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> I think if I was to do a Waylabd compositor, a first step would be to put things like window management beyond an IPC boundary, just like with X.

Isn't that already the case, by protocol definition? At least compositor and clients talk to each other over a pipe of some sort. It is actually a bit problematic because the way it is done put noticeable restrictions on both sides on processing things in time, because if it is full then shit hit the fan.

Not in Wayland, no. The only boundary is between the client and compositor. With X there is a boundary between the client and server, and between the server, wm, and compositor.

With Wayland the compositor serves the same function as both the X server, wm, and compositor in one. There's nothing inherent stopping the addition of extensions to allow the same split as in X (but the server/compositor split probably wouldn't be worth keeping - the WM is easier to split out because it's far less latency sensitive)

That’s not true in this respect. This all is just an implementation detail, not mandated one way or another by Wayland.

While it's not mandated, as I pointed out ("There's nothing inherent stopping the addition of extensions to allow the same split as in X"), I'm not aware of a single Wayland compositor for which it isn't true. If there is one, I'd love to hear about it.

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