You can't build a skyscraper on someone elses land. It would be your own land. To buy the land, the community has to sell it to you.
To encumber someone else from building something on their own land - is strange and greedy. You're trying to capture the value of your neighbours land without giving them anything for it.
If you want to live in a house, surrounded by other houses then you need to buy all the surrounding land so you can decide what gets built on it.
If you allowed the density to increase, single detached "quiet" houses would become cheaper and more people would be able to live in them - because the people who want higher density but can't have it are forced into buying bigger houses at higher prices.
To encumber someone else from building something on their own land - is strange and greedy. You're trying to capture the value of your neighbours land without giving them anything for it.
If you want to live in a house, surrounded by other houses then you need to buy all the surrounding land so you can decide what gets built on it.
If you allowed the density to increase, single detached "quiet" houses would become cheaper and more people would be able to live in them - because the people who want higher density but can't have it are forced into buying bigger houses at higher prices.