"The mean incubation was 8.42(95% confidence interval [CI], 6.55-10.29) days... COVID-19 course was approximately 2 weeks."
Fairly small sample size of 55 patients, which means the reliability may be debatable, and giving figures to two decimal places is meaningless. (In fact any decimal places are meaningless, unless someone times the exact moment of exposure.)
That aside - it seems very unlikely that 24 day incubations will be common.
Broadly it seems most people who become symptomatic will show symptoms within 10 days and will recover within two weeks after the symptoms appear. A small percentage - mostly older and unwell - will become seriously ill, and an even smaller percentage will die.
Meanwhile the presence of untraceable infections strongly suggests that a significant number of people - possibly a majority - either don't develop symptoms at all, or don't consider them serious enough to require medical attention.
Range is between 1-14 days for what percentage? With what level of confidence?
There are several cases where the incubation period has been over 20 days. Maybe 90% of cases incubate for 14 days or less. Maybe 99% for less than 20.
> A 70-year-old man in China’s Hubei Province was infected with coronavirus but did not show symptoms until 27 days later, the local government said on Saturday, meaning the virus’ incubation period could be much longer than the presumed 14 days.
Maybe, but I just looked the locations in the article, and it looks like his home is in a town in a rural area [1]. Given it's a smaller area, maybe that constrained things enough that they were able to infer that he must have gotten it during his visit to Wuhan. I can imagine several scenarios with an elderly man that might have allowed them to pinpoint his infection to that visit [2]. However, there's just not enough detail in the article to reconstruct how the local Chinese government ruled out everything but his visit as the source of his infection.
[2] For instance: he visited Wuhan, self-quarantined immediately after returning which limited his contact with others, then 27 days later developed infection. Every contact he did have was tracked and confirmed negative. That's total speculation, though.
Source: Page 12, paragraph 2. https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/who-chi...