The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about - OW
You are almost investing in heroku by using their stack and tool chain, it isn't easy for well established customers to just up and move. This is probably a PR win for them, rather than a loss. Truth be told, it will be how they handle this in the coming months that will make them win/lose customers.
If you are locked in the trunk with any cloud solution , then you are a bad programmer/syst admin/whatever taking bad decisions, period.
You should be able to move your project infrastructure quickly from a service to another ,if you cant to that, well too bad when your infrastructure fails...
You are almost investing in heroku by using their stack and tool chain, it isn't easy for well established customers to just up and move. This is probably a PR win for them, rather than a loss. Truth be told, it will be how they handle this in the coming months that will make them win/lose customers.