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I always wonder about drive-by trolling. Suggestion to pg, make it so that accounts cannot post their first comment for 24hrs.

That said, this sort of complaint is not uncommon, I saw a lot of "Gee why not use a hidey hole? or a camo-rock?" and the answer is, of course, that for the use case these folks are targeting divulging the secret hiding space to a temporary renter means you need a new hiding space for the next one. So much easier to just delete their access code.

I didn't realize quite how much this industry needed to be disrupted until I went out and added fob based locks to our offices here at Blekko. What I want is a self contained solution, I know I can hack one together with a few arduinos and RFID readers and a closet web server type app on a Raspberry pi, but nobody sells that. And some of the components are poorly documented (as it the general rule for "security" stuff it seems) for this reason alone I cheer on the Lockitron guys and look forward to their Enterprise product.

> " Suggestion to pg, make it so that accounts cannot post their first comment for 24hrs."

Two problems with this approach:

1) if someone's post happens to make it big on HN and they discover us through their logs, they can't give feedback while their posts is still on the frontpage.

2) HN has a long tradition of throwaway accounts [0] being used to give valuable input in sensitive discussions (abuse, corruption, medical, financial, family/social, or legally dangerous.) A waiting period means those contributions won't be made, or at the very least, won't be seen by the majority of readers.

The price of getting rid of drive-by trolling is that we lose these contributions. Seems better to just downvote or flag the trolls, and keep the really excellent stuff.

[0] There are some real gems among http://www.hnsearch.com/search#request/all&q=throwaway&#...

In this particular case, keeping track of the similarity between posts might have helped. There's no legitimate reason to post the exact same content several times that I'm aware of.

Post quoting might end up being an issue though.

The software auto-kills duplicate posts.

You're probably seeing them because you've turned on showdead.

You're right, I did. My mistake then. Still a newb.

As long as they're obviously dumbasses I don't mind their just getting down-voted to the bottom. Not much harm done and they'll get `dead`ed before too long.

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