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This is a common problem, and I saw it during a brief stint considering involvement in Code For America; too much emphasis on technology and code, not enough emphasis on the outcome/objective.

Most of these nonprofits would be better served by low-code commercial solutions. That might sound bad, because you have to pay, but you also have to pay to host FOSS software, so not so much of a difference. The pantry probably needs email, so they probably have access to O365 or Gmail already. For more complex things, AirTable/SharePoint Lists is often going to be enough, if sub-optimal.

Glancing at the code, this appears to be mostly about apps for ordering and processing orders: https://gitlab.com/LibreFoodPantry/client-solutions

This can usually be achieved pretty well (80% of the need for 20% of the effort) with a Google Form + Sheets + light automation.

Ultimately these are information management problems, so it is best to approach from an IT perspective rather than a CS/SE perspective.

The solution, imho, is to run the software for the food pantries. You’re creating a non profit platform for the entities you’ve decided to serve. YouTube tutorials, one click onboarding, the UX and customer experience is where all the hard work is at.

If you’ve succeeded, food pantries are beating down your door to use the software and you can objectively demonstrate how it’s improved the delivery of services to food bank customers. Your service is also top of mind when someone considers spinning up a food bank or organization with a similar use case.

“Uber or Deliveroo for food pantries” as the SV pitch deck would be written.

I had a similar reaction to this after looking at their website and documentation: there is no way that this will be broadly usable by their target audience. I volunteered regularly at a soup kitchen for a few years, and do you know who the core staff were? Women in their 60s and 70s. Inventory and ordering were tracked with hand-written notes in a binder that the staff leader kept in her car. Are those people going to install and set up open-source software on GitHub to make their inventory management easier? sound of hysterical laughing

Even the mostly-free solution using GSuite or whatever is past the technical interest and abilities of most of the staff. And honestly the low-tech solutions they already used worked just fine for them.

I will credit the commenter downstream who said that the project seems to have close relationships with a few large food pantries, that might have the necessary staff and volume to make such a system worthwhile. But I still can't shake the feeling that this is the product of a programmer who wants to do good, but has created a technical system that doesn't actually meet the needs of the people he's trying to help.

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