Maybe, but I just looked the locations in the article, and it looks like his home is in a town in a rural area [1]. Given it's a smaller area, maybe that constrained things enough that they were able to infer that he must have gotten it during his visit to Wuhan. I can imagine several scenarios with an elderly man that might have allowed them to pinpoint his infection to that visit [2]. However, there's just not enough detail in the article to reconstruct how the local Chinese government ruled out everything but his visit as the source of his infection.
[2] For instance: he visited Wuhan, self-quarantined immediately after returning which limited his contact with others, then 27 days later developed infection. Every contact he did have was tracked and confirmed negative. That's total speculation, though.
[1] Shennongjia, Hubei. Looks like it's a "county" with about 75k people:
[2] For instance: he visited Wuhan, self-quarantined immediately after returning which limited his contact with others, then 27 days later developed infection. Every contact he did have was tracked and confirmed negative. That's total speculation, though.