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IOS RAGE rendered with WebGL (tojicode.com)
154 points by gnufs on May 16, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

On one hand, it's really impressive to see something like this running in a browser after having years and years of flash games as the pinnacle of browser gaming. On the other, it seems somewhat sad to me that it has about the same performance as a modern cellphone when there is so much more power hiding under the browser. Perhaps off topic, but this really makes me think that there is need for things like Native Client, despite a lot of people openly saying they wish the project would just die since it is not what the web "needs".

How exactly can you tell what the performance is, given that its been screencapped at a certain fps, transcoded at a certain fps, likely downsampled along the way, etc...?

Because in the video he specifically mentions getting 50-60 FPS when running it without any screen capturing software and at a resolution similar to apple's retina display. RAGE is also supposed to run at 60FPS on the iphone from what I read about it.

Kudos to John Carmack for being kind enough to help the developer get the demo working.

He seems like a nice guy and it's cool that he's still very much involved with game development (and apparently rockets).

John Carmack has always been my favorite software developer. I didn't know he was such a stand up guy as well. Looking forward to Rage. Quake IV was awesome. Hope ID is able to pull off a game that is going in a very different direction than its previous games.

Yeah this is giving me new respect for Carmack. I'll definitively be buying Rage for PC as soon as it comes out (well was planning to do it anyway) I don't think I've missed a single ID software game except for like Hexen one.

I'm still amazed at how engine like the Quake 3 engine were scalling as computer got better. Some engine just stop improving with time but that engine just kept taking as much juice as it could from the machines.

Since when Carmack was not cooperative? From his begining the dude kept finger file, gave people ability to mod stuff, gave them tools, later open sourced the game runtime and the tools: Radiant, qmap, qlight and others are still used at LARGE by AAA game companies - Call Of Duty for example still uses large portions of that engine that Carmack wrote almost 20 years ago.

This is awesome, but the title is misleading.

At first I thought it was saying that the iOS version of RAGE was rendered with WebGL. Then I thought maybe that the iOS version of game was ported to a browser. Actually, the levels from the iOS version were extracted and are being rendered in a browser using WebGL.

Probably a better description:

The binary files from the iOS version are interpreted in JavaScript and rendered with WebGL.

What jessedhillon said. I thought it was the iOS version of RAGE rendered with WebGL. Very, very misleading.

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