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Always happy to see new options in the WM space!

My only gripe (and this goes for almost any open source project) is this: please include screenshots! Any program/service that has front-facing UI should have visual references, instead of making users build/run everything just to “see” it.

At this point HN should prompt people when submitting links. "Are there screenshots at the link? No? Go back and add them, then submit."

I'll see about adding, some, but see links elsewhere in this thread to a couple, and note that you can't really see much of this wm, as in the style of e.g. bspwm it has no window decorations whatsoever beyond a 1 pixel rectangle.

> it has no window decorations whatsoever beyond a 1 pixel rectangle

Then we don't need any screenshot. We can do this with TWM, FVWM and MWM (and others).

> it has no window decorations whatsoever beyond a 1 pixel rectangle

My favourite!

As a rubyist using xmonad for years now (no real clue about haskell) I am thrilled.

That's great. I still suggest caution even you try to test it, but having that a background with wms like that makes you less likely than most to hose your setup...

Maybe a simple animation of one or two main actions?

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