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@Curtis (Ovid) Poe: I am not going to make an ad hominem retort directed at you as I am aware of your contribution to Perl and also that you are legally bound by Booking.com not to speak ill about them.

All that I am saying is, there are a lot of ways of making money and it isn't correct to put your reputation at stake to advertise a tainted company such as Booking.com for a couple of thousand euros.

The frequent advertisement for developers is not only due to the exodus of senior devs (including you) from the company but also because booking is trying to create a redundant pool of devs so that the business doesn't get effected by this employee churn.

If an employee complains he/she is asked to leave the company and all that is because they have a huge cash reserve built out of years of underpaying developers and exploiting hotels.

Years of copy paste has made the code unmaintainable and I am not talking about the new code Aevar and you had written for Booking::Search but Booking::Maxotel, Availability, Policy system, Search::Which, Search::When, etc. I have never seen a company which rebukes its developers for refactoring or treat its developers like dogs except at Booking.

As they have a real bad reputation in the Perl community they are trying to get developers from other communities who are ignorant.

Booking.com not only mistreats its developers they also bully the hotels using their monopoly.

Successful lawsuits have been filed against the company for price fixing as can be googled.

Only if a dev is unemployed should he consider working for Booking.com. There are a lot of good companies and they are actively seeking employees including here in the UK.

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