There's a definite trend in marketing/business communication to cut everything down to the bare bones and call that quality. At best though, this is an over-simplification. Not every piece of writing has the same purpose, and the current fashion for brevity aims at clarity but often hits stilted instead.
In short, brevity is a surprisingly excellent heuristic for writing quality. It can provide a quick and objective metric, which is handy for an online game meant to provide an engaging learning experience. Note that brevity on Brevity 500 is relative to a human-derived metric, which makes the conciseness you're aiming for more meaningful.
But yes -- shorter is not always better, certainly, which is why paid users are encouraged to reach out for human feedback.
From what I've seen, many corporate fuckwits could use a dose of brevity. They tend to cloak their message in verbose jargon instead of just making their point boldly and clearly.
There's a definite trend in marketing/business communication to cut everything down to the bare bones and call that quality. At best though, this is an over-simplification. Not every piece of writing has the same purpose, and the current fashion for brevity aims at clarity but often hits stilted instead.