Say I have around 1 hour daily allocated to developing AI/ML skills.
What in your opinion is the best way to invest the time/energy?
1. Build small projects (build what?)
2. Read blogs/newsletters (which ones?)
3. Take courses (which courses?)
4. Read textbooks (which books?)
6. Kaggle competitions
7. Participate in AI/ML forums/communities
8. A combination of the above (if possible share time % allocation/weightage)
Asking this in general to help good SE people build up capabilities in ML.
The single thing which I learned the most from was implementing a paper. Lectures and textbooks to me are just words. I understand them in the abstract but learning by doing gets you far deeper knowledge.
Others might suggest a more varied curriculum but to me nothing beats a one hour chunk of uninterrupted problem solving.
Here are a few suggested projects.
Train a baby neural network to learn a simple function like ax^2 + bx + c.
MNIST digits classifier. Basically the “hello world” of ML at this point.
Fine tune GPT2 on a specialized corpus like Shakespeare.
Train a Siamese neural network with triplet loss to measure visual similarity to find out which celeb you’re most similar to.
My $0.02: don’t waste your time writing your own neural net and backprop. It’s a biased opinion but this would be like implementing your own HashMap function. No company will ask you to do this. Instead, learn how to use profiling and debugging tools like tensorboard and the tf profiler.