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The majority of government computers in Munich already run on Linux and they run well. It does work for them. Munich rocks by the way.

And if anyone's interested - "majority" is ~65%* in _eight_ years into the project:


* 9000 of 14000 as of December 2011. However, "LiMux is a project by the city council of Munich to migrate their software systems, including 14,000", so, probably the total count is actually more than 14000, which makes the percentage even less.

Why is eight years significant?

Because of someone is spending public money on a dubious cause that takes forever to implement?

Considering the number of people currently using an operating system that is over a decade old, I think you don't quite understand the pace at which large, particularly government, projects tend to move.

Eight years for 65% is quite impressive actually.

Regardless, this is quite the tangent...

Let's see: LiMux was based on Debian Etch (2007) until 2011, when it was moved over to Ubuntu 8.10 (Oct 2008); AzLinux, the sole survivor of similar attempts, is based on Suse 11.2 (2009) and only moving towards 11.4 (2011), but it's still in development. For the record, Windows XP SP3 was released in April 2008. So, "a decade old" OS (2008 in fact) is being replaced by basically OS from the same time period over the course of 8 years and is still in progress. I'm sorry, if I don't think it is impressive.

"Windows XP SP3 was released in April 2008."


You missed out the part where this is ahead of their goal. Instead of wasting money by trying an ambitious big-bang transition with according requirement for additional staff and support, they've purposefully planned out a gradual, and orderly transition.

As for "spending public money on a dubious cause", they're spending roughly as much as before, but they're spending it in the local economy instead of sending it to the US, before you even count any other benefits.

...And of course downvoting for pointing out that 65% of the project in 8 years might be not as rosy, as someone would paint it to be. Ah, gotta love to have a non-popular opinion!

You are being modded down because the 65% is ahead of their original schedule. This means they are investing less public money than originally planned in the migration and spending less in Microsoft licenses than they would be had the project been behind schedule.

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