True, the new Firefox menu is much improved, but there still seems to be no way to access it via the keyboard so it will probably remained largely unused by me.
I like the new placement of the real menu bar (when enabled), much better than in the previous versions.
I actually think that the orange 'Firefox' button was an important part of the browser's branding. Sure, it was blatantly stolen from Opera, but it meant you instantly could tell which browser someone was using. I think moving that functionality to the new menu button was a mistake, and it makes the browser look a lot more generic/Chrome-like (and is also against all existing windows conventions which says administrative functions should be in the top left).
But, in terms of day-to-day usage, its location doesn't really matter much.
actually that one button appeared in firefox designs much before opera - there was a big drama about it back then.
opera had the same design but released much faster than mozilla did.
I like the new placement of the real menu bar (when enabled), much better than in the previous versions.