It's worth appreciating how fluent all of these people are with their craft to create something of this quality on that timeline.
The director got the script on Wednesday! Look at the set layouts, the lighting plans, and the lens choices that were made on the fly. Not to mention somebody had to actually make those costumes and build those sets in a day - and modify them on demand to make the kitchen 8' longer. They were still editing it while the show was being broadcast!
You don't generally see "improv" in a field with a lot of preparation like filmmaking, or like software. It's cool to witness somebody who is so comfortable with their tools that they can e.g. live-code a hack-the-box solution or build some new web service on a stage and make it look effortless, and it's equally cool to see this kind of fluency in film.
When you use fixed font sizes like that browsers can't resize them based on the screen size/viewport. 12px fonts are really small and hard to read on high resolution screens.
SNL must be like bad quality candy that is so part and parcel of one's childhood that one can never quite outgrow it or fail to not cherish it, despite now knowing that nearly candy from any other part of the world has superior, wholesome and more nourishing ingredients than the HFCS-sweetened, off-tasting, peanut-packed kind - the only kind - you've known growing up.
For the most part - and with the exception of unintended humor owing to the broadcasted-live nature of the show - I've never really found SNL to be very funny or talented or thought-provoking. I never quite got what the fuss was all about.
It is mostly bad, but occasionally they do something good; I would call this one example of that. Not worth sitting through the whole show, but the better bits can be found on YouTube or NBC's site.
I largely agree, even the skits that are considered all time classics fall a bit flat for me. (I'm sorry in advance, but the cowbell sketch comes to mind).
There have definitely been occasional hits, though.
to be fair, they have only a few days to create each episode. that's a fantastic amount of work. it's not like they can just download a JS framework and bang out something over a weekend.
Okay, which weekly live sketch show do you prefer?
For me, the virtues of SNL are that Weekend Update usually has good topical jokes, and once in a while there's a sketch like "Potato Chip" or "Monkey Judge".
Phew, if this is the outlook of one after becoming "that smart", I'm happy being a mindless dolt in comparison. Guilty pleasures in life are a good thing