> What exactly about the tier of my undergrad and myself should I know?
Since you asked me, for some reason: that none of the rest of us are worried about it, and that some random unnamed company not recruiting there might not be something you need to worry about.
Clearly the company is worried about it - for the record, when I graduated I never got an interview or even an email response from the likely company in the story.
If you didn't understand that a degree from NC State came with less cachet than one from Duke when you signed up, I feel that's largely on you.
If you're worried the rankings which place Duke above your school are incorrect and you believe your CS program was as rigorous and useful as what the Duke students have, I can understand being frustrated by that. File under "life isn't fair."
I don't think anyone is going to defend the company in the story, for all the obvious reasons.
I don't, I'm just intrigued at the fact that someone in their 20s is bothered by this. Will this define who you are ? You probably would have worked at a FAANG post Duke as well. I think you wanted some "recognition" from your family ? Is that it ?
That in and of itself isn’t surprising. Programs tend to be ranked in top 5/10/25/50/100 kind of buckets and that would define where they’re recruiting from when they’re told “get the best” and have to draw an arbitrary line when the talent team have no idea what they’re actually recruiting for.
From what I’ve seen there is a real difference in the rigorousness of the top 5/10 CS depts and then everyone else is relatively the same at large state universities.