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A few years ago I heard about Nix and NixOS.

I loved the idea, but I did not enjoy the experience. Maybe the problem was I was trying to make it work on a less well-supported platform (I think it was ARM32). But the packages I wanted to install either weren't available, or I kept getting incompatibility errors.

I still love the idea, but these days I feel like environment managers like Anaconda make (mutable) Python development a little more manageable, and things like Docker make (mutable) Linux development a little more manageable. Basically these both make it less painful to start over with a fresh "thing" when the system starts to get crufty.

In my view, there's a spectrum from "immutable and annoyingly rigid" to "mutable by default and annoyingly unpredictable". And the sweet spot is not at either end, but something like "immutable by default, but mutation is possible".

I use Nix on an array of devices (any combo of x86/aarch64 and Linux/Darwin machines you can imagine), and while I really do love the experience, you're right that ARM is a sticking point. It's been getting better over the past few months, but still not close to x86 packaging parity.

On the other side of that coin, I tried switching back to Arch a few weeks ago after ~4 months of NixOS. Maybe it's the sunken-cost fallacy, but Arch didn't make me feel all starry-eyed anymore. Nix feels like a really dependable piece of my workflow now, and it's difficult to imagine myself going back to Homebrew/pacman.

> the sweet spot is not at either end, but something like "immutable by default, but mutation is possible".

Flatpak tried that, you're welcome to draw your own conclusions on how that turned out. The problem is that your modifications now require build hooks for every update, and you're no longer guaranteed a comprehensive runtime. With Nix, these hooks get re-written into derivations, which (in my experience) provides a more stable, sane alternative to Docker images and Flatpaks. It's also not packaged hermetically, which means that not all Flatpaks will behave the same on all machines. Something as subtle as different environment variables or display server implementations can cause your application not to launch.

Is there a way to get it so that UI applications installed with Nix show up in Spotlight Search? I remember that being my big annoyance when I tried using Nix instead of Homebrew on MacOS.

Yeah, if you use a module system like Nix-Darwin or Home Manager: https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager/issues/1341#is...

(Hopefully comparable modules are on their way onto the defaults for each of those module systems)

Oh, I wouldn't know (my Mac is a dumb terminal for testing and nothing else). They should have appropriate .desktop files for their Linux counterparts, though.

I recently tried Guix which is somewhat similar to Nix in theory. While I loved the idea I did not love dealing with cryptic problems resulting from it. For example I ran into an issue where one R package would only work properly if I installed other packages in a specific order, doing an update though could mess up that order breaking the package. Later updates to R broke support for certain things entirely that I don't see on non-Guix setups either. Plus getting things that required binaries I can't (or easily) compile myself to work is a pain.

I just can't justify fiddling with my package manager so much.

This is my experience with both Nix and Guix. They have advantages but they are different to the point of being unusual.

I very much want the benefits of these kinds of systems, but they both produce a run time system (shell environment, whatever) that is not typical of how most people use software. So, while most other people are helping each other out with the "usual" problems, Nix/Guix users have a different set of problems. Sure, they are reproducible problems often shared by all other Nix/Guix users, but those communities are niche compared to what is typical.

I am not sure, but it is possible that R want to be its own package manager which interferes with Guix? A similar problem seems to appear in Python, where there on Distributions like Debian there is kind of a struggle which package manager - the system-defined packages, or the user-defined ones like pip - have the last word.

I have used Guix a bit with Common Lisp libraries, and that works like a charm. I also found it useful to be able to use new Emacs packages like the newest version of Magit, without having to install or supersede the OS installation.

R does have it's own package manager but I was explicitly not using it because I read there could be issues, instead only installing packages through Guix. It was mainly a problem compiling things within R as if the order of how gcc-toolchain and the R package were setup it straight up wouldn't work. With later versions it just broke entirely and I never managed to fix it.

Despite R being the most commonly packaged software on Guix and it being a GNU project and a "common lisp for dummies" lispy language which is used by millions of students, researchers and data scientists, the developers seem to have a noticeable animosity towards it (although not as much as the "snake people"). This makes me sad, as R users would be the first to sign up for what Guix offers if it worked well and the RcppGuile R package could be used as a template for bridging the gap between the spartan scheme infrastructure and the extremely rich and beginner friendly R infrastructure. I feel like this could also help motivate the Guix developers to improve the documentation and guile porcelain interfaces so they could be used directly instead of the copious bash code they all seem to relish writing.

I don't follow. Are you saying that Guix developers have animosity towards R or the other way around? In any case I haven't seen animosity on either side.

FWIW I also wrote guix.install, which lets you install R packages through Guix (whether or not they are available in Guix) from within a running R session. I'm maintaining R packages in Guix and woudl like to see more adoption of Guix among R users, so if you have any recommendations on what pain points there are and how to overcome them I'd be happy to hear them.

This… shouldn’t happen. The whole point of Nix and Guix is that you can have multiple versions of the same thing in different dependency chains. It’s designed to avoid precisely this issue. If a package relies on something it should be built before hand, and if and only if it’s identical (well content addressable vs inputs is a whole other thing) it will share the dependency.

Would you mind sharing exactly what the R packages you were having problems with were?

I wonder if you were relying on globally installed versions of things instead of an R installation that had the packages wrapped into its environment. I’m more familiar with Nix, but you’ll typically see people do something like add this to a local project build input or development shell:

    r-lang.withPackages with rPackages; [ r-ggplot2 r-data-table ];
Rather than

    nix-env -iA r-4.2 r-ggplot2 r-data-table
Or the Guix equivalent

    guix install r …
Globally installing things can lead to situations where you think it should work but if you really think about how the store dependencies work, they don’t.

Yeah and that's part of what made it so confusing.

Even in a pure Guix shell it only worked in a specific order. Packages were R, TMB (an R package), gcc-toolchain, gfortran-toolchain and make. You need to be able to compile C++. If was R specified before the toolchains then nothing could be compiled with TMB. I forget the exact error. I did not have those packages globally installed and I saw the same problems with Guix SD and a foreign distros.

But with R 4.2 I ran into a different problem and never fixed, that anything using the RcppEigen header would not compile.

And I don't believe Guix has the same wrapping packages into R style as Nix.

I'm maintaining most of the R packages in Guix and helping hundreds of users at a research institute with their R stuff. I haven't seen any problems like that.

The order of installation does not (and cannot) matter. The most common problem I've seen is that people mix packages from Guix with those built with install.packages that have been linked with incompatible system libraries, which cannot possibly work. This problem is easily avoided --- either by using a container shell (guix shell -C) with a separate toolchain (not the system's toolchain) or by not using `install.packages` (e.g. use `guix.install` instead).

Are any of your R users TMB users? Because I ran into that in multiple setups (Guix SD and Guix on foreign distros) where only a specific ordering worked even when using guix shell --pure. This was back in the R 4.1.2 days. In theory it should be impossible and yet I ran into it. No I was not mixing packages installed via. install.packages.

Right now with the latest version of Guix and R 4.2.1 TMB is not usable. Try running:

"guix shell --container r r-tmb make gcc-toolchain gfortran-toolchain"

then try running the linreg.R (with the corresponding cpp file, or any of the examples) example from https://github.com/kaskr/adcomp/tree/master/tmb_examples and you'll run into "did you mean 'bad_array_new_length'? This is on a Guix SD system too...

And you have to specify make,gcc-toolchain and gfortran-toolchain for it to work normally. If you leave out gfortran-toolchain it compiles but you can't load it and it doesn't work without make. Previously I had it working with those 5 packages in a specific order.

Perhaps this is a TMB only problem but it's a giant PITA when it works fine on non-Guix setups.

Thanks for the details.

I noticed that gcc-toolchain and gfortran-toolchain are mismatched: the former is at version 12 while the latter is at version 10. (Someone must have forgotten to update gfortran when they updated gcc-toolchain.)

I get no errors when using this environment:

    guix shell --container r-minimal r-tmb coreutils make gcc-toolchain@10 gfortran-toolchain@10
(Feel free to send future problem reports to bug-guix@gnu.org.)

I was too frustrated by the insistence on libre purity by the main Guix channels, even if I think it is superior software, so I switched to Nix (and actually went fully NixOS after a month or so).

I had R package compilation issues on 4.2 as well, but I also had them on my Windows work machine. I'll try to test things out and see if I can figure out if it's still an issue.

That sounds like a dependency not detected by the kludge that at least Nix uses where it essentially greps everything for path names that look like dependencies.

Said differently:

- build recipes A and B add paths to the store

- B uses paths from A, but in a way that the dependency tracker does not notice

- if the paths from A were instantiated in the system first, B works by luck

I have not experienced that for what it's worth... atleast not after I rebuilt the whole profile.

I would be very happy to see details on your R problems, as I have never encountered anything like that in the many years I have been packaging R things for Guix and supporting R users at the research institute where I work.

I mean if you don't want to fiddle with it I really don't get why you would choose Guix to test drive this way of managing your packages. It's the way less mature and less supported Nix.

Not when it comes to R. I'm terribly biased, but R packaging in Guix is --- in my opinion --- very high quality, purely from source (including bundled minified JavaScript), and the tooling is great too.

Unlike R in Nix, Guix does not just automatically wrap R packages, which would lead to build and runtime errors. I would not use R from Nix.

I did try Nix briefly. It was even more confusing to configure for use with R IMO.

For x86, the package availability is almost unparalleled.

NixOS also has tools and options which are not all pure and declarative, they're just not considered, "the way."

I find NixOS to have a bit of a high learning curve, but worth it for the power and reproducibility.

> * For x86, the package availability is almost unparalleled *

No it is not. Please don't spread that nonsense.

Tons of packages don't work. Many are not maintained. Debugging packages are a huge pain.

I've never had so much problems on any distro related to packages as on nixos.

Which is expected! Nixos is novel and a niche, few develop for it and tons of stuff break because assumptions that work on all other distros don't.

But please don't try to give people the idea that nixos package situation is great or even good. It is only hurting the cause.

> For x86, the package availability is almost unparalleled.

https://repology.org/repositories/statistics/total In terms of total number of packages, nixpkgs unstable is at 72k, while AUR is at 68k.

I'd bet there are many caveats, though.

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.

AUR is a supplementary set of packages, and it looks like you're comparing it to the total number that Nix supports.

Wouldn't a more fair comparison would be official Arch packages + AUR to nixpkgs?

No, because that would be comparing the number of official packages + third party packages with duplicates in Arch against the number of official packages in Nixpkgs. That's as fair as comparing the number of official Nixpkgs packages + every unofficial Nix package on GitHub against the number of official Arch packages.

A direct comparison with AUR is meaningless though. AUR is very unusual because it allows anyone to freely upload packages without going through review. So there are many duplicates and packaging quality varies wildly.

An unfortunate huge one is any way to interact w/ Intel Optimus. I can't be the only dev that wants to eat my gpu cake and have my battery life optimization cake too.

Bumblebee and optimus-manager both solve this in the aur.

Bumblebee is well-supported in NixOS. My last mobile NVIDIA hardware has died, but I used it Bumblebee on NixOS for years.



Oh, this is great info. Thank you. I use optimus-manager and it's 100% not, so I thought I was just SoL.

It'll probably still be a bit of a pain to work out. I hate getting NVIDIA Optimus stuff working on a laptop for the first time, lol

You might want to consult the unofficial wiki: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Nvidia

(You probably want PRIME in offload mode rather than Bumblebee, which wasn't available when I set up my old NVIDIA system.)

PRIME offload + the nvidia-offload script works great for me.

sync mode actually stopped working for me, but that's not a big deal since the offloading works so well. I always use my GPU when I need it.

I don't think the problem you encountered is due to immutability, the problem is due to the implementation, which is now improved due to better documentation and more package support.

The possibility of mutation alone will break a lot of assumptions and make program analysis a lot harder. I personally prefer no mutation at all or only when wrapped inside a cell (UnsafeCell), similar to rust. For the latter kind, we can treat the states as immutable if we don't have a cell, which can help analysis.

That's fair. I blamed immutability when I should have blamed the implementation. Thanks for helping me realize my mistake. :)

Availability of packages is what makes or breaks a distribution, though. If I can't (easily) install the software I need to do my job, I choose a distribution that can. My home Ubuntu server isn't bringing me joy, so maybe now's a good time to give Nix another shot.

Fingers crossed for Nvidia driver support...

In my experience the Nvidia driver support has been pretty painless (once you figure out the correct settings in configuration.nix of course), and the availability of packages is by far the best of any linux distro I've used.

I've been working on a project that uses Nix, and from an archlinux host with Nvidia hardware it has been very far from painless, with nixGL breaking every time Arch updates glibc

I think if you don't use some relatively niche packages, nix is fine. However there are some quirks such as setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH for CUDA that may need some tinkering.

If you want to give nix another try, I strongly recommend you to use nix flakes and home manager. Nix flakes allows you to pin dependency versions, and home manager provides a lot of configurations for commonly used packages.

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