I think perhaps you are looking at basic college data structures courses through rose-tinted glasses.
A typical first course in data structures is where novice students learn about everyday tools like hash tables and balanced binary trees. It probably mentions a few slightly more amibitous things, but not many.
I would hope a second course at least introduced topics like purely functional and lock-free data structures and their applications, but obviously you're not going to get Okasaki and everything that's developed since at that level.
Most people doing a straightforward CS/SE degree aren't going to do a lot more than two general data structures courses, and maybe encounter a few of the more specialist tools in applied courses on topics like 3D graphics or databases/information storage.
A typical first course in data structures is where novice students learn about everyday tools like hash tables and balanced binary trees. It probably mentions a few slightly more amibitous things, but not many.
I would hope a second course at least introduced topics like purely functional and lock-free data structures and their applications, but obviously you're not going to get Okasaki and everything that's developed since at that level.
Most people doing a straightforward CS/SE degree aren't going to do a lot more than two general data structures courses, and maybe encounter a few of the more specialist tools in applied courses on topics like 3D graphics or databases/information storage.