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Same, the wayback machine produces this: https://web.archive.org/web/20240122090024/https://rubyflow....

Which points to this GitHub: https://github.com/vidarh/rubywm/tree/master

I was hoping for some screenshots and I can't seem to find any easily. Would appreciate some screenshots/recording of it working to get a taste of it!

There is zero window decoration other than a 1pixel unshaped border, so there's not actually much to show, but here's an example of one of my tiling desktops w/a couple of my terminal windows running (one of the windows is st rather than my own):


Here is one I did that shows a couple of file manager windows and my terminal and desktop switcher on my floating desktop:


> There is zero window decoration other than a 1pixel unshaped border, so there's not actually much to show, but here's an example of one of my tiling desktops w/a couple of my terminal windows running (one of the windows is st rather than my own):

Minimalism usually means fewer problems and bugs, it's not a bad thing.

> Here is one I did that shows a couple of file manager windows and my terminal and desktop switcher on my floating desktop:

Looks quite nice! I would suggest to add a few pictures to the GitHub.

Well, at this point you get few features but still lots of bugs ;) But yes, the minimalism is very much intentional - I have no interest in letting it grow all that much, and no interest in lots of decoration (I might add support for some; especially inspired by how Katriawm does it [1] - it basically just slaps images on each side in separate windows - it's high "bang for the bucks" in terms of flexibility for very little effort)

> Looks quite nice! I would suggest to add a few pictures to the GitHub.

So many keeps asking, so I guess I've have to add some...

[1] https://www.uninformativ.de/git/katriawm/file/README.html

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