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I'd love to see clojure take a bigger role in the financial services sector. The fact that it runs on the JVM, gives it a nice foot in the door.

Ideally, it would be great if clojure replaced Python and Scala as the defacto language used to interact with Apache Spark. That's probably not likely, though. It's hard enough to get a lot of folks past spark's weirdness without throwing a lisp into the mix. But it does seem like a functional JVM language that's not Scala would be the optimal way to use spark.

See... I work for one of the largest banks in the world and in vicinity of me there is a Clojure project. The guys are trying to figure out how to get rid of it. Original developers left the company or advanced to management roles and now nobody is able to figure out what this convoluted, obfuscated, undefined, unstructured mass of code does or how to modify it so that it doesn't blow up more that it already is.

As much as I love Clojure I see the problem is you need really good (not just intelligent but also wise) developers to reap benefits. Otherwise you can run into huge problems.

"With great power..."

Clojure has so bad rep here that even I think I made a mistake that I let on that I use it for my projects.

I am also a long-time Clojure user and have production projects built in Clojure.

I think your observation that you need really good developers is the key insight to problems that come about from using Clojure. Stu Halloway even mentions it in the interview:

"And what we would quite often see is that people would write a Java app in Clojure, or people would write a Ruby on Rails app in Clojure. And not surprisingly, it would have weaknesses that you associate with idiomatic Java apps or idiomatic Ruby on Rails apps"

Clojure, as a language, makes it very easy to do stuff and sometimes that stuff means making code look like code that only makes sense in other languages. This is a terrible mistake but one that is easy to understand. Very few developers have any real background in functional programming and it is too easy to start hacking things together.

As a longtime Clojure user (dating back to attending the very first Clojure conference in Durham, North Carolina), I think there has been a little bit of "ego-driven" developer syndrome with projects in the language. There is definitely a tendency for new Clojure programmers to get too fancy.

This is not a problem with Clojure the language though. I made the mistake myself in early projects. The more I have used Clojure, the more I have realized that when I am doing it right, I am spending significantly more time understanding the problem I am solving than throwing code together . . .

What % of Java projects fail again? With Java, your convoluted mess is 100k to millions LOC. With Clojure, the same devs make the same convoluted mess but in 10k to 100k LOC, and you've left the door open for an inspired "true Scotsman" to come in and do the whole thing in 5k. But management has to understand that, and of course the principle agent problem, peter principle, politics, conways law ... Java is great for middle managers, it makes their department headcount grow, and they get to pretend the project is succeeding because nobody can tell otherwise.

With Java, your convoluted mess can be parsed by IDE and you can figure out what it is doing. Also, most of it looks the same and is Ctrl+c, Ctrl+v of something else.

With Clojure the mess is still 100k to millions LOC because the guys did not know how to make worthwhile abstractions, but now it can't be parsed by IDE and you are screwed trying to figure out what happens at runtime.

ALso, if you think if there is less code then it is easier to understand, go and read any advanced Common Lisp book (like Let over Lambda) and try to really understand what some of the more advanced macros do, exactly. It is definitely not the same as reading pages upon pages of redundant code.

This doesn't match my experience. I've had to deal with some Java code that the ide was useless to help figure out. Usually made worse by some over optimized build system that was non Google friendly to see what was supposed to happen.

Worse, the abstractions made it so that even a simple feature would require about six files. Not counting the tests.

Not to say that clojure has been a breeze. Worst I see there is developers refusing to use libraries it external programs and instead taking a ridiculous "first principals" approach. Even if they get it working, it is typically not search friendly, as everyone else is using some other tool. Basically, the same trap I see in build systems,

> I've had to deal with some Java code that the ide was useless to help figure out.

Spring annotations, maybe?

God I hate them. With annotations Java pulls off the rather unique trick of being both verbose and magical at the same time.

tbf, annotations aren't the blame. It's Spring's runtime magic with close to zero friendly figure-out-ability.

That and just over "abstracted" code that honestly feels like a strawman that someone made to argue against abstractions. :(

Millions of LOC of Clojure project is unheard of; from the article: Nubank has "2.7 million lines of Clojure code [encompassing] several hundred microservices written in Clojure" – the 2.7M is across the entire enterprise.

I have an enterprise client right now sitting on 1.5M java 1M SQL 1.5M XML for a single government system that mostly does not function at all, it just gets passed from contractor to contractor, each one sucking down a hundred million dollars before tossing the hot potato. Thanks for the money, Java!

A fintech that I am aware of chose Elixir and is a complete shitshow, they're trying to move away from it after being established with it.

Can't hire for it, can't refactor the code at scale, etc.

Be careful with what you read, newer languages are usually trying to sell themselves where established languages have happy people not trying to sell it, or, resume driven developers trying to sell it as bad.

New languages have green field projects by its very nature feeding the hype.


> With Java, your convoluted mess can be parsed by IDE and you can figure out what it is doing.

This is not my experience whatsoever.

Can you elaborate on “Clojure can’t be parsed by IDE”? Surely some amount of static analysis is possible.

The same amount of static analysis as Python, Ruby, or any other language that doesn't have static type checking. Some people need something to happen when they press dot, though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSEQfqNYNAc

As I've been mostly using Python for the last 10 years I forgot how nice this dot thing can be ;). True that vscode and pycharm can give you something but I found that it's very often crap.

I am writing a little bit of C# atm and astonished how you can just dot tab through your work (without ever having read a tutorial or book on C#) and all those other contextual information you get with "full" visual studio. Somehow feels like just letting you guide through the work :).

On the other hand, the students I teach really struggle when they don't have all their IDE tricks. They learn almost exclusively C# at their institution in the first year(s) while my experience is mostly playing with Unity ;).

Gotcha, that's kind of what I figured.

Frankly, VSCode is reasonably good at giving you something for Python, and the relative lack of static analysis is offset by other qualities of the language, so this feels like a pretty weak argument.

It’s really hard to argue that Java projects fail at unusual rates, given how much stuff runs on Java.

There is a bit of survivorship bias there, I've seen a lot of Java projects fail, but the blame is only partly on the language, really its the fact that there are so many developers, and the pareto distribution of good to bad java programmers. That and business do not know what the f*ck they are doing. I've seen really good java devs at work, the software they produce is amazing, but the code and structure is incomprehensible, they are masters and I am a mere mortal. Clojure on the other-hand is simpler, higher level, more expressive, but you can still shoot your foot, just like java.

you cannot measure anything at all about failure rates by looking at successes

But are the rates for Clojure failures more or less than Java?

It is unlikely you will find apples to apples comparison.

What if Clojure projects are more risky by selection bias?

Maybe not at unusual rates, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the rates are high.

When you measure the failure rates of Java projects against the failure rates of Clojure projects, you’re not measuring the failure rates of a language, but rather the general failure rate of software in industry vs the failure rate for a (likely) small, motivated team.

Higher than average? That's very much a [citation needed] moment if I've ever seen one.

I have noticed that people often use such criticisms against anything they aren't familiar with. If you can find an enthusiastic polyglot who says the same then it becomes a bit more believable. And - of course - the fact that it is so unfamiliar to most is probably a valid criticism anyway.

The truth is that the candidates we are receiving are barely able to code in Java. Not all know differences between linked lists and arrays and if they know what a breakpoint is they are hired.

Now, imagine giving the people environment that imposes no structure on your project and gives hyper powerful tools like macros and you are in a big problem.

At least with Java you get Spring and this is how you do endpoint, this is how you connect to the database, and so on. The structure is suboptimal and redundant but at least they are getting some guidance which are most likely already familiar with.

In Clojure, as a lead of the project, you would have to do the same but now it would be up to you to define all of that guidance. The question is, are you better at this than entire organization that supports Spring?

The only situation I see where Clojure would realistically be beneficial is when you only get like world class developers who know what they are doing and can work together.

I can't work on a Clojure project with a person that is unable to go through something like Let over Lambda with full understanding of the code examples and trust they will be able to make good decisions when building abstractions with macros.

I'm possibly being naive with this question:

Isn't this a cultural, organizational problem? You said your original developers left or moved on to management and your new hires are rather inexperienced. Wouldn't it be a wiser long term strategy to facilitate learning and knowledge retention through mentoring, documentation, teaching and attractive technical career tracks?

For example there are several popular open source libs/solutions to manage application state and structure declaratively. And it is well known in the Clojure community that macros are a double-edged sword and should be used to solve specific problems.

I agree that Clojure is kind of a second (plus) language. But I also think there is a reasonable path from writing simple Clojure to wielding the more powerful features.

I don’t understand why you can’t get better candidates. I understand that things go wrong with bad developers but how is it that you can’t get those folks that can write somewhat good Clojure independently?

I don't know what sector GP is in but there are plenty of programming jobs (maybe even most?) where the company (usually one where tech generally is incidental to their operations) really isn't in a position to offer a salary that's competitive enough to hire this way. I'd say most programming jobs at US hospitals are this way, for instance.

Which is why hospitals really shouldn't be writing software.

And why, as a developer, you want to be working for a software company where your work is generating revenue, not somewhere where you are a cost to be cut.

Whether software falls short of our aesthetic sensibilities doesn't have a bearing on whether it's wise for companies to be funding it.

I guess I'm fortunate enough to have only worked in places with high hiring filter and that can attract good talent. In an environment like yours, I'm not sure what language should be used, I'd say an old version of Java like 1.6, newer versions have become less rigid and less explicit so might make them harder.

> Not all know differences between linked lists and arrays and if they know what a breakpoint is they are hired.

Found your problem.

Yes; that's my latter point - it could easily have been a bad technical choice. But that doesn't really validate the "big mess"-style criticism, which I have mostly found to be untrue.

I have noticed more instances of people telling their favourite fringe language is going to change the world.

It is a known bias.

The first time you see a technology you immediately see things that solve some of problems you have, especially because authors tend to market pros more aggressively than cons.

Finding issues with technology takes some experience handling it.

For a relatively new thing that is in growth stage there is disproportionate amount of people who just joined and so have skewed perception.

I also thing people who would write about a product would usually write quite quickly after adoption but then won't follow up later after they got some experience.

This absolutely matches my experience as a full time Clojure dev at multiple companies. Leadership is desperate to replace the code with something more maintainable. It's gotten bad enough that I will switch languages for my next job, the headaches are not worth it.

Clojure is quite maintainable, a well-written Clojure program is small and clear, easy to modify. Pervasive immutability is a huge win; Clojure programs are big on referential integrity.

There's some doublespeak going on here.

When "leadership" says "maintainable" what they mean is that the project is recoverable after they frog march the project lead out the door, or lay off the team, or the team quits because the job blows. Their view of maintainability is dominated by Bus Factor and similar existential concerns, rather than agility experienced by the project's authors. They actually want the opposite of maintainable: Rigid and heavily specified.

This is not what I meant by maintainable. The companies I've programmed clojure in were sizable and bet on it for their entire stack, and hired very sharp senior people to work on them.

Even there, the projects suffered so much to hit release dates and stay understandable as the system grew that velocity suffered relative to peers doing experiments in traditional OO languages. In fact, the maintenance burden (for code composed by smart senior people!) is so high that it's actually convinced me on the virtue of regular OO/procedural languages over lisp.

> it's actually convinced me on the virtue of regular OO/procedural languages over lisp.

This is an example of the problem of Clojure being promoted as Lisp. There are now people whose idea of what is "Lisp" is represented by Clojure.

You might like coding in a normal, procedural Lisp with OOP, but due to a bias induced by Clojure, you don't suspect that's even a thing.

To what extent do you think it is a clojure problem vs a people problem? Further up in the comment thread there was a post discussing how some orgs had problems because people would be writing java in clojure (or python or ruby, etc.). I can see there being problems with people no writing idiomatic clojure code in part because clojure is nwe and their experience is in OO/procedural languagees.

That's unfortunate, but I see your point. It's a real catch-22. If you build everything in Java it's harder to attract good devs, but if you use something like Clojure you need to attract those good devs.

> Clojure you need to [keep] attract[ing] those good devs.

This isn't one and don, people move on even from the best jobs. You know need to keep replacing them, explain to HR why this "req" (requisition - aka job opening) needs them to look at resumes differently. Why they can't pull from their Java pool of resumes, explain to your director why you aren't like all the other teams. It's a lot of friction.

perfectly said

Maybe if you make it known that you have some Clojure projects and that it might have even a possibility of a future with you, you might be able to attract and hire some good devs

But we do. There are publicly advertised open Clojure positions and I have been cold called or contacted on LinkedIn because I let on that I know Clojure. To which I must politely say I am already working for this company.

Yep, I guess that is pretty ironic. If your roles are open to London/remote, I would be happy to take a look

Same here. I've got current availability to do contract work and could take on some Clojure dev if that's what they need.

> and now nobody is able to figure out

Ok, but how much of that is just them not knowing Clojure? I've found people that get handed down a code base in a different language tend to hack their way around it, instead of like, pausing for a minute, take some time to learn the language, and then come back to it.

Maybe in your case it was a terrible code base of low quality, but I'm just curious.

The problem isn't knowing or not knowing Clojure.

The worst codebases (and that is true of other languages just as for Clojure) that I have seen are ones done by people who are intelligent enough to learn every feature of their language and any little trick available on the internet but haven't yet had the chance to acquire the wisdom on when to use them or what to use them for.

I guess the appeal of clojure in that case is that the language is a lot simpler than other languages.

Re any large Clojure projects needing modernization or migration to new stack – I would be happy to take care of projects like this, tech debt is not a problem for us, email me dustin@hyperfiddle.net

I also work at a large bank, I can see why clojure wouldn't work for a bank. I would blame the bank for being incompatible with clojure more than the other way around though.


I used Clojure in financial services, specifically at a trading firm. When I left we’d stopped writing new Clojure services, and had started to replace existing ones with Java. Finance, at least in our area, turned out to be a pretty tough place for Clojure’s style of dynamic typing.

For those that don’t know, Rich Hickey (and by extension, Clojure) is really big on data-first dynamic typing. So idiomatically you’re supposed to do most of your work in Clojure using their first-rate immutable collections library, primarily maps and their sequence abstraction. Clojure provides some mechanisms for specialized domain objects, but it’s fair to say that this is typically considered non-idiomatic.

This works great if one of the following conditions are true:

1) All data flows through your system on separate tracks. Foo’s come in from foo endpoints and go to the foo database, and very rarely do data sets cross paths. Differences in business logic can be separated by API endpoint, kafka topic, or some other difference that lets you separate the call paths thoroughly.

2) Every type of data in your system looks different, so that you can easily determine whether or not a given piece of data is a foo or a bar once and send it down the right call path in one place.

3) In any case where similar types of data must be treated differently, it’s possible to organize your code in such a way that you only have to build up the cond-tree once, and you can use different call paths to treat the data differently.

All of these were often false for us. We ended up in situations where we had lots of data that looked very similar entering from common endpoints that required different business logic at multiple points in the pipeline. If you’re writing idiomatic Clojure this is the toughest case possible, as you end up littering your code with extremely similar cond-trees, which makes extension and verification unnecessarily hard.

In most other languages, even dynamic ones, you’d solve this via sub-classing to both group common behavior and allow specialization. Clojure provided some tools to make this work, but they were both maintenance nightmares in their own separate ways. My favorite is how the results of defrecord (which makes class-like maps in Clojure) could be treated like a map, except certain map operations could accidentally turn it back from a record to a regular map. That’s quite the foot gun, trust me.

For our team, we decided that pure Java was the way to go. Java by that point had started adding a lot of boilerplate eliminating niceness, including lambdas and streams, and the ability to make honest-to-god subclasses really helped out in our specific domain.

> 1) All data flows through your system on separate tracks. Foo’s come in from foo endpoints and go to the foo database, and very rarely do data sets cross paths. Differences in business logic can be separated by API endpoint, kafka topic, or some other difference that lets you separate the call paths thoroughly.

My instinct is that you could solve general "where does this come from" and "where does this go" questions with metadata. I believe that was one of the driving reasons for metadata in the first place.

> 2) Every type of data in your system looks different, so that you can easily determine whether or not a given piece of data is a foo or a bar once and send it down the right call path in one place.

Clojure spec, malli, schema are libraries that deal with this kind of problem. They are very expressive.

> 3) In any case where similar types of data must be treated differently, it’s possible to organize your code in such a way that you only have to build up the cond-tree once, and you can use different call paths to treat the data differently.

A combination of spec (or others) and multimethods (arbitrary dynamic dispatch) would come to mind here as a solution.

I assume these things are known and were discussed. Are there specific trade-offs that didn't work out?

It's kind of interesting that you're responding as if all of those three points are something against Clojure, when in fact they were cases in which Clojure would work really well. I made that clear.

> I assume these things are known and were discussed. Are there specific trade-offs that didn't work out?

As is always the case when a team switches programming language, the problem I described was the straw that broke the camels back for us. But fundamentally the issue in this case was "it sure as heck looks like we're trying to approximate class based dispatch inside of Clojure, this sure as heck is silly. Let's just use a language that actually wants to be used this way".

Makes sense. I approached this from a curious point of view, not from a combative one, to get a sense of where the problems were.

The general problem you describe was also mentioned in the podcast. Trying to write like language X in language Y. This can also be observed within the Go community; people writing Java or JS style programs in Go, especially early on.

> We ended up in situations where we had lots of data that looked very similar entering from common endpoints that required different business logic at multiple points in the pipeline. If you’re writing idiomatic Clojure this is the toughest case possible, as you end up littering your code with extremely similar cond-trees, which makes extension and verification unnecessarily hard.

Isn't this where you would use multi-methods? If you can determine what the "type" of data is via `cond` (sounds like home-grown pattern matching?), couldn't you replace these situations with multi-methods that switch on the same conditions?

Multi-methods suffer the same drawback as repeated conds. You end up having to maintain multiple multi-methods in multiple locations that all need to cover all the same cases. If anything else, multi-methods are marginally worse than conds, because the actual implementation can be spread out and harder to visually check.

If you can get away with one multi-method, that's fine. The moment you start needing multiple multi-methods in different points in your pipeline then things begin to suck.

> sounds like home-grown pattern matching

Yup! And if you find yourself constantly writing pattern matches in Clojure, then you probably actually want classes, since that's a much better way to bind both data and behavior together.

Have you considered core.match ? I’ve used it to dispatch API calls based on just data shape.

I know that this isn't your intent, but suggesting that a bunch of professional Clojure programmers just didn't think to use core.match is borderline insulting. The problem wasn't "doing the matching is hard", the problem was "doing the matching in multiple places and making sure that we cover all cases in all places is starting to look like a maintenance nightmare".

> "doing the matching in multiple places and making sure that we cover all cases in all places is starting to look like a maintenance nightmare"

That sounds more like an indictment of functional programming rather than Clojure specifically. I’m not a seasoned functional programmer but I often read glowing praise from others about the use of pattern matching in their code.

I’m also not a professional Clojure programmer, but I thought that multi-methods were supposed to be the solution to the expression problem [0] that both class-based inheritance and pattern matching suffer from.

It was my understanding that multi-methods are supposed to allow open extension of behaviour without having to do what you just described; track down every instance, and cover every case.

In the case of multi-methods, couldn’t you just co-locate the method implementations next to the data they are supposed to operate on? You should be able to add/modify behaviours without worrying about what the other data types are doing.

Honest questions here. Just trying to learn more about the real world pros/cons of these approaches.

[0] http://wiki.c2.com/?ExpressionProblem

A good post on the Expression Problem, and the benefits of Clojure's solution to it: https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2016/the-expression-problem-an...

Also, I agree, it's interesting to hear his experience report.

The best summation I could possibly give is from the article you linked:

"In object-oriented languages, it's easy to add new types but difficult to add new operations. Whereas in functional languages, it's easy to add new operations but difficult to add new types".

Put more concretely: if your Java code base is full of one-off classes with little to no sub-classing or multiple implementations of internal interfaces, then Clojure might work for you. But if you have a lot of sub-classes and repeatedly implemented domain specific interfaces I would hesitate mightily before considering Clojure.

My team's domain was such that the operations were very fixed, but the types expanded constantly. There is only a fixed set of things that the back office can possibly do with a bond or a future, but new types of instruments come into existence (or sometimes our awareness) with pretty surprising regularity.

But the article you linked had a slight of hand trick with how they described multi-methods. They only give an example one multi-method. What if you need to emulate a Java interface with M methods on it? Well now you'll need M multi-methods with an implementation for each virtual "class". You quickly see how that falls apart if you need to add a type or an operation, since either way requires you to manually check and make sure that all operations are implemented for all types. Again, it works, but it's error prone.

Defrecord & defprotocol work much better. We ended up trying them and they were ... okay. They work, with some footguns, most of which I can't remember anymore, but if you end up going too far down that road (like we did) you end up asking yourself why you're writing Java in Clojure instead of just writing Java in Java.

> That sounds more like an indictment of functional programming rather than Clojure specifically.

I'd say that it's a problem (not indictment!) of Lisp style[0] functional programming, where there's a pretty hard wall between how you organize your data and your functions[1]. If we'd been using Haskell, we could have at least declared a type class for our shared behavior and used that to handle the different parts of behavior in the pipeline.

I say problem with some reservations, because your mileage will vary depending on the domain in question. My current team could use Clojure quite effectively since the domain is much more amenable to how Clojure approaches these problems. My position is less "this doesn't work" and much more "this has some tradebacks you should be aware of".

> I’m not a seasoned functional programmer but I often read glowing praise from others about the use of pattern matching in their code.

Pattern matching is superior to if/else/else if trees, full stop. If you have to have a bunch of if/else trees, you'd rather use pattern matching.

The problem comes when you start repeating the same if/else conditions (not behavior) in multiple places. In a language like Java, you would naturally start wondering if you should make a class or interface to factor this out somehow. In a language like Clojure you don't have nearly as many tools laying around to collect common behavior into shared locations. You can do it, but you'll be happier the less you have to use multi-methods and defrecords.

> I thought that multi-methods were supposed to be the solution to the expression problem

Multi methods are ... ok. There are a few footguns laying around with them, since using them suddenly makes imports side-effectful, but I can and have used them successfully.

The issue is that multi-methods inherently give you one function, and there's no real way to tie several of them together at all. That's great if your domain is organized in such a way that you can use a single multi-method in one spot to break up the dispatch tree. It's less great if you need to use multi-methods multiple times during processing to specialize based on similar traits of the data. You can do it, but it's error prone and you'll end up with a nagging feeling that you're just making a really bad object system using multi-methods.

> It was my understanding that multi-methods are supposed to allow open extension of behaviour without having to do what you just described; track down every instance, and cover every case.

Yes, and it's this open-ended nature that kind of screws you in some cases. If I have four multi-methods that all need to cover the same cases (with different behavior), it's real easy for me to forget one when modifying my code. That same flexibility in adding instances means that there's nothing preventing me from forgetting one too.

> couldn’t you just co-locate the method implementations next to the data they are supposed to operate on

Well, the data came from Bloomberg, so there was nowhere we could put them that would be "next to" the data. We could put them all in one namespace, but that starts getting unwieldy fast. We could separate them out into different namespaces for clarity, but now it's even easier to miss that you've forgotten things. It's a tough trade-off.

Oh, and multi-methods really messed with our dev tools at the time. Hopefully they've fixed it since then, but a lot of the time Cursive Clojure wouldn't refresh them properly, resulting in dozens of REPL restarts for those of us that preferred Cursive. That got old fast.

0 - As long as you pretend CLOS isn't a thing. This isn't a big deal, since lots of people like to pretend that CLOS isn't a thing.

1 - Yes yes, I know "functions are data too", that indeed was a neat trick ... half a century ago. In Lisps the hard wall is in organization; there typically is very little binding the data to functions like you get with objects[0] or even Haskell style typeclasses. Getting the right data into the right function is entirely driven by how functions are called, rather than by the data itself.

You've actually hit the real crux. Beyond the functional, beyond the Lisp, what is special and unique to Clojure is its style of data modeling. Using plain immutable data-structures creates a very unique style, and I think there isn't enough conversation about that. So it lacks best practices, and possibly support around it as well, in tooling and in style.

It's hard to discuss your particular case, but what I wonder is if there wasn't a different way to model things that would fit in the Clojure data-droven model. And if not, would there be new patterns or even some extension constructs to it that could allow it to fit?

Did you ever consider using Clojure spec or one of the alternatives before it? Runtime data shape/type inference is quite capable.

Spec was released after we switched to Java.

So just add some triage middleware (maybe Java based) between the data sources and your Clojure code, which separates the coarse-grained data into more granular flows for consumption by your Clojure code.

You can do that, but why? There's a dark irony in using a language that's propped up as a better alternative to Java, and then dealing with the pain to wire in Java halfway through the pipeline to overcome the perceived deficiencies of the language that was supposed to be a better alternative to Java. At a certain point, just using Java is much easier.

Nubank (a Brazilian based startup-style fintech company) does everything with clojure (on AWS). They bought Plataformatec makers of the Elxir lang.

The entire interview is with a Nubank employee, who talked about more clojure in finance as a result. I think OP was riffing on that.

Yep,and they were forced to buy Cognitect too to deal's with their Clojure/Datomic mess.

Can you substantiate that claim?

If you look at his post history, you can see he has a thing for trolling in any thread about Clojure.

Why this obvious bait?

? You can already use clojure with spark[1].

...but just as pyspark is not “pythonic”, clojure spark is super unidomatic to use. ...which is why its languished unused.

I mean, an idiomatic library isn’t impossible; see how databricks has wrapped the pandas api up with its koalas project; you just have invest the time and effort and actually make it.... for what, fundamentally, is a total absence of demand.

or do you mean like first party support for clojure? Thats never going to happen...

[1] https://github.com/gorillalabs/sparkling/

Does this framework speak to the mismatch in idiomatics? https://github.com/zero-one-group/geni Not asking from any point of expertise mind you, having only stumbled across this literally this morning

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