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What would be the advantage over other Lisps if you won't be able to leverage JVM ecosystem?

Depending who you ask, Clojure provides some benefits over other Lisps unrelated to its ability to leverage the JVM.

Some of those are:

    - Default efficient immutable collections
    - Good support for safe concurrency and multi-core programming
    - Extended homoiconicity to include maps, vectors and sets as well as lists
    - Convenient short lambda syntax
    - Extensible data representation
    - Distinguishes between nil and empty list
    - Distinguishes between keywords and symbols
    - Real boolean types
    - Function arity overloading
    - Well thought out abstractions and set of standard functions: collections are abstractions, lazy sequences, transducers, relational set manipulation, etc.
    - Only two kinds of equality: by value or by reference, with the former being the default
    - Is a lisp-1 like Scheme, but also with more batteries included like Common Lisp
    - Slightly different visual appearance in its syntax, due to support for literal maps and vectors as well as lists, which can make things easier to visually parse.

Some people like Clojure's data structures, which add a couple of things to lists. Also, there's ClojureScript, which is huge. And, ideas such as software transactional memory.

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