The moat is you'll be at a level higher than the person who doesn't put in an hour a day.
Also, if it puts you at a few levels higher, and you keep learning more, combined with an already strong knowledge base... eventually combined experiences lead to something quite valuable and useful.
From personal experience:
Learning and understanding the fundamentals via courses and personal projects/implementation is different from keeping up to date with blogs, newsletters etc.
I suggest dedicating the full hour to 1 thing, but alternating between courses (i.e coursera), reading (i.e the batch) and building/coding.
I've learned that for now GPT spits out a lot of junk and downright doesn't know much about very technical problems(i.e. semiconductor patterning)
However, for people like me that learn programming by bruteforce, it's fantastic to get a bunch of rust code and then having to figure out how to turn it into functioning code. It's not that it's teaching by itself, but it helps getting a lot of pointers that would have taken a lot of time to wait for mailing list and github issue responses.