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I don't understand this comment. You can, like me, fail to engage with the writing or the topic.

But what's wrong with writing about your experiences on your blog? Why should that not be centered around yourself?

He barely wrote about his experiences. He had a bad trip after some undisclosed drug and also had something bad happen more recently that is unshared.

If you want to share the first hand account of your life, do that. If you want to make theoretical arguments, do that. If you want to offer empiricism by looking broadly or in detail, do that.

What’s less worthwhile is to share as little of your life as possible while generalizing it into advice as much as possible. You can claim “I’m just sharing my experiences”, but that’s not really it. The experiences are a fig leaf, a way to speak with maximal authority with minimal accountability.

I kept waiting for "I got fired" or "I killed somebody in a DUI and am going to jail" but there doesn't appear anything in his life that actually.. you know... ruined it?

Couldn't handle his buzz.

Yeah this article has big, "Thanks, I'm cured!" vibes.

There was a great documentary on medically assisted dying in Canada recently (by CBC's the Fifth Estate), where social safety nets have become so woefully inadequate for the disabled that some are successfully applying to be legally euthanized by doctors rather than become unhoused and freeze to death on the street.

Apparently they just need like, meditation and good vibes, man. Totally not a platitude.

Reading this "fee-fees for adulties" article ruined my life. It is obvious that this person still has a great deal of emotional growth and healing to do.

The privileged have to invent their suffering in their leisure activities so that their lives feel any drop of meaning other than being an achievement trophy for the elder generation.

There's absolutely no need to make things into a competition.

I didn’t, but you seem to need to do so.

Maybe it's just my understanding, but I interpret the phrase "invented their suffering" to be the dismissive.

As does assuming privilege with zero to no supporting information.

Maybe I missed the mark entirely. What point were you trying to convey?

In my experience, when you always have the option of coasting, repeatedly choosing to coast is tempting. You know it leads to a worse outcome. You live in fear of long term regret from the sum of your choices. Suffering arrives in between activities, when you face all this. It's no wonder we like to be distracted.

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