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`three = 1` in the linux sourcecode (github.com/torvalds)
176 points by shark234 on Feb 25, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 81 comments


Variables `three`, `five` and `seven` are better described as `next_power_of_three`, `next_power_of_five` and `next_power_of_seven`. Since the `ext4_list_backups` function should iterate through 1 (= 3^0 = 5^0 = 7^0), 3, 5, 7, 3^2, 5^2, 3^3, 7^2, ... and 1 should not repeat three times, the initial value of `next_power_of_three` (or any of others) should be 1 and those of others should not be 1. The naming is a bit unfortunate (couldn't they be `threes` etc., for example?) but actually makes sense.

A perfect example of a missing code-comment.

The explanatory comment is 40 lines earlier in the same file where the function those variables are being passed to is defined. It need not be repeated every couple lines; "being clear to outsiders linked to a specific line of a specific file without context" is not a reasonable concern.

In this case I think it is not about comment at all - it is about poor naming. More descriptive (or less misleading) var names would help in this case.

I agree. 'power_of_three' isn't really that much of a hardship to type and it obviates the need for a comment.

The function declared earlier is perfectly fine, the comment is sufficient to explain what it's doing, but functions should be understandable simply by reading their source and in that respect the linked function fails. This would be really simple to solve with a simple comment, E.G.

  // current power of three, init to 3^0
  unsigned three = 1;
The fact that this looks like a bug at first glance is a pretty good indication that there should be some explanation of what exactly it's doing.

This is actually contrary to Linux kernel "good style". Functions should be short and understandable. Comments should be on the top of the function, describing what the function is for. Comments describing variables in functions are discouraged.

Are you supporting that dogma or just stating it?

This brings to mind the Orwell essay on language usage[1]: Break any of these rules sooner than say anything outright barbarous.

IMO having "three = 1" with no immediate context qualifies as barbarous. Yes it would be best to rename the variable, but, failing that, just toss in a freaking comment for common sense's sake.


>"Also, try to avoid putting comments inside a function body: if the function is so complex that you need to separately comment parts of it, you should probably go back to chapter 4 for a while. You can make small comments to note or warn about something particularly clever (or ugly), but try to avoid excess. Instead, put the comments at the head of the function, telling people what it does, and possibly WHY it does it."

The code example being discussed has comments sprinkled throughout the functions, and the "good style" / standard also says try to avoid not avoid at all cost. Also, something about blind adherence to rulebooks.


As a general rule that's probably fine, but in cases where a variable is confusing either a better name or a explanatory comment is probably appropriate. Ideally you'd pick a name that fully captures the intent of the variable, but in this case it's rather vague, and a name that isn't would be rather unwieldy, so a comment is a nice compromise. The alternative would be to call it something like:

    unsigned current_power_of_three = 1;
or something equally verbose. I'd expect such silliness in some enterprisey java code, but I think most people would agree a short explanatory comment is probably the superior choice.

It's C :) edit: It's Linux kernel :)

    /* current power of three, init to 3^0 */

// became valid C in C99. 15 years ago.

Sorry, I should have said it's Linux kernel [1].

    Linux style for comments is the C89 "/* ... */" style.
    Don't use C99-style "// ..." comments.
[1] https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/CodingStyle

But it is! God forbid the original function disappear or change completely and the function below it loses all context and description.

More like a terribly named variable.

Agreed, comments are generally a way to compensate failure to express ourselves in the code (in this case bad naming).

Actually, there's a difficulty here that naming can't solve; I don't see a better method than the comment.

The goal is to enumerate the powers of 3, 5, and 7, once each. Since power sequences all overlap at x^0 = 1, but we specifically don't want to enumerate 1 three times, we have to give one (or, from an alternative viewpoint, two) of the variables special treatment. Whether you name the variables "three", "five", and "seven", or "next_power_of_three", "next_power_of_five", and "next_power_of_seven", you're doing something strange by starting one of them at 1 and the other two past 1, and that should be commented on. The naming-only solution "powers_of_three_initialized_starting_at_three_to_the_zeroeth", "powers_of_five_initialized_starting_at_five_to_the_first", and "powers_of_seven_initialized_starting_at_seven_to_the_first", is hilariously awful, and still requires a comment to explain why the threes variable is more (or less) special than the other two.

The goal is not to enumerate the powers of 3, 5, and 7. The goal is to iterate through the groups which hold BACKUP superblock/GDT copies. “three”, “five” and “seven” are not especially good names for iterator state, nor is there an obvious good reason for exposing the inner details of iterator state.

Yes thank you! People seem to be missing this point. The variables should be simply named something like group_counter_a, group_counter_b, group_counter_c, with an explanation of why their default values are what they are.

Or how about just combining all those variables into an array named "iterator_powers" or similar? There could be another one, "iterator_multipliers" containing 3, 5, and 7. I don't know if this is actually a "best practice" or rule, but I've found that if I want to name variables after numbers, usually what I'm trying to do should be using an array.

I think the problem is the mixing of concerns: The generation of the sequence (which apparently is a function of whether the filesystem is sparse or not) and whatever it is trying to verify.

Not really, the problem lies in its naming. Comments that explain what the variables represent signify that they should have been better named in the first place to avoid any confusion.

Read the comment above ext4_list_backups right above:


     * Iterate through the groups which hold BACKUP superblock/GDT copies in an
     * ext4 filesystem.  The counters should be initialized to 1, 5, and 7 before
     * calling this for the first time.  In a sparse filesystem it will be the
     * sequence of powers of 3, 5, and 7: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 25, 27, 49, 81, ...
     * For a non-sparse filesystem it will be every group: 1, 2, 3, 4, ...
I'm not sure what's so noteworthy about that. There's ton of arcane code in any kernel, as long as it's commented correctly there's no issue.

See this comment: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7296586

Good commenting is no substitute for good naming. For a variable containing the number 1, "three" is a shitty name.

Okay? Is that really worthy of being submitted to hn however?

The function being called is directly above this declaration. It's a static function not used outside of this file. What are the chances that someone would edit this code without understanding what "three" is used for in this context? Pretty slim I wager.

It's good that people are auditing the linux source code but if you stumble upon some weird looking code (which again, is not the case here in my opinion) the right way to deal with it is not to post it on hacker news. Contact the maintainer (look at the MAINTAINER file at the root of the kernel) if possible with a patch to fix the issue.

Depends on the intent of submitting it. If his intent was to point out a potential bug in the Linux kernel then yes, it shouldn't have been submitted. On the other hand what has resulted has been a rather interesting debate about the merits of variable naming vs. proper commenting, with some side commentary about what a shitty name something like three and five make for variables.

But the variable doesn't contain the number 1. As is clearly explained in the comment, it's only initialized to 1; it contains any arbitrary power of 3 (I'm assuming "arbitrary" because the variable is passed by address to a function accepting a pointer; as long as that kind of thing is going on, who knows what's inside the variable). And that's true from initialization onwards, as 1 is the 0th power of 3.

If I adjust your comment to "for a variable whose only purpose is to be passed to another function as the parameter called 'three', 'three' is a shitty name", would you endorse that sentiment?

I don't know. Upon seeing a variable named "three", I wouldn't immediately assume it contained the literal number 3, since that would be rather pointless use of a variable. It's an odd name, but I don't think it'll be mistaken for its literal meaning.

The LaTeX source code has definitions for the constants \@ne, \tw@, \thr@@. It's a microoptimization that is useful because of the way the TeX/LaTeX parsers work. I don't understand the details, it's beyond my LaTeX wizardry. http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/9787/ne-tw-thr

On the other hand, I think that this kind of definitions are not useful for C.

"as long as it's commented correctly there's no issue"

How do you know it is commented correctly? Now you have to understand the code and the comment and mentally confirm them to be in sync. You also have to maintain the comment when you make changes to the code and you have to trust that others are going to do the same.

It would be better if the code itself was expressive enough so that a comment wasn't needed.

If I'm not mistaken, the first number (1) is not considered a power of three, hence the initial (seemingly strange) three=1.

See http://www.nongnu.org/ext2-doc/ext2.pdf#page15 for a slightly more detailed explanation.

"The first version of ext2 (revision 0) stores a copy at the start of every block group, along with backups of the group descriptor block(s). Because this can consume a considerable amount of space for large filesystems, later revisions can optionally reduce the number of backup copies by only putting backups in specific groups (this is the sparse superblock feature). The groups chosen are 0, 1 and powers of 3, 5 and 7."

(Edit: Yes, I know that 3^0=1, but the wording "0, 1 and powers of 3, 5" does not imply 3^0. Thanks!)

1 is the zeroth power of 3

Yes, 3^0=1, but the wording "0, 1 and powers of 3, 5" does not imply 3^0

If only there was a system for fixing the code yourself instead of having to post about it to a widely read tech site.

It's not a bug, as shown by the currently top comment. It is however, misleading and could be better documented or named. Still, it is at least a little amusing, worth posting here?

I think its worth posting. It's the first piece of code I've seen on hacker news in a while. It also makes a great point about good variable names making code clear.

> There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.

> -- Phil Karlton

I've always thought that the "naming things" refers to the more subtle problem of giving things unique identifiers in distributed systems, rather than coming up with variable names.

"Naming things" includes systems like MAC address allocation, IP address allocation, DNS, URLs for documents, process IDs, name to inode mapping in filesystems, autoincrement primary keys in databases, etc.

Any ideas on what Karlton really meant with the quote?

Let me overthink this a little bit:

It seems to me that this quote makes a rather standard usage of the "Zeugma" [1] figure of speech. It consists in putting next to each other two things of very different nature. In that case we have the very technical problem of invalidating caches on the one hand, and the much higher level problem of naming things on the other hand.

That produces a rather stylish quote.

But if Phil Karlton was actually referring to the technical problem of assigning unique identifier as you suggest, the figure of speech is lost and the quote becomes less stylish.

So I prefer tho read "naming things" as the very general problem of naming things.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeugma

I always assumed it was the more general "coming up with names" - for variables, hostnames, project names etc.

The non-human-readable things like MACs, IPs and auto-increment keys are easy. But when I have to come up with a short, memorable and non-confusing name for something like a script that can take me longer than writing the code.

Unique IDs are easy on a single machine, but (just like cache invalidation) become surprisingly complex in a distributed system.

For example, how to assign unique MAC numbers to network cards without a centralised database that has to be modified for each card manufactured? Vendors get address space blocks, and probably split these further into blocks for factories and production lines.

Generating unique autoincrement row numbers in a distributed database or process IDs in a cluster is also a complex problem if it has to be faster than any communication between the nodes.

Designing the layout of IP addresses, architecture of DHCP and DNS, and the very idea of URLs are fantastic pieces of Computer Science work. Easy to use, but a hard problem for the original designers!

But of course, I have no idea what Karlton had in mind with the quote. "Naming things" as "assigning unique identifiers" always felt appropriate with cache invalidation, as both are problems that are easy for single cores/machines, but very complex in distributed systems.

Perhaps the Funarg problem [1]:

>The difficulty only arises if the body of a nested function refers directly (i.e., not via argument passing) to identifiers defined in the environment in which the function is defined, but not in the environment of the function call.

Also, the version I know has much more bite:

>There is also a variation on this that says there are two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Funarg_problem

there are two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors

there are three hard things concurrency, in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors

what's the name for the four hard things concurrency, in computer science: cache invalidation, off-by-one errors, naming things, and whatever the last one is called?

I think you were off by one.

The comment on that function is a bit more entertaining than the original post.

Lot's of people suggesting to add explanatory comments. I don't think that's a good idea, it would be better to change the names of the variables:

    unsigned counter1 = 1;
    unsigned counter2 = 5;
    unsigned counter3 = 7;
or use an array:

    unsigned counter[3] = {1,5,7};
No more confusion. That being said, I doubt that the names of these local variables is actually a real source of confusion and is not a problem that needs to be fixed.

> or use an array

That's absolutely horrible: you've now introduced the possibility of accidental out-of-bounds access where there previously was none, not to mention that you just forced the compiler to put those variables on the stack instead of using registers.

Contrived example:

  int array(int lol)
        unsigned counter[3] = {1,5,7};

        for (int i = 0; i < lol; i++)
                counter[i % 3]++;

        return counter[0] + counter[1] + counter[2];

  int vars(int lol)
        unsigned counter1 = 1;
        unsigned counter2 = 5;
        unsigned counter3 = 7;

        for (int i = 0; i < lol; i++)
                switch(i % 3) {
                case 0: counter1++;
                case 1: counter2++;
                case 2: counter3++;

        return counter1 + counter2 + counter3;
The output is quite different (gcc -c -O3 -std=gnu99):

  Disassembly of section .text:

  0000000000000000 <array>:
   0:   85 ff                   test   %edi,%edi
   2:   c7 44 24 e8 01 00 00    movl   $0x1,-0x18(%rsp)
   9:   00 
   a:   c7 44 24 ec 05 00 00    movl   $0x5,-0x14(%rsp)
  11:   00 
  12:   c7 44 24 f0 07 00 00    movl   $0x7,-0x10(%rsp)
  19:   00 
  1a:   7e 5f                   jle    7b <array+0x7b>
  1c:   41 b8 01 00 00 00       mov    $0x1,%r8d
  22:   31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx
  24:   be 56 55 55 55          mov    $0x55555556,%esi
  29:   eb 1f                   jmp    4a <array+0x4a>
  2b:   0f 1f 44 00 00          nopl   0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
  30:   89 c8                   mov    %ecx,%eax
  32:   f7 ee                   imul   %esi
  34:   89 c8                   mov    %ecx,%eax
  36:   c1 f8 1f                sar    $0x1f,%eax
  39:   29 c2                   sub    %eax,%edx
  3b:   8d 04 52                lea    (%rdx,%rdx,2),%eax
  3e:   89 ca                   mov    %ecx,%edx
  40:   29 c2                   sub    %eax,%edx
  42:   48 63 c2                movslq %edx,%rax
  45:   44 8b 44 84 e8          mov    -0x18(%rsp,%rax,4),%r8d
  4a:   89 c8                   mov    %ecx,%eax
  4c:   f7 ee                   imul   %esi
  4e:   89 c8                   mov    %ecx,%eax
  50:   c1 f8 1f                sar    $0x1f,%eax
  53:   29 c2                   sub    %eax,%edx
  55:   8d 04 52                lea    (%rdx,%rdx,2),%eax
  58:   89 ca                   mov    %ecx,%edx
  5a:   83 c1 01                add    $0x1,%ecx
  5d:   29 c2                   sub    %eax,%edx
  5f:   39 f9                   cmp    %edi,%ecx
  61:   48 63 c2                movslq %edx,%rax
  64:   41 8d 50 01             lea    0x1(%r8),%edx
  68:   89 54 84 e8             mov    %edx,-0x18(%rsp,%rax,4)
  6c:   75 c2                   jne    30 <array+0x30>
  6e:   8b 44 24 ec             mov    -0x14(%rsp),%eax
  72:   03 44 24 e8             add    -0x18(%rsp),%eax
  76:   03 44 24 f0             add    -0x10(%rsp),%eax
  7a:   c3                      retq   
  7b:   b8 0d 00 00 00          mov    $0xd,%eax
  80:   c3                      retq   
  81:   66 66 66 66 66 66 2e    data32 data32 data32 data32 data32 nopw %cs:0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
  88:   0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 
  8f:   00 

  0000000000000090 <vars>:
  90:   85 ff                   test   %edi,%edi
  92:   7e 52                   jle    e6 <vars+0x56>
  94:   31 c9                   xor    %ecx,%ecx
  96:   41 b8 07 00 00 00       mov    $0x7,%r8d
  9c:   41 b9 05 00 00 00       mov    $0x5,%r9d
  a2:   41 bb 01 00 00 00       mov    $0x1,%r11d
  a8:   41 ba 56 55 55 55       mov    $0x55555556,%r10d
  ae:   89 c8                   mov    %ecx,%eax
  b0:   89 ce                   mov    %ecx,%esi
  b2:   41 f7 ea                imul   %r10d
  b5:   c1 fe 1f                sar    $0x1f,%esi
  b8:   89 c8                   mov    %ecx,%eax
  ba:   29 f2                   sub    %esi,%edx
  bc:   8d 14 52                lea    (%rdx,%rdx,2),%edx
  bf:   29 d0                   sub    %edx,%eax
  c1:   83 f8 01                cmp    $0x1,%eax
  c4:   74 09                   je     cf <vars+0x3f>
  c6:   83 f8 02                cmp    $0x2,%eax
  c9:   74 08                   je     d3 <vars+0x43>
  cb:   41 83 c3 01             add    $0x1,%r11d
  cf:   41 83 c1 01             add    $0x1,%r9d
  d3:   83 c1 01                add    $0x1,%ecx
  d6:   41 83 c0 01             add    $0x1,%r8d
  da:   39 f9                   cmp    %edi,%ecx
  dc:   75 d0                   jne    ae <vars+0x1e>
  de:   45 01 d9                add    %r11d,%r9d
  e1:   43 8d 04 01             lea    (%r9,%r8,1),%eax
  e5:   c3                      retq   
  e6:   b8 0d 00 00 00          mov    $0xd,%eax
  eb:   c3                      retq
Arrays mean memory - don't use them unless you actually want the compiler to use memory.

Your example has nothing to do with the actual code in the kernel. In the original code, the counters are passed by reference to a function. That means they need to be in memory anyway, right? The compiler can't pass the address of a register.

> That means they need to be in memory anyway, right?

Actually no, GCC can optimize out pointer indirection like that if it ends up inlining the function (which it could in the kernel example, since it's static, relatively short, and has only three callers).

Another contrived example:

  static int inlineme(int *lol, int lolol)
        *lol += lolol;
        return *lol * 5;

  int test(int x)
        int tmp = 5;
        tmp += inlineme(&tmp, x);
        return tmp;
... all of which compiles to (with -O2):

  0000000000000000 <test>:
   0:   83 c7 05                add    $0x5,%edi
   3:   8d 04 bf                lea    (%rdi,%rdi,4),%eax
   6:   01 f8                   add    %edi,%eax
   8:   c3                      retq
Note that "tmp" doesn't have to be a constant for that to happen.

As far as the actual kernel function, GCC ends up emitting: (The only uncompressed kernel binary I had laying around was for my beaglebone black, sorry)

  c0136fa0 <verify_reserved_gdb>:
  c0136fa0:       e92d4ff0        push    {r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, sl, fp, lr}
  c0136fa4:       e24dd02c        sub     sp, sp, #44     ; 0x2c
  c0136fbc:       e3a03001        mov     r3, #1
  c0136fc0:       e58d301c        str     r3, [sp, #28]
  c0136fc4:       e3a03005        mov     r3, #5
  c0136fc8:       e58d3020        str     r3, [sp, #32]
  c0136fcc:       e3a03007        mov     r3, #7
  c0136fd0:       e58d3024        str     r3, [sp, #36]   ; 0x24
  c0136fd4:       e1a00007        mov     r0, r7
  c0136fd8:       e28d101c        add     r1, sp, #28
  c0136fdc:       e28d2020        add     r2, sp, #32
  c0136fe0:       e28d3024        add     r3, sp, #36     ; 0x24
  c0136fe4:       ebffffd4        bl      c0136f3c <ext4_list_backups>
... so in this case it does actually pass by reference.

That doesn't change my argument: an array is the more confusing way to do this, and in similar situations could prevent the compiler from making the optimization it did in my example.

This is filesystem code. Any miniscule performance gain would be eclipsed by the actual reads/writes. This code should really be -Os'd to save cache.

You're missing the point: it's not that using an array is slower, it's that "int n[3]" can mean something completely different than "int a,b,c" does. A lot of comments on this thread have suggested that the two are interchangeable: they aren't.

Using an array here is wrong: it needlessly complicates the code (now in addition to everything else, I have to remember how big the array is and what each (unnamed) index corresponds to), possibly makes the compiler emit worthless loads/stores, and let's me potentially blow up the world if I mess up and access out-of-bounds.

Why don't you all "deserves better comment" people send a patch?

> Why don't you all "deserves better comment" people send a patch?

Trying to get a patch into Linux as a new developer without personally knowing one of the (sub-)lieutenants is a futile exercise.

I did it (and repeated a few times) and I didn't know anyone. I did it by reading about the process, formatting my patch correctly, and sending it to the appropriate list. If it were so difficult, Linux would not be a success. Now, just like other large projects, maintainers might dislike comment-only nit patches, but if it objectively increases readability it might work.

It's probably easier to get it in when you're solving a real problem.

That doesn't match my experience at all.

Find the maintainer of the relevant subsystem, talk to them via mail or IRC about what's bugging you and how to improve it, implement it, send a patch and it will most likely be accepted.

Where I have had difficulties getting something accepted is if your patch might cause problems later or doesn't solve the problem in a way that aligns with the vision of the maintainer. But while that might be annoying as a developer that wants a problem fixed now, I'd say that it's probably for the better of the whole kernel.

> But while that might be annoying as a developer that wants a problem fixed now, I'd say that it's probably for the better of the whole kernel.

I agree in general. However, the Embedded Linux world suffers from severe fragmentation and duplicate and/or incompatible work in part due to this policy (the greater good). The ARM platform has been consolidated a bit due to the involvement of very large players, but on the PowerPC side, things are pretty dim.

> Trying to get a patch into Linux as a new developer without [personally] knowing one of the (sub-)lieutenants is a futile exercise.

You're totally wrong about "personal" part.

Yes, this opportunity to make a reference to De La Soul should not be wasted!

That's a very... awkward of doing quite a simple thing, generating ascending interleaved powers. I'd probably use one or more arrays of multipliers to maintain the counters. Simpler and more general -- not often that you can get a solution with both these two attributes.

And here's how the "rainbows and butterflies" world of "code perfectionists" come crashing down.

Yes, the naming is unfortunate. No, there's probably no way to make it better (and if you think code reviews suck, wait until you see a kernel code review) (Well, this came directly from Linus but there's usually some discussion as well)

But in the end this has shipped and is running. (Well, the double goto from Apple as well, but I doubt that went through a code review)

there are many, many problems in this code style which lead to this kind of problem.

localised comments may help but naming things properly would help more (and negate a comment being required at all), actually adopting some better practices would be a better fix going forward.

looking at the called function's comment:

The counters should be initialized to 1, 5, and 7 before * calling this for the first time.

so how about making a function with the same name, ending in '_first' (maybe rename the original _next) which initialises these variables internally before calling the version intended to be called multiple times...?

since the parameters are not well described by their names renaming them would help too... it is not a pointer to a 3 a 5 or a 7. it might not even be pointing at multiples... but current_multiple_of_three etc. would be better. there is some reason why these values are significant in this algorithm (which I do not know) and the best names would capture that.

the code is moderately difficult to read in the function itself - the method of swapping around a local copy of a pointer based on the conditions is not very easy to follow. although makes sense here to avoid excessive code... comments would help make it clearer what is going on.

At line 655: "... In a sparse filesystem it will be the sequence of powers of 3, 5, and 7: ..."

So I think this means three = pow(3, 0);

Doesn't explain why it's not 1, 1, 1 or 1, 5, 49.

It does, you're just not paying attention. The comment appears over the function that uses those variables; it's not 1,1,1 because they want to hit 1 only once in the sequence 1,3,5,7,9,25,27,49,81,125, etc.

It doesn't explain why it's not 3,1,7 or 3,5,1, but that's because there is no reason for that.

The full comment in the source explains it fine, but that's not what I'm replying to; who's not paying attention here?

The abbreviated quote I was replying to just confuses things by leaving out critical parts.

Wasn't there a similar thread a few months back about "two" being corrected to equal 2?

Speaking of...


  static int sixty = 60;
  static int __maybe_unused neg_one = -1;
  static int zero;
  static int __maybe_unused one = 1;
  static int __maybe_unused two = 2;
  static int __maybe_unused three = 3;
  static unsigned long one_ul = 1;
  static int one_hundred = 100;
  static int ten_thousand = 10000;

Seems like a perfectly reasonable naming scheme to me. Anyone foolish enough to think that the variables are there to hold the values 3, 5 and 7 is probably wasting their time on the code in the first place.

Besides, it made you read the code and the comments.

Reminds me of 'how to write unmaintainable code':


Trinitarian theology?

I finally have an answer to the "what's your favorite line of linux source code" question.

Is this because there is some inconsistency in the GDT documentation?

That deserves an explanation in the code comments...

Better still, it deserves to be replaced with a better name. Comments should not be our first port of call when we notice an issue like this in code. Fix the name. If you can't fix the name, you hang your head in shame and then you write a comment.

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