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> think food and shelter are primal

America is the world's largest agricultural exporter [1].

[1] https://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0712/top-agricul...

The US produces 15 Billion bushels of corn/maize a year. Bushel = 56 pounds. About 8 bushels provide the calorie requirement for an adult for a year. The US has about 350 Million people.

The US produces roughly 4 Billion bushels of soybeans a year. Bushel = 60 pound. About 6 bushels of soy (yielding 60ish pounds total protein) meet the protein requirements for an adult for a year. Provides additional total calories to boot.

Just corn and beans. The US will do just fine…as will the rest of the Americas, since Brazil is outproducing the US in soybeans and producing 5 Billion bushels of corn a year.

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