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Show HN: a mailing list generator for Github repos
9 points by alabut on Dec 16, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
My friend Amir and I made Gitdash, a quick little app for Github collaborators to communicate better. It's pretty easy - you just log into Github and it'll automatically generate mailing lists for all of your repos.

Please check it out, feedback welcome!


Clickable: http://gitdash.com

One question I don't see answered is who are my collaborators? Is it everyone who is watching my repo or everyone who has committed to the repo?

Otherwise this looks like a really neat and useful service. UI looks quite nice

in your list of groups, you'll see all of your own repos and all repos where you're listed as a collaborator (On GitHub, go to repo -> Admin -> Collaborators). so people that are just watching or have forked the repo don't get added to the list.

in its current form, gitdash sets up a private mailing list for the committers, whether the repo is actually public or private.

thanks for the feedback, suggestions welcome!

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