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Depending who you ask, Clojure provides some benefits over other Lisps unrelated to its ability to leverage the JVM.

Some of those are:

    - Default efficient immutable collections
    - Good support for safe concurrency and multi-core programming
    - Extended homoiconicity to include maps, vectors and sets as well as lists
    - Convenient short lambda syntax
    - Extensible data representation
    - Distinguishes between nil and empty list
    - Distinguishes between keywords and symbols
    - Real boolean types
    - Function arity overloading
    - Well thought out abstractions and set of standard functions: collections are abstractions, lazy sequences, transducers, relational set manipulation, etc.
    - Only two kinds of equality: by value or by reference, with the former being the default
    - Is a lisp-1 like Scheme, but also with more batteries included like Common Lisp
    - Slightly different visual appearance in its syntax, due to support for literal maps and vectors as well as lists, which can make things easier to visually parse.

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