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I feel like there isn't a good excuse for programmers to not know about a lot of these structures. Yes, some of the examples are somewhat unknown (I didn't know about the 2008 paper on "Left-Leaning Red-Black Trees" for example), but many of these are something that would be at least mentioned in basic college algorithms or data-structures courses. (I have a feeling the voting is skewing my perception, and people are voting up what they've heard of and think are lesser known, and ignoring what they don't recognize at all).

I don't have a CS degree, nor am I solely a programmer, but I make sure I'm aware of the underlying fundamentals of my profession. Even without taking courses, one could easily take some time to read through the related wikipedia articles - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_data_structures

P.S. I was trying to think up a good analogy to another technical trade, but I can't think of one where you can be completely unqualified, and work without licensing or certification.

I think perhaps you are looking at basic college data structures courses through rose-tinted glasses.

A typical first course in data structures is where novice students learn about everyday tools like hash tables and balanced binary trees. It probably mentions a few slightly more amibitous things, but not many.

I would hope a second course at least introduced topics like purely functional and lock-free data structures and their applications, but obviously you're not going to get Okasaki and everything that's developed since at that level.

Most people doing a straightforward CS/SE degree aren't going to do a lot more than two general data structures courses, and maybe encounter a few of the more specialist tools in applied courses on topics like 3D graphics or databases/information storage.

IMO, 99.9% of the time you don't need the more obscure data structures. And I speak from experience working in companies on software requiring high performance (runs taking 6 hours to two days are not uncommon).

That said, I was disappointed nobody had added the corner stitched data structure - I found that to be a very intriguing idea (and in my world, it turned out to be very useful).

> IMO, 99.9% of the time you don't need the more obscure data structures

Absolutely, and familiarity with these data structures is what's required to prevent these mistakes. I think a good understanding of these is more likely to prevent one from using them, or in some cases, "inventing" them.

huge point. Nothing like seeing someone hand-implement (poorly) a balanced tree.. and usually be very proud of it.

That's a fair point.

Though another way to avoid making the mistakes is to not invent data structures. That's what libraries are for, and anyone not using a library data structure should be able to defend why they're not. Odds are, they've got no chance of writing something better than what the libraries provide (or they'd be a library writer and already know these things).

I've heard someone joke that "real world" software uses just two data structures: arrays and hash tables.

1. An array can implement a stack or queue and is often cache-friendlier than a linked list of nodes scattered throughout the heap.

2. A hash table can implement a map or set for fast lookups of unordered data.

On the absence of qualifications, licensing and certification for programmers--I think it doesnt exist because its not yet an effective indicator.

People who can pass the tests can easily add no value (or negative value) to a project

People who've never bothered with the tests can quickly build great things, rescue projects, and fix the bad code/designs/patterns of test-passers.

If certifications/licensing/qualifications becomes and indicator of value in the future, I'm sure it will be adopted in the market then.

I agree. I was thinking about trying to compare it to a profession like structural engineer, pilot, doctor, etc., but each of those has rigorous training and certification.

Those professions are characterized by the value of replicating previous work. The "problem space" involved in removing an appendix or flying a Cessna on a specific route is just much, much smaller and simpler than the problem spaces software developers are expected to navigate. When you have larger problem spaces -- Boston's "Big Dig", experimental surgery, etc., that certification and rigor becomes less relevant, and the results less predictable, just like in software.

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