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Well, GNU/linux is more "C plus GCC" than pure C. There are a lot of fancy things that GCC gives you that you'd otherwise have to do explicitly.

C has the unique distinction of being criticized on the one hand for the complexities of vendor-specific extensions and portability concerns... and on the other for being insufficiently like Rust or Go, which are defined entirely by their proprietary implementations.

I don't think I've ever seen this criticism leveled elsewhere. Do people criticize JavaScript programming because the ECMAScript standard doesn't give you everything you could want?

There is no meaningful sense in which either Rust or Go’s reference compilers is “proprietary.” If you’re trying to say that there is no ISO standard for the two, that’s an entirely different problem (and one shared by the overwhelming majority of programming languages).

> There is no meaningful sense in which either Rust or Go’s reference compilers is “proprietary.”

Nobody is talking about the compilers. This, right here — the fact that you are conflating a language and one implementation — is the whole point and is indicative of the tight control the respective organizations keep over their languages.

The direction of the languages is entirely up to their private owners, and that exclusivity is enforced via intellectual property law. They are exactly as proprietary as RHEL or Unix.

This is not a definition of "proprietary" used anywhere in the open source community. Private direction (which Rust notably does not have) does not somehow erase the fact that both are permissively licensed and have open codebases that you can use and contribute to to your heart's content.

I don't even know what you're referring to with IP law. The projects' names and logos?

> I don't even know what you're referring to with IP law. The projects' names and logos?

I think it's the fact that if you took the Rust codebase and forked[1] it to accept new keywords, the resulting language that it accepts is most definitely not Rust.

If you did the same to a C compiler[2], the resulting compiler would still be called a C compiler by everyone.

[1] Assuming that the license allows it.

[2] One who's licence allowed this.

Yes, the license allows it. Rust's compiler is more permissively licensed than GCC, and is roughly as permissively licensed as LLVM.

This argument does not make sense: if you fork GCC or LLVM and change the language frontend for C, the thing you are parsing is no longer standard C. This is exactly the same as is true for Rust, except that the reference is the the living standard rather than an ISO standard.

By the original commenter's logic, the modified C compiler would effectively be proprietary: it no longer has a public, liberally licensed specification that it conforms to. But this isn't the way anybody in the open source community uses the word "proprietary," because it precludes any open-source work that doesn't have a corresponding formal specification.

> This argument does not make sense: if you fork GCC or LLVM and change the language frontend for C, the thing you are parsing is no longer standard C.

It doesn't make sense to you, certainly.

To the type of person who've used a dozen different C compilers, all of them containing extensions to the language, and all of them still advertised as "C compilers", the argument makes perfect sense.

I mean, the input to the GCC C compiler is, by default, C with extensions, and yet even you still called it a C frontend, not a "SomeOtherLanguage" frontend.

You may not agree that the argument is valid or sound, but you can't with a straight face say that it is an unreasonable position to take.

> You may not agree that the argument is valid or sound, but you can't with a straight face say that it is an unreasonable position to take.

That's not the argument I'm advancing: I'm saying it does not make sense to call that modified C compiler "proprietary."

I don't care if you call it "C" or not, because everybody who writes C understands that compiler-specific extensions are commonplace. But the existence of non-formally-specified extensions doesn't somehow override the permissively licensed nature of the compiler.

Similarly, going back to the original argument: it does not make sense to call Rust "proprietary" because it only has a living specification, rather than a formal one. It's permissively licensed, and you can modify it to your heart's content. The only reason people wouldn't call your changes "Rust" is because the community doesn't share the same expectations re: vendor extensions that C's community does.

> it does not make sense to call Rust "proprietary" because it only has a living specification,

It doesn't have a "living specification", it has a reference implementation. There's a difference. HTML is a living specification without a reference implementation. Rust (and many other languages) have a reference implementation without a living specification.

> The only reason people wouldn't call your changes "Rust" is because the community doesn't share the same expectations

That's not true; you cannot call it Rust because Rust, the programming language, is trademarked.

It is protected, you understand? There are legal barriers to calling your NewLanguage "Rust", as explained by the foundation themselves over here: https://foundation.rust-lang.org/policies/logo-policy-and-me...

Writing your own language and calling it Rust is legally forbidden.[1] You are, of course, free to use the permissive copyright but the name is trademarked.

Now, with C, OTOH, as an ISO standard it has no trademark so this argument does not even arise.

[1] As far as I can tell, it would be legally forbidden even if your new implementation of Rust behaves identical to the reference implementation. The best you can do is call it Rust compatible.

There is a difference between open software and open standards. The two are orthogonal. Open software can use closed standards (though must usually reverse-engineer them); closed software can use open standards. See, e.g., LibreOffice support for .doc files; Microsoft's TCP/IP stack. Please make an attempt to engage with intellectual honesty, and stop intentionally conflating the two.

The issue at bar is whether Rust the language is proprietary, especially as compared to C. Something is proprietary within the standard meaning of the term if it "is used, produced, or marketed under exclusive legal right of the inventor or maker." Merriam Webster, Online Edition, available at https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/proprietary.

In this case, The Rust Foundation maintains and exercises exclusive legal rights over Rust that nobody exercises over C. If I make a C compiler with extensions, I can still call it C and I can still participate in C governance. C is an open standard. See https://www.open-std.org/. However, the same is not true for Rust, where governance happens entirely under the auspices of one vendor, who uses trademark law to ensure that no competitors can exist without its explicit approval. Specifically, any Rust variants other than those required for porting require explicit written permission. See https://foundation.rust-lang.org/policies/logo-policy-and-me.... Furthermore, even if I accepted my impotence in the governance process and even if I resolved to call my Rust variant something else (FeO?), competition in the market would still be chilled by The Rust Foundation's refusal to commit to fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory (FRAND) licensing (something that is required as part of the ISO standardization process). If a competitor ever did arise, patenting the borrow checker mechanism would be all it would take to completely crush them.

I am glad that rustc is open source. I am glad that The Rust Foundation is a non-profit. I accept on faith that they want to do the right thing. However, they have deliberately created a monoculture that they enforce through IP law. Rust is proprietary, i.e., it is "something that is used, produced, or marketed under exclusive legal right of the inventor or maker." There are no open standards, there is no FRAND licensing obligation, there is no allowance for any Rust variants other than those explicitly permitted by the primary vendor of Rust compilers.

You brought up Python before, which is appropriate: Python explicitly is a "benevolent dictator for life" language. The difference with Rust is that the dictator is a legal personhood instead of a single living, breathing person. But dictatorships, even benevolent and well-intentioned ones, are ill-suited to the requirements of stability and predictability that are so vital to systems programming.

Imagine, God forbid, that The Rust Foundation goes defunct at some point in the next 100 years, and its IP bought up by the next generation's SCO or Novell or whatever, and they decide to patent the borrow checker and whatever other innovations are in Rust. Do you think that would be a bad thing?

Because it can only be bad if you agree that Rust is proprietary. If Rust were an open standard (including the borrow checker as part of the standardized compilation process and subject to mandatory FRAND licensing), then that outcome would be mitigated against.

This is a very large comment, filled with legitimate observations about how Rust (and most other programming language communities) choose to defend their name, logo, etc.

It has absolutely nothing to do with how "proprietary" is used in the open source community. To make it as simple as possible: if your use of the word "proprietary" includes Python and Rust but excludes Borland C, you've failed to use to word in a way that is substantive and useful to everyone else in this community.

The implied risk of Rust's trademark terms is entirely ahistorical: C did not win as a systems programming language because it satisfied FRAND or any other standard for openness. It won because Worse Is Better, in spite of onerous licensing restrictions by companies with extremely expensive and proprietary C compilers.

>It won because Worse Is Better

I don't think this is why. I think it "won" because it was the best "high-level" language of the time and exploded to fill a huge niche, historically. In other words, historical luck.

I think that's also how JavaScript won.

Since it's always luck, and since the luckiest thing is rarely the "best" thing, it just looks like it's a selection for ironically worse quality from the outside.

"Worse is Better" isn't meant to be derogatory: it's the term of art used by the Unix world to describe Unix and C's own adoption arc[1].

[1]: https://cs.stanford.edu/people/eroberts/cs201/projects/2010-...

> Imagine, God forbid, that The Rust Foundation goes defunct at some point in the next 100 years, and its IP bought up by the next generation's SCO or Novell or whatever, and they decide to patent the borrow checker and whatever other innovations are in Rust. Do you think that would be a bad thing?

1) I'm not certain the Rust Foundation actually owns the underlying patent IP for the borrow checker.

2) But granting it does, imagine, the foundation or its successors files for a patent years after including that IP in Rust and years after granting two extremely permissive licenses (MIT/Apache 2) for the use of that IP, and tries to enforce their patent rights against your fork, FeO.

3) What exactly is their hope of winning a patent infringement case after granting those extremely permissive licenses?

Don't both MIT and Apache 2 provide a very strong defense against infringement where one is using and modifying the Rust code base (you fork creating FeO)? If you don't like Apache 2's explicit patent grant, Rust of course offers you the option to use MIT's implied grant.

"Any language used by the owner of the patent, or any conduct on his part exhibited to another from which that other may properly infer that the owner consents to his use of the patent in making or using it, or selling it, upon which the other acts, constitutes a license and a defense to an action for a tort." De Forest Radio Telephone Co. v. United States, 273 US 236, 241 (1927).

Can you show me an instance where anything like what you describe has occurred? If not, you should describe precisely how your hypothetical could occur? Because, from where I sit, your theories seem like pure FUD.

> If a competitor ever did arise, patenting the borrow checker mechanism would be all it would take to completely crush them.

Apache 2 includes a patent grant? So I think most of this comment is clearly erroneous.

> both are permissively licensed

No, the code of the implementation is permissively licensed.

Do I really have to explain, on HN of all places, the importance of distinguishing between implementation and interface?

This is incorrect on multiple levels: there is no organization that has "exclusive" control over Go, much less Rust. There's a company (Google) that made Go, but they have no control over the source code itself beyond the terms of the non-proprietary license they provide it under[1]. Even the things that Google does w/r/t Go are not even remotely controversial in the context of the definition of proprietary software, like CLAs. Linux has a CLA!

Comparing this to Borland or Microsoft is bizarre: Microsoft and Borland actually do have proprietary C compilers that they do not make publicly available in source code form. Those compilers in turn have all kinds of non-standard, proprietary extensions.

The one thing that sets C apart from Rust and Go is the presence of an official ISO standard. But this isn't material to the definition of "proprietary" in the open source world. And, well, that ISO standard is itself copyrighted.

[1]: https://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/LICENSE

Edit: You shouldn't delete and re-write your comments. Here's the original comment I responded to:

> That's a dubious claim, and irrelevant besides. They are proprietary, in the standard meaning of the word, because a single private organization has exclusive control over each, but whatever word you choose to describe that is up to you.

> Google owns Go in a way that has never been true of Microsoft (or Borland or GNU or Apple...) when it comes to C.

Edit 2: For the edited comment: you're setting up a distinction that does not matter for programming languages that do not have formal specifications. There is no "interface" to distinguish against, and the claim that Rust (or Go, or Python, or any other language without an ISO spec) is tacitly reserving all rights to the design of the language itself is completely unsubstantiated.

Your position that not having a standard is irrelevant for languages that don't have a standard is circular and bizarre.

The fact that you keep focusing on whether compilers are proprietary instead of whether Rust and Go are proprietary is starting to seem deliberately evasive. You're free to extol the virtues of open source software, and I agree with you, but it's utterly beside the point.

.rs is analogous to .doc. The "right" way to handle it is defined solely with respect to the reference implementation. I view that as a problem. You may disagree, and that's fine, but don't pretend this is a conversation about something else.

> The fact that you keep focusing on whether compilers are proprietary instead of whether Rust and Go are proprietary is starting to seem deliberately evasive.

"You keep using that word. It don't think you know what it means." -- Inigo Montoya

This is just bizarre. If MIT/Apache-licensed Rust is proprietary, then anything could be? AFAIK there is no POSIX definition for epoll/io_uring. I suppose epoll is proprietary too?

proprietary: "2: something that is used, produced, or marketed under exclusive legal right of the inventor or maker"

Can Rust be forked, modified, used/sold and distributed with your changes? If yes that hardly seems like an exclusive legal right. Your problem seems to be that people trust the Rust project, and don't trust you or a central committee (yet). But that doesn't make a project proprietary. It makes it implementation defined, which has its own problems, but those are not the same problems of as those of proprietary software.

> MIT/Apache-licensed Rust

Rust is not MIT/Apache-licensed, rustc is.

Rust is licensed under terms that require explicit permission for use outside of a few very narrowly-defined circumstances.

> Rust is licensed under terms that require explicit permission for use outside of a few very narrowly-defined circumstances.

I think you mean the Rust trademark, and sorry, but you don't get to use IBM or Google's mark willy-nilly either? I'm not sure it's a realistic expectation on your part to be able to market your changes under the other guy's mark.

Where's the circularity? This is the claim: you can't claim that a nonexistent thing is proprietary. Rust and Go do not (to my knowledge) have any sort of standard other than the living standard of the reference implementation, which is itself not proprietary. Anybody is welcome to copy or modify that living standard, per the terms of the permissive license.

This is the overwhelmingly common state of affairs for programming languages: Python, PHP, Go, Rust, etc. do not have formal standards in the sense of C, but instead of a living standard in the form of their reference implementation. The reference implementation is permissively licensed, so the "standard," insofar as it can be said to exist, is also permissively licensed.

Edit: Again: this is just not what the definition of "proprietary" is, in the context of open source. There is a legitimate grievance that you're expressing about software standards and implementation diversity, but it has absolutely no bearing on whether the reference implementation is proprietary or not.

By analogy: I, an open source developer, create a new file format $FOO and release my reference implementation of a $FOO parser under a permissive software license. Am I somehow compelled to spend time writing a formal specification of $FOO to make it non-proprietary? It might be nice for me to do, and nothing stops anybody else from converting my living standard into a formal one, but I am absolutely not compelled to do it.

All commits to the Go repository must be approved by two Google employees: https://groups.google.com/g/golang-dev/c/K7oGURi0wTM/m/3mg1O...

Yes. Again, Google can do whatever it likes with its repositories. This is entirely unrelated to whether or not the software is proprietary.

Compare Google's practices here to Qt's[1], CMake's[2], or any other large open source project that is primarily maintained by a single company.

To be abundantly clear: I don't think this is a good way to run an open source project, but it is a legitimate way to run one. So long as the source code and standards (insofar as they exist) are themselves permissive, then the community details are just that.

[1]: https://wiki.qt.io/Qt_Contribution_Guidelines

[2]: https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.rs...

> The direction of the languages is entirely up to their private owners, and that exclusivity is enforced via intellectual property law.

Can't you just fork the language, or, just re Rust, participate in the RFC process? Do we need more bureaucracy?


True. The author might enjoy studying something like OpenBSD (https://github.com/openbsd/src)

"GNU C" has a number of features that make the language far more pleasant if you're willing to give up the portability and use them. A big one if you've been using modern languages is anonymous functions.

It’s worth noting that GNU C uses trampolines to implement their “nested functions” extension, which in turn requires an executable stack.

In other words, using that extension silently disables one of the most basic and effective security mitigations we have for C.

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