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1. Faster than keys? Wow .. you need faster keys .. it's WAY faster for me to pull my key out of my pocket than my phone. And I don't have to unlock my phone, find the app, launch it and anything else the app needs me to do (PIN?)

1b. That's the most expensive let-in-a-neighbour idea ever. My neighbours have a spare key to my place. If you're going to trust them once, why not just trust them?

2. Again .. a really expensive solution to this simple problem. How often do you actually leave your door unlocked? Or are you just scared and this device will give you needless peace of mind?

3. The point is that this device lets you unlock from anywhere in the world. Why would you unlock it from anywhere other than your house?

4. What if the neighbour in 1b decides to use the knob lock (after all, it's his habit to lock) and you left your keys at home because you have your phone?

The intuitive cynic in me sees a combination of 1b and 2 explaining this:

1b: Many people barely know the name of, let alone trust their neighbours these days. They are turning to the neighbour out of necessity, rather than old-fashioned good will.

2: Perception of hi-tech security, or rather perception of making an effort at security. Just like the gahzillion dollars spent of on body scanners that don't do very much for air plane safety, certainly not in proportion to their cost.

It's hardly the first first-world product that satisfies a want rather than a need.

The number of times a neighbor I don't know has called me on the phone when I wasn't home: zero.

The biggest use case for me is the proximity lock/unlock feature so that when I approach the door, it detects (via bluetooth) my phone and unlocks for me without me needing to go in my pocket for my keys... I just approach the door and walk in as if it were unlocked... just like my car.

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