Vincent Laforet has a great set of howtos on DSLR/HDSLR videography on his site. He does great little videos of why some of the rail rigs are built the way they are and gives some behind-the-scenes type work like this.
Even if you're an iPhone "filmmaker" (or PXL-2000) he and the people that he links to on his blogroll are good for learning technique.
I'm "good" at still, portrait, and landscape photography with a rangefinder camera. I recently started doing wildlife (bird) photography and videography and had to learn a whole new set of equipment and techniques.
As the dad of an amateur film maker who is bugging me constantly to help him acquire a Canon to shoot...this is awesome. Can't wait to share this with my son.
It's amazing how much quality film making gear there is around the Canon DSLRs. I suspect that the next generation of film makers will show some level of disdain for the current big budget gear much like what happened with the switch from main frames to personal computers.
Even if you're an iPhone "filmmaker" (or PXL-2000) he and the people that he links to on his blogroll are good for learning technique.
I'm "good" at still, portrait, and landscape photography with a rangefinder camera. I recently started doing wildlife (bird) photography and videography and had to learn a whole new set of equipment and techniques.