happen in the systems he's talking about?

This also seems like the idea of throw away the first one, you will anyway. The experience of building it as a monolith shows you what micro-services you need. Or maybe avoiding optimization before you need it.

I've seen many startups that begin as micro services and have no problem as they scale up. Martin's company Tyrpesafe probably only works with companies that find themselves in trouble.

Different Martin.

This article is from Martin Fowler who works for ThoughtWorks. Martin Odersky is with Typesafe.

Ah ok, but I'm not sure that changes what I said — perhaps makes the bias even stronger towards projects and companies in trouble. Thanks for the correction.

We started basically from scratch once again with a microservice architecture and had no problems. but failed as monolithic one for the 2 years before (and learned a lot about the tech debt).

What about testing? And working with large teams? I imagine large software and teams would be abstracted into separate interfaces. Is communication between teams just more difficult to manage? Is reality different from theory? Shouldn't each segment be testable and debug-able? How do you effectively execute a large project? Is mashing it all together more of a proof of concept than the final product? As an investor am I on the hook for more than I bargained for? Is technical debt a non-issue?

Taking the monolith-first idea even further, what percentage of web apps would run just fine on SQLite, MySQL in embedded mode, or (for JVM-based projects) H2?

A hybrid approach is a better strategy once you have product/market fit. You should build your core domain as a monolith but have auxiliary infrastructure services built as microservices. The hybrid approach has the advantage of safely investing in microservices architecture that would later allow you to refactor your monolith once you truly understand your bounded contexts.

If you're a web developer working with Rails and have large monolithic projects gone unwieldy or tending to go unwieldy, please give 'Growing Rails Applications in Practice' a try. https://leanpub.com/growing-rails.

(i'm not affiliated with the authors)

I agree with Fowler, and this also fits perfectly with the central idea of the Lean Startup movement we saw last years.

I finally read something that Fowler wrote that I can agree with and that isn't abstract (or overly abstract).

Ah I see you're talking about the OverlyAbstract pattern.

Macro and micro is relative. A monolith is a kitchen sink and expensive. Take a look at the API space for successful SaaS products especially when they are oriented in business software. It's hard to pivot a monolith or even monetize when it ignores the ecosystem it exists in. When it communicates well with other micro services it has natural discovery as a solution to a problem that the customer is looking for. Trello, Harvest, Basecamp, Pivotal, and tons more are all successful because they communicate well outside of their problem space and solve for the problem in their own scope. I do agree that you shouldn't be over aggresive on abstractions off the start but you should also consider the players in your space and ask if a segment of you application is solving something of value to others or if your recreating a service that your shouldn't compete with but cooperate with.

Yes, mostly.

If you are putting up an API that needs to be available 24/7 you need to have the system sufficiently decoupled so that you can go read-only and make schema and infrastructure changes without needing to stop the world.

> 1. Almost all the successful microservice stories have started with a monolith that got too big and was broken up.

This is pure survivor bias. The majority -- by far -- of 'failure stories' I know of in the software industry are ones in which a company tried to take their monolithic code base and modularize or microservice-ize it.

> 2. Almost all the cases where I've heard of a system that was built as a microservice system from scratch, it has ended up in serious trouble.

This is not because microservices-first is inherently flawed. This is purely a skill set issue. Microservices demand a greater skill set. A 'monolithic' approach puts much less of a demand on the engineer's skill set.

For a simplistic but illuminative example, if all you know how to do is build systems that operate on global mutable state (most newbie programmers), then of course you will run a lot further in a monolith than if you are trying to do this in a microservices pardigm.

This is a simplistic example because effective use of microservices requires much more of a skill set than not using global variables. The truth is that effective use of microservices (knowing how to build architecturally sound software) is way beyond the reach of MOST smart, senior level engineers that I've met in my career. If this sounds arrogant, it's not; there's a definitive architectural skill set that CAN BE LEARNED but that is missing from most software practitioners. (Our industry/academies need to learn how to teach it.)

This is the elephant in the room in our industry--and why we spin so many wheels talking about everything else. All of the energy we spend talking about patterns, processes, languages, etc etc do so much less for our industry than if we trained our practitioners in how to construct architecturally sound software systems.

> This is not because microservices-first is inherently flawed. This is purely a skill set issue. Microservices demand a greater skill set. A 'monolithic' approach puts much less of a demand on the engineer's skill set.

> The truth is that effective use of microservices (knowing how to build architecturally sound software) is way beyond the reach of MOST smart, senior level engineers that I've met in my career. If this sounds arrogant, it's not; there's a definitive architectural skill set that CAN BE LEARNED but that is missing from most software practitioners.

If this skill set exists, and almost nobody can or does possess it, then your argument is purely semantic.

Who cares if there's an ivory tower of geniuses out there spinning out perfectly formed microservice architectures in novel domains? We're talking about rules of thumb for practitioners here, not laws of physics.

I never said genius. And "perfectly formed" is not the objective. Tractability is. Go visit companies with medium-sized codebases and find me one that isn't lamenting how difficult it is to grow and maintain it.

I wouldn't consider myself that smart. But I have spent 20 years in this industry with what some might call a sick obsession for understanding how to compose and evolve systems and I've acquired some skills that I believe (1) very much matter to our productivity; and (2) can be mentored and taught, but (3) are not being taught.

My guess is that academy can't teach it because they don't have enough real-world experience behind their pedagogy. And industry can't teach it because it takes quite a while to learn and master -- and what business can afford to do that with their juniors who are just going to leave them in a few years anyway :)

I've certainly never worked for a company that did not have a laundry list of complaints about its software, all reasonably successful ones too.

And it usually only takes a couple of beers to draw the same laments from people working in the sort of companies a lot of developers aspire to.

If you think you've acquired a teachable, repeatable set of skills that aren't being taught then it sounds like you've got a gold mine on your hands :) As a relative industry junior (about 10 years) I haven't been introduced to a codebase that wasn't lousy. Certainly all were lousy to one degree or another when I left them, but they served customers all while drawing down the ire of developers (including myself).

> I've certainly never worked for a company that did not have a laundry list of complaints about its software, all reasonably successful ones too.

Either this is a necessary problem (nothing to be done) or this is because of a lack of tools and skills (i.e., our industry is still immature). I believe very strongly in the latter.

> If you think you've acquired a teachable, repeatable set of skills that aren't being taught then it sounds like you've got a gold mine on your hands.

I might some day figure out how to teach this in a larger (non mentoring) scale.

What the skill set looks like and how to acquire it is actually the lesser problem. The harder part is proving to people, quantitatively, the value of the skill set. I know and I think we all know (on some level) the extreme cost of architecturally-unsound software. But it takes a lot of work to learn & master the skill set, so most people bail on doing the work it takes to learn it. (The industry does not reward the growth or reward the mastery enough.)

Only when industry can connect the value of the skill set (and also be able to hire to the skill set) will more people put in the work to acquire it. (The value to industry is enormous but I think it would take some work, research, creative thinking to make the value explicit & tangible and give industry a way to test for the skill set.)

If someone builds me a house I can walk around and test the beams and come up w/ a general idea how well they did and how well the house will withstand the weather. In today's software world, two people with drastically different skill sets can produce a code base -- and it's really hard for the people with the money to see what they've been built and how sound it is.

In my experience, the reason all companies have shitty codebases is because of risk-compensation. When a company does not have a shitty code base, it quickly throws all of its resources into improving the product and user experience for its customers, which increases its market share, revenue, and moat against competitors. This continues until all the new complexity makes the code shitty again, where they stage a cleanup & architectural fixit to be able to make forward progress. If the codebase is not shitty, it means that they're leaving money on the table, and will continue to get shittier until code quality starts costing them money again.

Companies like Google, Microsoft, and Facebook actually do adopt (and often discover) many of the industry best practices. Their codebase is still shitty; the reason is that any cleanliness and rationality in their architecture is quickly eaten up by new features and products that drive the industry forward. As consumers, we see the benefits; as employees, we just muddle along as best as we can.

The only way to break this cycle is for engineers to pay companies instead of getting paid by them. I don't think this is what you had in mind. (Although, some engineers do make this bargain. This is why Haskell/Erlang/Ocaml/Lisp salaries are often lower than they would be for equivalently-skilled Java and C++ engineers: you take a pay cut to work in a language that's actually enjoyable to program in.)

Barring that, the way out is to learn some negotiating skills and at least get paid for putting up with a sucky codebase. If you frame it as "employing my skills will let your other employees implement the features you've been asking for for a year, which will make you $XM in revenue", you can make quite a pretty penny. I know some senior engineers that regularly get paid a couple million in restricted stock for a couple years worth of work.

A startup in general cannot afford to get the best people in the field, unless it's some super sexy bleeding edge tech (which is very rare). So, you are lucky for your first 10 engineers to have one great one, and hopefully no awful ones. And you cobble a codebase together, and the overriding goal is that it isn't totally broken all the time.

Growth first, maintainability last. That's the incentive in a startup.

Unfortunately, in larger companies most managers don't reward improving the codebase unless you are on the platform side, just new shiny new features. Nobody will love you for saying this quarter I removed 2000 lines of shitty code.

I'd love to hear your take on what these skills are. We've all struggled with code bases and some are definitely easier than others. And some people tend to write code that easier to evolve than others.

Start teaching it then?

I had the same thought, but the argument has relevance if you accept that said skill set can be acquired (which, I do).

Microservices aren't particularly hard to build, but they are brittle as hell.

The serialization/deserialization layer adds potential for bugs. The massively increased number of services all need constant monitoring. The massively multiplied error conditions (what happens when service 37 talks to 39 and 39 times out?) need to be accounted for and those edge cases must be ironed out.

There would be nothing particularly wrong with doing all of this if you gained something great by doing it, but you don't. You get fuck all except migraines caused by the brittleness of your app.

I feel like if you're building them brittle, you're building them wrong.

I had the pleasure of watching Sam Newman's tutorial on microservices. He's uploaded the slides here: http://t.co/2nhDBJK1oB

Building microservices requires a few changes in culture. If you are moving from a monolith to microservices, your entire culture must change how you look at problems must change and if you fail to do those things, of course your transition will change. It is not a silver bullet. It is a paradigm shift.

The more people use the phrases 'paradigm shift', 'culture change' and 'I feel like" and the less people give actual hard-nosed technical justification for this new architectural mold, the more convinced I become that it is a transient fashion that needs to die already.

This comment is identical to "I feel like it" except it's essentially just "I don't like micro-services." Your earlier comment did not provide any "hard-nosed technical justification" for why you don't like them, it was just "they're brittle" which the GP is arguing that if they are they're not implemented correctly.

What is the hard-nosed technical justification for either microservices being brittle by default or for them not being a realistic way to build a system?

>Your earlier comment did not provide any "hard-nosed technical justification" for why you don't like them, it was just "they're brittle"

I gave three reasons. Did you not read them?

> technical justification for this new architectural mold

The technical justification is easier than the cultural or managerial justification: you can make more granular technical decisions by splitting and merging code across services and servers. This is very powerful.

Microservices aren't going away—they are the core of a successful, scalable distributed system. The hype surrounding the term is definitely loaded with cultural and managerial implications that are rarely addressed, however, and I hope that changes soon.

>you can make more granular technical decisions by splitting and merging code across services

"granular technical decisions" -- can you please give an example of a 'granular' technical decision?

>Microservices aren't going away—they are the core of a successful, scalable distributed system.

It would be more accurate to say that microservices is what you call a system that you made distributed even though you didn't actually have to make it distributed.

> can you please give an example of a 'granular' technical decision?

Whether or not to upgrade an underlying library for a service. How many nodes to give a cluster, what features to prioritize on that node. You can do this with a monolithic codebase but you move slowwww if upgrading one unit implies upgrading others. With microservices, you could even write every service in an entirely different language.

> It would be more accurate to say that microservices is what you call a system that you made distributed even though you didn't actually have to make it distributed.

You don't have to make anything distributed. I think it's more apt to draw an analogy to the Actor paradigm—microserves are discrete actors in a distributed system and can be analyzed independently from the other actors.

All the microservices movement has really brought to the table is "no, you don't need to distribute your work to benefit from the looser coupling". If you're seeing anything more, I suspect there would be significant disagreement in the movement about it.

>Whether or not to upgrade an underlying library for a service. How many nodes to give a cluster, what features to prioritize on that node. You can do this with a monolithic codebase

Right. And it's no harder, either.

>you move slowwww if upgrading one unit implies upgrading others.

Absolutely not. You don't have to have microservices to have a set of loosely coupled libraries.

A reliable automated test suite is what is going to make library upgrades less painful for you, not 1,000 new, brittle serialization/deserialization layers.

>With microservices, you could even write every service in an entirely different language.

Really, really bad idea. Debugging a call stack is an order of magnitude easier than tracing a failure across a set of multiple services which is an order of magnitude easier than tracing a failure across a set of services written in different languages.

>You don't have to make anything distributed.

Some systems do have to be distributed for the ability to call on more resources than one machine can realistically provide, to deal with the inherent unreliability of individual servers, or (sometimes) for legal reasons. There are a great number of problems that you create for yourself if you do this, though, which is why avoiding it where possible and minimizing the pain of doing it is the architecturally sane thing to do.

"Microservices" is the 'paradigm' that you should create this headaches for yourself because Martin Fowler Told You To and because the idea that separation of concerns and loosely coupled libraries won't happen unless you do the technical equivalent of self-flagellation. The unfortunate reality is that it is just as easy to write tightly coupled code with microservices, it just creates a bigger headache for you when you do.

>All the microservices movement has really brought to the table is "no, you don't need to distribute your work to benefit from the looser coupling".

It seems to me that the microservices movement implies the direct opposite of this.

Okay then. Let's play the "hard nosed technical justification" for this new architectural mold. Specifically pointed at your issues.

> The serialization/deserialization layer adds potential for bugs.

Adding an agreed upon layer that aligns with clean architecture[0) will actually produce less bugs both upstream and downstream. (This is why contract apis are important) and are actually more valuable than monolithic systems where there is a sincere lack of data and state guarantees. (clean understanding vs black box mentality)

> The massively increased number of services all need constant monitoring.

It's the same amount of monitoring. It's just horizontally scaled and is actually easier to pinpoint issues. This also allows you the ability to change or create circuit breakers to fail over when issues targeting specific are found. (see slides 134-150 of Sam Newman's principles of microservices [1])

> The massively multiplied error conditions (what happens when service 37 talks to 39 and 39 times out?) need to be accounted for and those edge cases must be ironed out.

They should have been "ironed out" well before this point to begin with. If the application fails due to infrastructure issues, it is actually an application design failure that should have been identified and resolved previously via TDD and failure state testing. Graceful failure is always desirable, and having a legacy monolithic application does not prevent infrastructure/connectivity failures. (for reference, check out Martin Fowler's "The 12 Factor App" [2])

> You get fuck all except migraines caused by the brittleness of your app.

What it sounds like you're saying is:

"Building a monolithic app allows you to crutch bad behavior and poor design without having to understand the realities of software. You can ignore scalability, clean architecture, concurrency, data modeling and graceful failures."

I can understand how moving to a microservice could seem very painful and have a brittle result without the depth of understanding these realities. This is specifically why I noted it is a required paradigm shift for many developers.

For more inspired reading, you may want to checkout Gilt's discussions on moving to microservices.[3]

[0] http://blog.8thlight.com/uncle-bob/2012/08/13/the-clean-arch...

[1] http://www.slideshare.net/spnewman/principles-of-microservic...

[2] http://12factor.net/

[3] http://tech.gilt.com/post/102628539834/making-architecture-w...

"Building a monolithic app allows you to crutch bad behavior and poor design without having to understand the realities of software. You can ignore scalability, clean architecture, concurrency, data modeling and graceful failures."

I 100% agree with you. I have found that monoliths, no matter how militant the architect is, will eventually have bad behavior slip in. It is the path of least resistance/junior programmer where someone will eventually shortcut the interface.

In micro services there simply are fewer ways to cheat. The only access a service has to another service is through the defined interface. The service providing that interface must also now support it as is going forward - the opposite of brittle. As you mentioned above, when dealing with another micro service the programmer must think about failure all the time, which is what they should have been doing anyways!

Thinking in micro services from the start is not that hard, but untangling a monolith can be very hard. Micro services came out of people realizing that huge monoliths are impossible to change because over time all the bad practices that crept in make them impossible to reason about.

There's value in enforcing separation of interface and implementation. But tooling can do that without needing the hair-shirt of putting a network connection between them.

>Adding an agreed upon layer that aligns with clean architecture[0)

Creating new boilerplate never aligns with clean architecture. Clean architecture means solving your problem in the least amount of code possible, not the the most.

>monolithic systems where there is a sincere lack of data and state guarantees.

If anything you get fewer guarantees about your library if you expose it over a REST api instead of putting it directly on your call stack. Your library can actually go down and you have to prepare yourself for this eventuality and write a ton of code to deal with that.

>It's the same amount of monitoring.

25 services require 25 checks. 4 services require 4 checks, with all of the attendant graphs, notification systems, etc. There is simply no way to wriggle out of that one, no matter how great you think this architectural model is.

> This also allows you the ability to change or create circuit breakers to fail over when issues targeting specific are found. (see slides 134-150 of Sam Newman's principles of microservices [1])

This is a fix for a self-created problem. If I create a library to add two numbers together and create an API endpoint for it, I need a circuit breaker for it. If I instead just call it directly, I don't.

>They should have been "ironed out"

Of course they should be "ironed out" if you follow a microservices architecture! You have to do all of this self created work or your app becomes massively unreliable. The point is that you can avoid these problems altogether if you KISS and don't follow a microservices architecture.

>What it sounds like you're saying is:

>"Building a monolithic app

Firstly, there is nothing intrinsically monolithic about running two libraries on the same computer, in the same service. Loose coupling has nothing to do with whether you are running two different bits of software in the same service. It simply means that the amount of work you have to do to swap out a component is low.

I currently work on a "microservices" system and it is tightly coupled as hell and a monolith.

I've built non-microservices apps that are extremely loosely coupled.

This intentional conflation of the word 'monolith' and "non-microservices" is disingenuous as hell.

>allows you to crutch bad behavior and poor design without having to understand the realities of software.

If "not doing microservices is a crutch", strong typing is also a crutch.

As it happens, I don't need the "crutch" of creating rest API endpoints between my libraries to make them loosely coupled. I do it anyhow. If I were to work with somebody who doesn't write loosely coupled code, though, I certainly wouldn't want to magnify the explosions caused by their bad code by making it tightly coupled over a series of interconnecting, networked services.

>You can ignore scalability, clean architecture, concurrency, data modeling and graceful failures."

I prefer to make scalability, clean architecture, concurrency, data modeling and graceful failure easier to handle, not harder. I can do that by using a (where possible) stateless, non-microservices architecture.

> This is not because microservices-first is inherently flawed. This is purely a skill set issue. Microservices demand a greater skill set. A 'monolithic' approach puts much less of a demand on the engineer's skill set.

Its not purely a skillset issue. Its a domain discovery issue, which Fowler mentioned as boundary discovery. Most startups are inventing their own domain in whole or in part; as the business changes, either the "domain" changes with it, they segment and focus their efforts on part of the domain, or they invent a new set of domain concepts. Evolving an application is often difficult when everything is Just Right. When its not, and you throw into the mix artificial boundaries that have arisen from incomplete, incorrect, or evolving analysis, the job is going to become much, much harder.

You are saying that you cannot have an architecturally sound software system when you do not fully know your domain. This is a fallacy. In fact, architectural soundness makes it MUCH easier (tractable) to grow your system in the face of changing your domain.

How is it easier to change a service interface than an API within a single app? The former requires a specification and tooling around serialization/deserialization to have any meaningful guarantee of correctness, it requires error handling to reap the benefits of decoupling, the latter can be covered with a unit test.

I'm sorry but this is pure hype to say that microservices make refactoring easier: that is true if and only if your boundaries stay static. It is a huge assumption that anyone can draw those boundaries correctly for a large microservices architecture in its infancy.

That's not what I'm saying at all. You seem to be jumping to an assumption that all architectures are created equally at all points along the knowledge graph, or alternatively that a microservice architecture is fundamentally better than a monolithic architecture, and neither interpretation of that is true.

> This is pure survivor bias. The majority -- by far -- of 'failure stories' I know of in the software industry are ones in which a company tried to take their monolithic code base and modularize or microservice-ize it.

In my experience, this happens when a dev team has built a product but customers aren't flowing in. If they had customers, they wouldn't have time to fiddle with their architecture unless it was a growth-limiting problem. But the real problem ultimately is customer acquisition, not that they had to rearchitect the app.

> This is not because microservices-first is inherently flawed. This is purely a skill set issue. Microservices demand a greater skill set. A 'monolithic' approach puts much less of a demand on the engineer's skill set.

I disagree. I don't think "microservices-first" is inherently flawed, I think it's just really hard to know how you need to break apart your services in a way that seems logical to customers. It's less about good/bad architectural design skills (though I agree, that is a problem) and more about engineers being really awful at predicting demand.

But microservices are not a panacea that fixes everything on their own. You have to think about the entire deployment stack, from the hardware up. This means things like VM orchestration, network/load balancers/firewalls, configuration management, etc. that you don't have to worry about as much or as often with a monolithic application. Microservices optimize flexibility because they can be deployed in the widest variety of ways, but they do induce management overhead that is unnecessary in a lot of cases.

Besides, splitting out an app to a microservice architecture usually isn't that hard. I've architected this 3 or 4 times in the last year alone -- you use a proxy to break the traffic off to a different deployment endpoint and split the code up later. This assumes your monolithic app is stateless and using a separate persistence layer, but that's just basic software design.

> This is not because microservices-first is inherently flawed. This is purely a skill set issue. Microservices demand a greater skill set.

Actually, from the perspective of someone building them for the past nine months, the actual service is the easiest part to deal with because the loose coupling drops the requirements to service constraints. The hardest part, by far, has been coordinating common changes, tracking deployments, and running no-downtime migrations.

The hardest part of micro-services, BY FAR, is the management, communication, and coordination changes that MUST accompany a successful move from a monolithic codebase to many smaller codebases. Some of these are easier to address than others, but the barrier is NOT technical so much as it is social.

> This is pure survivor bias. The majority -- by far -- of 'failure stories' I know of in the software industry are ones in which a company tried to take their monolithic code base and modularize or microservice-ize it.

Interesting. I thought that the #1 reason why startups fail is because they run out of business, not because they couldn't modularize.

I believe the OP's talking about high-level software project architecture failure, not commercial failure.

Thank you, exactly. But the fact that a lot of companies attempt to decopule their monoliths should make it very clear how much unsound architectures hurt us. Business make these grand attempts because of the intense amount of pain their monoliths cause them. (They thought they had a software asset; when in reality it's becoem a liability.)

In my experience, they've done it because they've been sold a microservices dream that has nothing to do with commercial success.

And I've seen a lot of failure stories where the big monolith was tolerated until it became so painful that people were threatening to quit (or already had).

When that much pain is going on people try a lot of things. That doesn't mean that the thing they tried was good or bad necessarily.

All it really means is that deathbed conversions don't usually work. Don't wait until your problem is literally killing you before starting to think about how to address it.

I think where Devs tend to fall down is that we don't know how to think about a problem without immediately jumping to executing on a plan to fix it. Contingency plans are pretty cheap to create, if you know how, and you can jump on them as soon as the problem proves itself.

If such a rare skillset is required, doesn't that kind of imply that the risk of failure is greater when choosing Microservices?


> This is purely a skill set issue. Microservices demand a greater skill set.

Right and sometimes the simpler solution is the correct one.

How is a monolithic architecture the same as programming against a global mutable state?

Programming with a global mutable state seems to have more to do with the programming paradigm and little to do with the architecture.

> there's a definitive architectural skill set that CAN BE LEARNED

Would you care to share what that skill set is, for the sake of improvement of a mid-level engineer like myself?

One of my pet peeves is that developers rarely understand the costs of traversing boundaries well enough to even think about them.

You won't do distributed services well if you don't understand that each step removed from in-process, in-cache carries with it a severe cost-multiplier for communicating state.

E.g. most developers (rightly) assume that function/method calls are usually quite cheap, but we don't tend to be good at thinking about cache effects. So we lose the first big factor of performance by e.g. chasing pointers around.

Then people tend to (wrongly) assume that if function calls are cheap, this extends to system calls. Another multiplier, as people e.g. does tons of small read()'s instead of larger reads into in-process user-space buffers.

But I see people go further, and assume that database queries or http requests are cheap, often helped by having them hidden behind ORMs and various APIs that obscures how often they're making these queries even if they're logically aware they're calling them.

The end result is that often these applications get written with the assumption that a function call is a function call is a function call, without thought to whether or not that function call is just a handful of machine instructions, or will trash the cache, or traverses a process boundary of hundreds of cycles before anything gets executed, or executes a remote API that may take millions of cycles to return.

And then something is "slow" and the developer in question often have only a very vague idea what is likely to be slow, and stumbles around trying to measure various parts of it without thinking about the bigger picture of what information traverses what boundaries how frequently.

The same concern applies to reliability tradeoffs as well as performance (e.g. lack of understanding of implications for high-availability for example).

I think a huge proportion of problems making effective use of distributed systems boils down to this. There are hard challenges, sure, but if you are aware that each step across a boundary carries a certain penalty, you're already well on the way to actually thinking about why you want to move something across a boundary, and think about whether or not you understand the tradeoff well enough, and to structure things to e.g. minimize the number of boundary traversals (once you think of system calls as "slow" you are much more likely to entertain the idea of the slight extra complexity of ensuring you read/write as much as possible in one go, for example).

Even just teaching younger developers to be aware of this, and how to actually measure and profile more, would help immensely, I think (one of my favourite things to show people is just very basic crude use of "strace"; suddenly it becomes very obvious to a lot of people that some of the things they do are immensely inefficient). Not because it would teach them to do distributed systems right, but because it would give them the tools to recognise much earlier when they're headed into territory they don't know well enough yet, instead of finding out after they've already painted themselves into a corner.

Try writing your app in elixir/phoenix in the first place, easy modularized code like in monoliths, and scalable like a bunch of small separate services. best of two worlds I'd say.

Is this not the same as 1) make your code work, 2) refactor? The only difference here is the author is talking about architecture instead of application code?

I have a very different perspective. With tools like Heroku, building systems as microservices is no more time consuming than building a monolithic system. And it's much easier to iterate on and improve. Conversly, pulling apart a monolithic system into services is not a fun task.

What do you do when the interface between those components was wrong and you have to refactor multiple services at once?

key takeaway: Although the evidence is sparse, I feel that you shouldn't start with microservices unless you have reasonable experience of building a microservices system in the team.


Microservices first is premature optimization.

Microservices: here be dragons.

tl;dr; Microservices first is premature optimization.

If my understanding of bounded contexts is correct, a bounded context represents the smallest level of granularity when it comes to a service component e.g. a 'customer' in one domain is not the same thing as in another (and there is therefore no universal reusable 'customer' service, but instead a much richer service representing a sales or support model in his example).

So going by the article, shouldn't the direction of travel therefore be from monolith to bounded context (as each domain boundary emerges) - which could be described more accurately as a macroservices architecture?

Yup, get to market, incur technical debt, pay it off with cash.

I want to give him the benefit of the doubt and say the "a:link ," in the following css is a mistake:

    a:link, a:visited {
      color: #94388e;
      text-decoration: none; }
...but I'm pretty sure it's not, and this guy really does want to break how unvisited links are displayed.

He just loves purple (look at his logo) and fashion over function.

My main problem with twitter and the stalled new user base.

1. The onboarding social experience is just hard. Finding relevant information of what I want is difficult I wish there was a pane of tweets regarding interests ie gaming, politics etc. Everything in one thread is mind numbing once you follow too many people.

2. Context - finding anything is difficult. I don't know what a trending hashtag is and the ones presented to me usually are gossip in nature for some reason?

3. Some people get so many @'s that they simply drop off the earth.

4. Whats the point of favoriting a tweet? I still don't get it.

5. Why is it so difficult to use the API since those changes in what 2012?

6. 140 characters is just so dang hard for me. I can understand a limit but just 140? I want just a little more space :(


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