Once it's outside, sure, there's a duty to report, but other governments have a responsibility to their own populace to keep them healthy.
The US, for instance, should have more than enough spies in China to know everything china knows anyways, and took the chinese line that the virus didn't exist, or wasn't a problem up until Joe Biden got elected
The US spy networks in China have been "rolled up"[1]. They don't exist in a usable form (if the news is to be believed).
As for the "until Joe Biden" bit, er ... no. Trump was kicked out in large part due to his incompetent handling of the virus in the US (he thought it was an orchestrated attack by his political opponents, given that they turned everything into such an attack).
The virus was a problem long before Biden won. Not that he is more competently handling it (he isn't), but the news media can now largely let go of their Trump derangement to start focusing on important things again. So it shows up more.
Once it's outside, sure, there's a duty to report, but other governments have a responsibility to their own populace to keep them healthy.
The US, for instance, should have more than enough spies in China to know everything china knows anyways, and took the chinese line that the virus didn't exist, or wasn't a problem up until Joe Biden got elected