> Right now my For You tab is filled with content I wouldn't have dreamed of a year or two ago, fight videos, videos of people dying, race war, gender war, you name it. Elon is egging it on, it's a complete mess.
Censoring the aforementioned topics does not make them go away, time has shown that. And Megacorps controlling the public Overton window has just lead to society boiling and rumbling in the dark.
There's a vast gap between censoring them and shoving them in the face of people who don't want them. The "For You" tab has a tendency of big swings in the type of content it shows, possibly based on what you engage with, which often results in it swinging towards content that angers you because that often leads to the lengthiest discussions. Getting it "back on track" to show stuff you want to see afterwards can be tedious.
> Censoring the aforementioned topics does not make them go away
Perhaps, but not censoring those topics makes the user go away. Most people are simply not interested in wading into the constant mudfight that current twitter seems to have devolved into, so if the platform makes it impossible to evade those topics on the platform itself then the user will evade the platform altogether. A similar thing can be said for advertisers, if a platform cannot guarantee that a companies ads will not be shown next to hate content then the advertiser will eventually just start evading the platform altogether.
for you tab isn't about censoring, it's about pushing content that will increase engagement, and pushing "fight videos, videos of people dying, race war, gender war" is one way to do it
Censoring the aforementioned topics does not make them go away, time has shown that. And Megacorps controlling the public Overton window has just lead to society boiling and rumbling in the dark.