Vincent Laforet has a great set of howtos on DSLR/HDSLR videography on his site. He does great little videos of why some of the rail rigs are built the way they are and gives some behind-the-scenes type work like this.
Even if you're an iPhone "filmmaker" (or PXL-2000) he and the people that he links to on his blogroll are good for learning technique.
I'm "good" at still, portrait, and landscape photography with a rangefinder camera. I recently started doing wildlife (bird) photography and videography and had to learn a whole new set of equipment and techniques.
Even if you're an iPhone "filmmaker" (or PXL-2000) he and the people that he links to on his blogroll are good for learning technique.
I'm "good" at still, portrait, and landscape photography with a rangefinder camera. I recently started doing wildlife (bird) photography and videography and had to learn a whole new set of equipment and techniques.