>Ah, classic backpedaling now that youve been called out. Good show.
I never backpedaled. I literally said that quote was MADE before you even responded. The "show" is in your delusional imagination.
>I dont think you know what "literally" means.
Who cares. I obviously meant, Figuratively. But your immature attitude makes it seem literal.
>You seem to approach this subject with the idea that Microsoft is right, and has been right in past situations like this
You seem to have an imagination and you like to make up my opinions. I never said this. All I am saying and I repeat, is that we as users have been wrong before and we could be wrong again. That our biases influence our judgment.
This is not to say that we're wrong now, or that we've been wrong all the time before. It is SAYING that we need to pause and consider our biases BEFORE we jump to a conclusion.
>To assume that every situation like this is just "oh the users are crying, they will realize how good this is" over time is just condescending, and false.
This was never assumed. It was simply stated that it is a possibility. A realistic possibility because it has happened before and it can happen again.
Saying that I am condescending when all I am doing is bringing up cautionary advice to bring awareness to our own biases is the sort of witch hunting practices nobody needs on HN. You embody bias, you embody hostility and you embody the type of principles that run against all science.
Was my original post condescending? No. Was your reply condescending insulting and offensive? Yes.
I never backpedaled. I literally said that quote was MADE before you even responded. The "show" is in your delusional imagination.
>I dont think you know what "literally" means.
Who cares. I obviously meant, Figuratively. But your immature attitude makes it seem literal.
>You seem to approach this subject with the idea that Microsoft is right, and has been right in past situations like this
You seem to have an imagination and you like to make up my opinions. I never said this. All I am saying and I repeat, is that we as users have been wrong before and we could be wrong again. That our biases influence our judgment.
This is not to say that we're wrong now, or that we've been wrong all the time before. It is SAYING that we need to pause and consider our biases BEFORE we jump to a conclusion.
>To assume that every situation like this is just "oh the users are crying, they will realize how good this is" over time is just condescending, and false.
This was never assumed. It was simply stated that it is a possibility. A realistic possibility because it has happened before and it can happen again.
Saying that I am condescending when all I am doing is bringing up cautionary advice to bring awareness to our own biases is the sort of witch hunting practices nobody needs on HN. You embody bias, you embody hostility and you embody the type of principles that run against all science.
Was my original post condescending? No. Was your reply condescending insulting and offensive? Yes.