NN = Neural Networks.
And if you can share Docker Compose based set-up, please do (I like Docker Compose for its simplicity).
Synonyms of "toy" include: nano, micro, games, something that can be played with on an off the shelf laptop.
Python or JavaScript preferred.
I use devpod.sh and a pytorch dev container I can spin up locally, with the intention of also spinning it up in the cloud to scale experiments up (but I haven't done much of that). Still, can recommend devpods for reproducible environment I don't feel worried about trashing!
If people are interested I can throw the git repo up now, but I have been planning on finding some time clean it up and write up a really short digest of what I learned.
Above anything I can write though, I highly recommend Andre Kaparthy's youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/@AndrejKarpathy You can follow along in a google colab so all you really need is a web browser. My project started as following along there and then grew when I wanted to train it to mimic my friends and I on some data I had of us chatting in slack, which meant some architecture improvements, figuring out how to pre-training on a large corpus, etc etc